SST1 Newsletter for Busy Educators

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Overcoming obstacles to learning is a priority of Future Forward Ohio and all local education districts across the state. This includes addressing issues such as mental health, attendance, engagement in learning, and increasing access to high-speed internet in homes, which allows for additional learning opportunities. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we have provided a few of the many tools and resources available to schools, districts, and partner agencies to address the mental health concerns of our students.
On Our Sleeves Program
The On Our Sleeves program is a foundational piece of the The Kids Mental Health Foundation sponsored by Nationwide Children's Hospital. This website provides free resources that help adults understand and address the mental health needs of children they work with. These evidence informed videos, curriculum and articles give adults the skills they need to support the mental health needs of children in a variety of environments. Take some time to check out the multiple resources and guides they provide.
The Relationship Between School Attendance and Health
Fear, depression, social anxiety, and other mental health issues can make it difficult for children to feel comfortable going to school. When children are exposed to significant stress, violence, or trauma in their homes or communities, it can also trigger mental health issues that cause them to be chronically absent from school. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation put out an informative publication on The Relationship Between School Attendance and Health (Copyright 2016) regarding the importance mental and physical health play in the role of absenteeism in school.
Congratulations SST1's Purple Star Recipients for 2024
The Purple Star Award recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on site. A Purple Star school will receive the designation for three years. To see a list of the schools awarded in our region go to the Expos and Awards page of our website. Congratulations to all of the schools recognized. You are all stars!
Science of Reading PD fulfills the Dyslexia PD Requirements
On April 23, 2024 the Ohio Dyslexia Committee voted to approve the Department’s Science of Reading professional development course as an approved course to meet the Dyslexia Professional Development requirements. Effective immediately, teachers and intervention specialists who complete either Pathway A or Pathway C of the Department’s Science of Reading Professional Development course will fulfill both the Dyslexia Professional Development requirements and the Science of Reading Professional Development requirements. The Department is working to update its resources and guidance documents to reflect this change. Please send questions to Dyslexia@education.ohio.gov.
List of Approved Assessments for the 2024-2025 School Year is out
The Department’s list of approved assessments for the 2024-2025 school year is now available.
District staff should consult the updated list before making purchasing decisions. For additional information: review the frequently asked questions page on the Department's website or contact ApprovedAssessments@education.ohio.gov.
Schools Needed to Participate in the TFI 3.0 Validation Study
The Center on PBIS is currently in the final phase of the validation process to ensure that the new Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is the most effective way to support school-wide implementation. The measure has recently been revised with an increased focus on classroom implementation, mental health, equity, and family and student voice. They are recruiting schools (across all implementation levels) to help with this validation by:
- Completing the current TFI 2.1 as usual.
- Completing the new TFI 3.0 (simultaneously with, or within 2 weeks of taking the TFI 2.1).
- Completing a usability survey.
There are incentives for completing the study. See what they are HERE.
Questions can be directed towards the Principal Investigator, Dr. Jennifer Freeman at Jennifer.freeman@uconn.edu.
Remaining Dates for SST1 Sponsored PD and Networks
Book Study - Specially Designed Instruction | May 7, 2024 or May 8, 2024 | 7:30 - 8:30 or 3:30 - 4:30 | Virtual (Closed)
New Special Ed Administrators Meeting | May 9, 2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 | Virtual
ESC/SST Literacy Network | May 14, 2024 | 8:30 - 10:30 | Virtual
Book Study - Upstream | May 15, 2024 and June 12, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:30 | Virtual (Closed)
Regional Transition Network | May 15, 2024 | 9:00 - 12:00 | ESC of Lake Erie West
Regional Transition Network | May 16, 2024 | 9:30 - 12:00 | Vantage Career Center
Literacy Leaders Network | May 16, 2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 | Virtual
Adoption and Implementation of the Science of Reading Curriculum | May 23, 2024 | 9:00 - 11:00 | Virtual (Closed)
CTE Coffee Hour | June 14, 2024 | 9:00 - 12:00 | Clay High School
SST1 will be bringing Dr. Paul Riccomini back this fall to do another Math PD Series. He will be doing three sessions for K-6 and three sessions for 7-12. Details coming soon!
Deadlines and Important Dates From the Department
- 5/8: Register for Principal Chat (Shared Leadership)
- 5/8: Attend OhioMeansJobs Gen Z Virtual Career Fair
- 5/8-9: Register to attend annual Trauma-Informed Care Summit
- 5/9: Submit public comments on IDEA Part B funding drafted application
- 5/13: Submit application for Innovative Education Pilot Program
- 5/14: Register to attend monthly virtual meetups for new program coordinators
- 5/15: Application deadline for the Grow Ohio Grant program
- 5/16: Register to attend statewide Ohio Materials Matter High-Quality Instructional Materials webinar (HQIM and Assessments)
- 5/23: Principals roster verification
- 5/31: Submit 2024 emergency medical waivers for state testing
- 6/5: Register to attend 2024 Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit
- 6/5: Register to attend Ohio Department of Health’s summer school nurse conference
- 6/5: Register to attend free in-person continuing education STEM event
Non-State Support Team Region 1 Sponsored PD
Supporting Sustainability of Accelerated Learning
Project Evident is working with DEW and the ESC network to provide five regional workshops and a statewide convening on strategic budgeting. The workshops will include facilitated working sessions, as well as opportunities for peer learning and concurrent breakout sessions with district leaders and local experts on best practices in a variety of focus areas, including improving attendance and high-quality instruction. The workshops are FREE and include lunch and an optional breakfast in the morning. Additional information can be found by downloading the flyer.
Hatching Results PD Series
Audience - for Middle/Jr. High School Counselors
Dr. Brett Zyromski from The Ohio State University will facilitate 6 days of learning each year between Fall 2024 - Spring 2028 to support schools in developing student-centered, data-driven programs. Dr. Zyromski will discuss programs that increase attendance, reduce behavioral referral rates, increase academic achievement, and enhance your confidence to partner with families. Additional information can be found by downloading the flyer.
2024 Ohio School Safety Summit - Save the Date!
Date - July 31 - August 1, 2024
Location - Greater Columbus Convention Center - 400 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215
The Summit provides an opportunity for diverse public safety, mental health, safety experts, vendors and community leaders to network and build relationships that will help them improve safety practices in their communities. Details, including registration, will be forthcoming. Direct questions to ohioschoolsafetycenter@dps.ohio.gov.
We hate to see you leave but we know you'll do great things wherever you go
Eighteen months ago in an effort to support Ohio's Strategic Plan for Education and Ohio's Whole Child Framework, the Department of Education and Workforce and Ohio Department of Mental Health partnered to place Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants with Early Learning School Readiness Consultants in Ohio's State Support Teams. We had the privilege of being assigned Andrea Longenecker, an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant with Harbor Behavioral Health care. Andrea will be leaving us and relocating to Michigan with her family effective May 2, 2024. During Andrea's time with us, she has put her heart and soul into providing her knowledge and compassion for the mental health and well being of children in everything she has accomplished. Along with the hundreds of people she trained on Trauma Informed Care, she also took care of our mental health and wellness and helped us as an SST to be more productive in our work. She will be greatly missed! Until we are assigned another consultant, we will continue as an SST to provide you with information as it pertains to the mental health and wellness priorities highlighted in Future Forward Ohio as well as continuing to add to the EC Mental Health section of our website.
Our office will be closed
May 27, 2024 in honor of the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military
Planning for next school year?
We are working on the 2024-2025 Professional Learning Calendar with an estimated release date of late summer. Updates will be sent through eBrief and listed on our website www.sstr1.org.
There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please cite and credit the source when copying all or part of this document. This document was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, (Award #H027A200111, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Education). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred.