KES January Newsletter
January 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome back and happy new year! We hope everyone had a relaxing winter break with family and friends. Please refer to our January calendar for all of the happenings and events taking place during the month.
Just a reminder that we have a professional development day on January 16th and records day on the 17th, so please plan accordingly for no school for students. Additionally, our 2nd quarter ends on January 17th.
We are excited to continue the 2024-2025 school year together!
Thank you for your support.
Miss Brouse, Assistant Principal: taylor.brouse@keystoneschools.org
Mr. Alferio, Prinicpal: jacob.alferio@keystoneschools.org
Important Vacation Request Reminder
- With the influx of vacation requests coming in, we would like to remind everyone that vacation forms need to be turned into the office no later than 5 days before the date of the vacation to be approved. Per our handbook policy, forms that are not received in this timeframe or absent days that are not requested in this manner will be considered 'unexcused' absenses.
Spring Conferences
- February 5th 4:30-7:30pm
- February 11th 4:30-7:30pm
To sign up for conferences on either date, please click the link below, find your student's teacher and choose a time slot. You can also call the KES Office during school hours to schedule conferences as well.
KES January Calendar
(Click calendar to open as a PDF and print)
Last Month's PRIDE Winners for December
Below are the classroom PRIDE Students for December:
- Londyn McArthur
- Thea Kleister
- Zachary Hartsel
- Collin Smith
- Emma Czachowski
- Klayton Romantic
- Luna Stump
- Riley O'Dell
- Mason Toma
- Marianna Fitzgerald
- Taylor Winter
- Jaxon Johnston
- James Medvetz
- Blake King
- Peighton Montes
3rd Grade:
- Rayven Johnson
- Emma Ratliff
- Jadon Bockmore
- Alexis Miller
- Emma Rauscher
4th Grade:
- Wyatt Bender
- Henry Mahan
- Zayla Clark
- Marcus Fitzgerald
- Easton Belter
5th Grade:
- Mason Miller
- Ava Ketchum
- Colin Coughlin
- Ariea Given
- Aria Maldonado
And the Winner of the December PRIDE Raffle is...
Alexis Miller from Mrs. Reed's third grade class!
FinalForms- PLEASE READ!
As you know, we have done away with the Yellow Medical Cards! Our emergency medical forms are now online through FinalForms. FinalForms allows parents/guardians to complete and sign Emergency Medical forms, Demographic forms, Athletic forms, and more for students.
Final Forms must be updated and signed at the beginning of every school year so that we have up-to-date information on your child's health and information. Additionally, forms must be updated at any point in time throughout the year if you have had a change in address, phone number, person of contact etc. for your child during the school year.
Current students already have accounts; this was verified in an email you received. If you DO NOT see this email or have questions, contact Tina Bednarski.
Tina Bednarski: 440-355-2424 | tina.bednarski@keystoneschools.org
These forms MUST be completed in order for your child to attend school field trips.
Friendly Reminders
School Fees Assigned
Please make sure that you are addressing fees at your earliest convenience. Your child's account needs to be in good standing to be able to participate in any field trips in the future.
Ways to Pay:
- Send in cash or check with your child
- Cash must be exact change
- Checks made payable to Keystone Local Schools
- Online through https://payschoolscentral.com/
KES Office Procedures
Here is what you can expect when you come to the KES office for picking up, dropping off, or bringing materials to a student:
- When in the front vestibule, press the doorbell on the right side of the wall
- You be greeted by a secretary and asked how they can help
- If you are picking up a student for any reason, you will be asked to show a photo ID into the camera on the doorbell
- You will be prompted to also sign your child out while your student is being called to the office
*Please note that if it is past 9:00am, an adult must escort the student into the KES vestibule and sign in the student after speaking with a secretary.*
As we continue through the winter months, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We continue to take students outside for recess as much as possible as long as the weather is permitting. If you are in need of any additional items of clothing please reach out to the KES office.
Literacy Lounge
Dear Parents and Gaurdians,
Reading is more than a skill; it’s the key to unlocking your child’s potential. Studies show that children who read regularly perform better in school, develop stronger critical thinking skills, and grow their vocabulary and imagination. Here are some tips on how to motivate your child to read: What Parents Can Do: Reading Tips From Kids. . .Your child will benefit from connecting to a reader in their life but on those busy nights, visit Storyline Online to hear beautiful stories read by celebrated actors!
This month, students in grades kindergarten through third, as well as some fourth and fifth graders, will be given a middle of the year reading assessment. A letter explaining your child’s screening results will be sent home later this month. For families with a child in kindergarten this letter will also explain if your child is at risk for dyslexia. Please know that all children are provided 90 minutes of reading instruction each day, along with differentiated instruction by the teacher as appropriate. If your child is found to be at risk for dyslexia, it does not mean that your child has dyslexia. However, the staff will provide intervention in reading to support
your child’s progress towards attaining grade level reading and writing skills. We will also
monitor your child’s progress closely and you will receive notification about your child’s
To learn more about literacy, please visit:https://tinyurl.com/acoachscorner
or scan the QR code. Thank you for your partnership in supporting your child’s
developing literacy skills.
News From the PTA
- We now have a "landing" page for sign ups for all available and open spots needed for volunteering and donations. Check out: https://signup.com/go/ViweGft
- Meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6p. Held in the KES library!
- To sign up or review any of the current clubs that the KES PTA has to offer, click the link! https://ohpta-00019369.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
- When: January 13th-31st
- Each grade will have a collection container in their POD.
- The winning grade level will win a popsicle party.
- Earn points by bringing in pennies and dollar bills for your grade level container.
- Make other grade levels lose points by placing silver coins in their POD containers!
Good Afternoon KES familes! As you are preparing for your students to make their way back to school after the long winter break, we wanted to let you know of the exciting family dance we are planning for February 28th. More information will come home with your students as the date gets closer, but we wanted to give you time to add it to your calendar!
Important Dates
- Professional Development day is on 1/16- No students
- 2nd Quarter ends on 1/17
- Records day is on 1/17- No students
- 2nd Quarter PRIDE reward assembly will be on 1/24
- 2nd Quarter grades will be available online on 1/31
- Professional Development day on 2/3- No students
- Spring Conferences will be 4:30-7:30pm on 2/5 and 2/11
- There will be no school on 2/14 and 2/17
Indoor Walking at KES
Come walk the safe, warm halls of Keystone Elementary School, 531 Opportunity Way, 6pm to 8pm every Tuesday and Thursday from October 1st to April 24th (on days when school is open- check Facebook or KeystoneLocalSchools.org for cancelations). Enter through Keystone Elementary school's front doors and sign-in at the indoor walking table. There is no cost to participate. If school is canceled due to weather, indoor walking is also canceled. Contact us at KeystoneEmpowersYou@gmail.com for more information.
Safety Drills at KES
The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priority. Throughout the year, we perform various safety drills including fire, bus evacuation, severe weather, building evacuation and lockdown. Schools conduct these safety drills during which students and staff practice emergency procedures. These procedures are evaluated for improvements after each drill.
We understand that some of these drills can be stressful or confusing to families and children so we hope this information will bring some ease and clarification to our safety drills. Below is an explanation of an ALICE Drill and what students can expect.
An ALICE/Lockdown Drill: Keystone schools conduct lockdown drills during which students and staff practice emergency procedures. Students and staff will participate in ALICE drills together to practice the tools and knowledge to respond and escape in the event of an active shooter or threat to our building.
It is important to note that we have our classroom teachers and staff make sure that they are preparing and discussing the reasons and procedures for safety drills at the beginning of the school year, as well as revisit these procedures often. Below we have provided the various weeks that we will be conducting a safety drill for your reference on our monthly calendar.
Class Dojo Information
1. Download the ClassDojo app or go online.
2. Click "I'm a parent"
3. Select “Get Started”
4. Enter your personal information and click “Create free account”
5. Select the "Kids" tab.
6. If you have been given an invitation code, click "Add code" to enter the code and connect to your child's teacher.
NOTE: We use the free version of this app so please make sure that you do not pay for any subscription!