September 2024
Closed Campus Reminder
We want to remind you that our school is a closed campus, and for the safety and well-being of all children, we kindly request that you say goodbye to your child at the gate. This policy ensures a secure and controlled environment within the school premises, minimizing the risk of unauthorized individuals entering the campus. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and nurturing environment for all our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school administration. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education and safety.
Dismissal Plan Changes
If there is a change to your child's standing dismissal plan (e.g. your child will be picked up instead of riding the bus), please call the Beacon office at 360-249-4528 BEFORE 12:00 p.m. on the day of the change. To ensure your child's safety, the custodial parent must speak directly to office staff regarding plan changes. Changes cannot be relayed by the student or teacher.
K-2 Drop Off & Pick Up Tips
TK/Preschool Drop Off & Pick Up Tips
Map for Pick Up & Drop Off
Absence Reporting
If your child is absent, please excuse the absence in one of the following ways:
- Report the absence online via Skyward Family Access;
- Email the school office;
- Call the school office at 360-249-4528.
Acceptable excuses for student absences include: illness, medical/dental appointments, family emergency, bereavement, and religious occasions. Other reasons may be excused at the discretion of the school principal.
WAC 392-401A-018 requires school districts to take daily attendance for all enrolled students. The school is required to record excused and unexcused absences and report unexcused absences to the state.
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school – and themselves. Start building the habit of good attendance now so they learn right away that school is important. Good attendance will help children do well in school, and eventually in college and in the workplace. Visit for more information.
School Pictures
Jostens will be at Beacon Elementary on Tuesday, September 24. You will receive an email directly from Jostens PIX with order information two days prior to picture day. They will also send an email with ordering instructions once photos are available online. You can preview your child's picture online before you buy! All students will have their picture taken regardless of purchase. Picture retake day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12. These will be the only picture days for this school year. There will not be school pictures in the spring.
Your child’s birthday is important and a reason to celebrate. If you choose, you may send commercially prepared prepackaged food items or small nonfood items for your child's class. To reduce the risk of food borne illness, do not bring homemade food items to share with your child's class. You must make arrangements with your child’s teacher before sending items to school. All items must be left at the office. Guests will not be able to visit the classroom without prior approval.
Student Accident Insurance
The safety of our students is of critical importance to all of us and we want to protect them from injury. Even so, accidents do happen (at school and elsewhere) and required medical care can be expensive. Please know that the school does not assume responsibility for such costs but does offer you access to several student accident insurance plans for voluntary purchase. Details can be found in the attached brochure/enrollment form.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Dates to Remember
September 24:
School Picture Day
October 11:
No School, Teacher Training Day
Beacon Elementary School
Location: 1717 Beacon Avenue, Montesano, WA, USA
Phone: 360-249-4528
Twitter: @Monteschools