Blayton Buzz
Family Newsletter * August 25, 2024
Let's Chalk the Walk!
Tips and Resources for the First Week of School
- JBB Family Guide: The JBB Family Guide contains lots of detailed information about school procedures. Inside, you will find information to help you and your child prepare for the start to the school year, including: links to school supply lists, information about bus transportation, a link to the WJCC route finder, and information about drop-off and pick-up procedures. For your convenience, you can find the JBB Family Guide on the our website: https://wjccschools.org/jbb/.
- Arrival and Dismissal: School for students in Grades K-5 starts at 9:35. We will begin unloading cars and buses at 9:20. Dismissal begins at 4:05. Please be sure your child and your child's teacher knows how your child will go home each day. On the first day of school, we encourage you to follow the transportation routine you will use throughout the year. If you do drop your children off before school, please follow the carline and stay in your car. We want to keep the line moving and keep everyone safe!
- Meals: Breakfast will not be served on the first day of school. Breakfast costs $1.65 and lunch costs $3.10. Monthly menus can be found by visiting the Student Meals website. Please visit the Free and Reduced-Price Online Application to apply for benefits if your family needs them. To learn more about income eligibility, see the USDA Child Nutrition Programs Income Eligibility Guidelines (2022-2023).
- Visitors at Lunch: The JBB Family Café tables will open for lunchtime visitors on Monday, September 16. We appreciate your understanding as we use the first 3 weeks of school to establish cafeteria routines!
Transportation: Bus routes information is available on the WJCC Bus Routes. Search by your address for specifics.
Safety Drills and the Standard Response Protocol
In the first 20 days of school, we will practice safety drills so that students will know what to do in case of an emergency. They will participate in a fire drill this week and learn how to evacuate the building.
As required by the Code of Virginia (§ 22.1-137.2), we are also preparing for our first two lockdown drills, which will be held in the upcoming weeks. During this first drill, Kindergarten and Pre-K teachers will teach students drill procedures, students will practice with their teacher, and a safety officer will visit the classroom to answer students' questions.
The safety and security of your child is our top priority. WJCC Schools has adopted the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). More information about a Lockdowns and other safety protocols can be found here.
Families, please talk to your children about all of our safety drills. The most important thing is for children to listen to their teacher and to follow their guidance. If your child is anxious or worried about drills, please talk with their teacher. Our school counselors, Erin Harris and Christine Nash, also have resources that can help!
WJCC Student Wellness Policy
We ask that if you plan to send something in for your child's birthday, please consider a non-food item. You could:
- donate a book to the classroom library, art supplies for a craft, or a game for indoor recess
- read aloud to the class
- give goodie bags with stickers, bubbles, glitter pens, pencils, etc.
Please confirm with your child's teacher before bringing anything into the classroom. For more information on health and wellness in WJCC schools, please see the the Food in School Parent Resource guide linked below. Thank you for helping JBB promote healthy habits!
Students' Personal Electronic Devices Off and Away at JBB
Elementary students are not permitted to use personal electronic devices, including cell phones, smart watches (ex. Apple Watch, Gizmo), or air pods, during the school day. These devices must be powered off and stored in the student's bookbag. If your child needs to contact you during the school day, they may use the phone in the main office.
While younger students may not have the same level of instant and constant access to personal electronic devices and social media as their older counterparts, this effort is critical in returning and keeping students’ focus on instruction and limiting the distraction and potential harms of constant connectivity to social media.
We need your help. Please discuss with your child(ren) that starting with Day 1, all personal electronic devices will be kept off and away during the day at school. Working together, I’m confident we’ll have a wonderful kick-off to a focused new year!
PTA Corner
Welcome to all of our new JBB Students and Families and also welcome Back to our returning students and families!
We hope everyone is ready for an AWESOME school year. The Teachers have been hard at work getting your classroom prepared for you. The staff have been preparing the building so that it is ready to be filled with learning and laughter.
The PTA is also very excited about this new school year. We hope you will support us by becoming a member and by becoming involved!
Out first meeting is September 26 at 6:00 PM in the Media Center. Use this link to join us on Zoom: https://wjccschools-org.zoom.us/j/84835936721.
For the latest information, follow us on Facebook: @jbbpta.
Become a Member
Join the PTA for $7 by visiting Member Hub. By joining the PTA- you are not required to come to meetings OR volunteer!
If you'd like to- GREAT, but your membership alone helps support our school family.
JBB Spirit Wear
Chalk the Walk
Sunday, August 25 from 3 - 5 PM
Join us to Chalk the Walk. If you have a green thumb, you can also help us beautify the front of our school. Bring chalk, clippers, garden tools, and your community spirit as we add the final touches for the first day of school!
More Back-to-School Information from WJCC
Check out the WJCC back-to-school central section on the WJCC website for the latest supply lists, required and optional forms, and much more. Families are asked to electronically acknowledge review and receipt of forms through ParentVUE. Prepare now by accessing the 2024-25 Parent Acknowledgement Form - English.pdf and reviewing associated forms and documents.
Snapshots of Kindergarten Orientation & Open House
Mark Your Calendar for These Upcoming Events!
August. 26: 🍎 First Day of School 🍎
August 30: Student and Teacher Holiday
September 2: Labor Day Holiday, WJCC Schools and Offices Closed
September 3: Committee Meetings Before School
September 16: Elementary Student Holiday
September 25: Reading VGA Assessments, Grades 3-5
September 26: PTA Meeting, 6:00 PM Media Center
October 1: Math VGA Assessments, Grades 3-5
October 4: WJCC CLP Day, Student Holiday
Be Kind & Respectful, Be Safe, & Be Your Best Everyday!
J. Blaine Blayton Elementary School
Email: kristin.schweitzer@wjccschools.org
Website: https://wjccschools.org/jbb/
Location: 800 Jolly Pond Road, Williamsburg, VA, USA
Phone: 757 565-9300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbbeswjcc
Instagram: @jbbes_wjcc