EUP MiSTEM Region Newsletter
March 2025
News and Resources from the EUP MiSTEM Region at the EUP Intermediate School District
New: MiSTEM Collaboratives Website
Click here to see the new MiSTEM Collaboratives Website for Computer Science, Math and Science/Engineering!
Grant Opportunities
2025 Conservation Grants Program - Proposals due on March 12, 2025
Information available through the Chippewa Luce Mackinac Conservation District website HERE.
Student Opportunities
YooperCon 2025
We invite you and your students to Hack Like a Yooper on March 10, 2025 at the Northern Center on the campus of Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI. We look forward to seeing you in March! If you have any questions about YooperCon or other cybersecurity opportunities for you and your students, please email upcyber@nmu.edu.
REGISTRATION for MSU NSTEAM 2025 Exploration Program
The Native American Institute in collaboration with the Office of University Outreach and Engagement and the MSU Science Festival invites 20 Native students (9th-12th Grade) to the campus of Michigan State University to participate in STEAM related programing Friday, April 4th through Sunday, April 6th, 2025.
This event is designed to expose Native youth in the 9th-12th grades to hands on sessions focused on science and technology. The event includes the opportunity to attend MSU Science Festival.
- Virtual Summer Program - Girls Who Code
- Flyer
- Student Application
- Need more info? Join a webinar or email at summer@girlswhocode.com
- EUP Sophomore Health Careers Day - December 10, 2024 - MyMichigan Sault hosted 320 EUP students for Healthcare Career Day!
- Pi Day at LSSU - March 12, 2025 at LSSU
- FIRST Robotics
- District event at LSSU - 3/20/2025
- Construction Career Day for Juniors and Seniors at the Little Bear in St. Ignace - May 7, 2025
- Flyer
- Note: Schools will need to register groups of students. This will be communicated through EUP Principal meetings
- EUP Trig Star - April 30, 2025 at the EUPISD
Professional Learning
Summer 2025 PBL Design Cohort
On June 17, 18, & 19, 2025, the three MiSTEM Regions in the Upper Peninsula will be hosting a Project-Based Learning Design Cohort for 60 teachers! This is the continuation of a pilot started downstate in 2023, and in the EUP in the summer of 2024. The workshop will be held on Northern Michigan University's campus in Marquette, and is open to all grade level teachers and all subjects. We encourage teams of educators to sign up together for continued peer support and interaction. We've intentionally designed a 9:00am to 2:30pm (Eastern time) agenda each day to provide networking and evening activities to enhance the cohort, and have funding to support lodging in a Marquette hotel for those who will travel from the EUP. Seats are limited per region (Eastern, Central, & Western MiSTEM regions), and I encourage you to register through WisdomWhere if you are interested. We'll maintain a waitlist in the event demand is high. Additional details can be found on the attached flier, and I am happy to answer any questions.
Inland Seas - Great Lakes Watershed Field Course for Teachers
Would you like to participate in the Inland Seas Great Lakes Watershed Field Course this summer in Suttons Bay? The UP MiSTEM Regions are partnering with Inland Seas and our goal is to have 10 of our teachers for this cohort come from the Upper Peninsula. There is a spot in the application for you to indicate if you received the application through one of the UP MiSTEM Regions.
More information can be found on the GLWFC webpage, and you can find that linked here. You can also find a direct link to the online application linked here. To all teachers who are accepted, this opportunity is fully paid for including lodging, food and SCECHs. I would recommend applying as soon as possible as there is limited space.
Geometry in Construction (GiC) and Algebra in Manufacturing (AMPED)
GiC and AMPED workshops will be hosted at Rockford Public Schools this summer, June 9-12. See Flyers below!
Science Teacher Leader Corps
School District Professional Learning Days: Teacher Leader Corps meetings will be split into morning and afternoon sessions. Teacher Leaders have identified the need to focus on a community of practice in which they can share through the observation of instruction. The mornings at the host school districts will consist of structured peer observation of classroom instruction followed by reflection, discussion and professional learning. The goal is to increase instructional capacity and our ability to support high quality instruction. Afternoon sessions will offer the opportunity for participants to:
- Gain an understanding of the role of the Teacher Leader Corps and how it can benefit you and your school
- Serve as a TLC representative for your district
- Plan regional TLC initiatives and develop resources to bring back to your district.
Register for Science Teacher Leader Corps HERE
TeacherCon 2025 - Computer Science Workshop Opportunities!
TeacherCon 2025 will take place in Bay City July 28-August 1 this summer! All information and applications links can be found on the Mi-Coding webpage.
Registration & Application Process
All participants are required to fill out an application as part of the registration process. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the program manager, Larry Wyn, at wynlar@gvsu.edu.
- Registration/Application Link: There are two application links depending on which workshop you are attending.
- Scholarships: The CSforMichigan Collaborative has provided a pool of scholarships to be made available to Michigan educators. Scholarships will automatically be considered when educators apply the workshop. No additional scholarship application is needed.
Application Dates
- January 23, 2025- Applications are open for Summer 2025 workshops
- January 30, 2025 - Accepted applicants will be notified on a rolling basis
- July 11, 2025 - Application deadline for Summer 2025 workshops
Workshop Costs
As part of the registration process, all participants must fill out an application and be approved to attend TeacherCon. Full Scholarships will be provided to many Michigan teachers provided by the CSforMichigan Collaborative. Cost should not be a prohibiting factor, please contact the program manager, Larry Wyn, at wynlar@gvsu.edu if you have any concerns about the cost. Workshop cost range from $1,500 - $3,000 depending on the workshop.
High-Quality 6-12 Instruction: Applying Essential Practices
This collaborative opportunity is for secondary educators and instructional leaders in ALL AREAS to learn about and apply the Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy in the Secondary Classroom: Grades 6-12.
Participants/districts can mix and match from the following formats:
- Quarterly face-to-face sessions at the ISD (9/30, 11/13, 2/11, 4/8)
- Monthly virtual check-ins (4th Tuesday, 3:45-4:45 starting in October)
- In-district/routine support (PLC, DPPD, coaching, etc.).
Check out this flyer, contact Lindsay Brindley (brindley@eupschools.org) for details, and register in Wisdomwhere today!
Michigan Green Schools
The Michigan Green Schools Program supports and celebrates the achievements of PreK-12 schools in protecting the state's air, land, water, and ecosystems through their commitments to environmental education and stewardship actions. Applications are open until 3/9/2025.
Michigan Green Schools Webpage
Michigan Agriculture in the Classroom
Did you know that Michigan is the nation’s second largest producer of apples? There are more than 17.6 million apple trees covering 38,000 acres on 850 family run farms in Michigan. Growers pride themselves on a rich heritage of producing an array of Michigan apple varieties.
Here are some Lessons and resources!
Summer 2025
Aldo Leopold Festival
Les Cheneaux welcomes you to celebrate the legacy of Aldo Leopold — one of America’s most influential naturalists — during our festival, May 28th – June 1st, 2025. Activities include paddling excursions, orchid and wildflower tours, birding trips, presentations, and many other nature-based activities. Experience the woods and water that formed Leopold’s early impressions of the natural world as we honor the mark he made on conservation and the environment.