Liberty Newsletter
Friday, November 1, 2024
School News
Worthington Resource Pantry Food Drive for the Needy
The Worthington Resource Pantry is asking the Liberty community to help collect food & personal care items for families in need. This long standing tradition has been such a great help to the families in our community who depend on us for additional food resources. Collection continues through Thursday, November 14th. The two homerooms that collect the greatest number of items will be treated to a DONUT PARTY! Examples of items they are hoping to be collected:
Canned Pasta
Canned Soups
Bath Soap
As always, the Worthington Resource Pantry appreciates your generosity in supporting families in need.
Veterans’ Day Program
Our Veterans’ Day Program is next Friday, November 8th. We would like to recognize all veterans in your family. Please follow this link to RSVP. Our program for the Veterans and their families will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast, followed by a performance by our 2nd & 5th graders. We are still looking for a few volunteers to help during the breakfast portion of the day. Use this link to volunteer.
Dress rehearsal for our 2nd & 5th grader performers will be on Thursday evening at 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Families of these students are welcome to attend the dress rehearsal since they will not be attending the Veterans’ Day assembly. All Liberty students are encouraged to wear red, white and blue, if they’re able.
Golden Leopard Award
Our Golden Leopard Award is used to recognize a Liberty staff member who has shown outstanding dedication, commitment and care for others. This is your opportunity to let them know that you, as a member of our school community, value the impact of their hard work and positive attitude. Click this link to make your nomination. The monthly award winner will receive a Golden Leopard certificate and will be given the Golden Leopard statue to display in their classroom or workspace for the next month. Last month’s recipient was 1st grade teacher Sandy Dyas. Nominations for this month’s award are due by Friday, November 15th. Thank you for helping to honor staff that have made an impact on your student’s learning experience!
The Liberty staff have fun on Halloween, too!
Important Dates
November 4 - November14 - Food Drive
November 4 - November 15 - Panorama Survey
November 5 - Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
November 7 - Evening Dress Rehearsal for Veterans Day Program (2nd & 5th grade students)
November 8 - Veterans Day Reception & Program (for Veterans and their families only)
November 16 - Progress Reports available online
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
PTA News
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Scholastic Book Fair this week. The children really enjoyed shopping for those special books and small trinkets! Family Night was a huge success with fabulous attendance in each of the ‘reading rooms’, as well as at the actual book fair. The winners of the fall Read-A-Thon were announced at the Fair! See the list below:
Kdg - Bianca Bierl
1st - Julie Brock
2nd - Theodore Poulson
3rd - Max Madrazo Latin
4th - Ivy Huang
5th - Maria McClurg
5th - Imran Ali
Congratulations on reading so many minutes and winning a pizza party with Dr. Belair and friends!
Rusty Bucket Dine Out
Join us for our November dine-out at the Worthington Rusty Bucket (7800 Olentangy River Rd. Columbus) on Monday, November 4th. Enter code LIBERTY4 when ordering online. Fifteen percent (15%) of sales will directly benefit the Liberty PTA. Thank you for your continued support!
PTA Movie Night
The Liberty PTA is hosting a Family Movie Night on Friday, November 22 in the Liberty gym. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie will begin at 7:00 p.m. The PTA will provide popcorn, pretzels, and water - feel free to bring your own nut-FREE snacks, along with blankets, beach towels, or lawn chairs to get comfortable.
We need your help in picking what movie to watch! Vote for your choice of one of these 5 blockbuster films that you might have missed in the theaters. Please vote here by Friday, November 8th. You can also use this form to RSVP so we can plan accordingly. Students attending this event must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We look forward to seeing you at Movie Night!
District News
Worthington Hills Race
Please join runners for the Hawkeye Vintage Cross Country Challenge on Saturday, November 9th. The planned cross country course will take your student to an area of hay-bale hurdles with fun tight turns, and race pennants and flags. Join Fleet Feet as they help organize this event starting at Worthington Hills Elementary School. See the schedule below, and register here.
9:30 a.m. Kindergarten - 1/2 Mile Race
9:45 a.m. 1st-2nd Elementary Boys & Girls - 1 Mile
10:00 a.m. Parents, Teachers, Alumni and Coaches - 1 Mile Race
10:15 a.m. 3rd-4th Elementary Boys & Girls - 1 Mile Race
10:30 a.m. 5th-6th Elementary Boys & Girls - 1 Mile Race
Superintendent Community DECAF-Coffee
Please join Superintendent Trent Bowers for the November Community DECAF Coffee event on Thursday, November 7th at 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Worthington Education Center (200 E. Wilson Bridge Rd). Dr. Bowers will meet with community members to discuss District updates and answer questions.
Virtual Inclusive-Book Fair
Worthington City Schools Special Education department is thrilled to partner with Cover to Cover Books for the first Inclusive Book Fair! The book fair will showcase a variety of K - 12 diverse books by diverse authors, written on topics such as disabilities, inclusion, and cultural appreciation. The virtual book fair will run from November 11 - 18, with a special in-person browsing event at the Worthington Education Center (WEC) on Wednesday, November 13th, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Twenty percent (20%) of sales will go to Worthington City Schools, so please join us in this fundraising event!
Community News
Kasey's Toy Drive
Kasey Burleson's family holds an annual toy drive each year in her memory. Kasey, as well as her niece and nephew, attended Liberty Elementary. This is the 17th year for the drive and it will be held this year on Saturday, November 2nd, in the Target parking lot located at 6000 Sawmill Rd., Dublin, OH.
Liberty Elementary School
Email: cbelair@wscloud.org
Website: https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/Domain/20
Location: 8081 Saddle Run, Powell, OH, USA
Phone: (614)450-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057616923023
Twitter: @LibertyLeopards