Sacred Heart School 🤍
October 11th, 2024
Parent Group Meeting- Sunday at 6:00. Grey Room
Sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 17th 3:00-6:00 and Friday, October 18th 12:30-3:00
Call Stacy Parker at 517-448-6405 or email sparker@sacredhearthudson.org
to schedule your 15 minute conference.
🤍 Mark Your Calendar! 🤍
Friday, October 18th is a 1/2 Day of School
No School on October 24th and 25th
The teachers will be at a professional development conference to learn great new ways to teach your children.
News from Preschool 🐛
This week down in preschool Mrs. Henning was busy teaching the students all about the life cycle of an apple. She talked about the growing process and we learned that there are over 7,000 different types of apples. We also did a few life cycle projects, and an apple taste test
where we tried a piece of a red, yellow, and green apple. The overall results were that red apples are the favorite. To end the unit on apples Mrs. Henning helped the kids make some yummy homemade apple sauce that the kids got to try during snack time.
For religion this week we talked about Creation and how God created the entire world out of nothing ,including the apple trees that the kids learned all about. We also talked about how he created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Jessica
Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 13th at 6:00- Parent Group Meeting. Grey Room
Friday, October 18th- 1/2 Day of School. No Beyond the Bell
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, Oct. 17th 3:00-6:00 and Friday, Oct. 18th 12:30-3:00
Tuesday, October 22nd- Field Trip (4th-6th Grade) Mary, Mother of the Eucharist (permission slips soon)
Wednesday, October 23rd- K-2nd grade field trip to the Stubnitz Center
Thursday, October 24th and Friday, October 25th- No School. Teachers are at a professional development conference
Sunday, October 27th- Trunk or Treat. 2:00pm-3:30pm. We encourage grandparents, aunts and uncles of our school family to join in this event with their trunks.
Saturday, November 9th- Be In Our Heart Gala to support SHS!
Be our guest for a much-needed night of fun, entertainment, laughs, and winning!
It is time to find a party dress, and meet up with your friends & family to support SHS!
Look for your invitation in the mail!
Saturday, November 9th 5:30-10:00 Sacred Heart Church Hall
$100 per ticket. Reserve Your Table Package for 4 or 8 People Today! Call 448-6405 or email thouser@sacredhearthudson.org
Tickets are available at the Church and School Office.
Everyone's a winner at Sacred Heart’s Annual Gala because, just for coming, you receive 2 luxury raffle tickets, fun cocktail hour, delicious dinner, dessert, open bar, and entertainment.
Door prizes will be given away all night long!
The Church Hall will be beautiful thanks to Lynn Warner of Happenings by L&L.
Magician Stuart MacDonald will provide the entertainment this year.
absolutely delicious dinner will be cooked by the Czeiszperger family and served right to your table.
Be a sponsor and keep SHS affordable and thriving for our community. You can donate an item to raffle or sponsor through a monetary donation.
Donate a bottle of wine to help with our Wall of Wine Selection.
Donations can be dropped off to the School or Church Office. Thank you so much!
God Bless,
Anne Atkin, principal
Look for your invitation in the mail!
Happy Birthday🎂
You can have a jean/jersey day on or around your birthday!
Daxton Hart PK~ October 2nd
Wendell Shaffer PK~ October 10th
Mathias Boak K~ October 20th
Marin Smith PK~ October 20th
Miya Saunders K~ October 22nd
Rocky Lipps K~ October 31st
Hudson, MI
Sacred Heart School provides a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Every child experiences the living body of Christ, serves their neighbor, prays for wisdom and can see through the lens of our gracious, merciful and loving God.