October 10, 2024
Mr. Matthew Reiner, Principal
Upcoming Events
- October 11th- School Closed
- October 14th- School Closed
- October 16th- PINK OUT! Wear pink to support breast cancer awareness
- October 18th- Grades 3-5 Author Visit
- October 22nd- 12:40pm Dismissal Day
- October 29th- Blue and Gold Assembly at 9:20am
- October 31st- Halloween Parade at 2:15pm on SJG back field
Thank you to the HSA for funding and installing the new GAGA PIT. The students love it!! Another great addition to SJG!
Halloween Costume Guidance
Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to celebrating Halloween with the students on Thursday, October 31st! Class parents and teachers are working to set up classroom celebrations and our parade will be held at 2:15 P.M., weather permitting. Costume guidance is as follows:
Costumes should be worn to school and comfortable enough to participate in all learning activities, including recess and physical education. NO gory or violent subjects (blood and/or bodily injury depictions), bodily fluids or excrement, weapons (swords, knives, guns, rifles, etc.), Covid related, and no inappropriate sayings, symbols, or offensive representations. Additionally, NO inflatable costumes for safety reasons.
Hair and make-up should be school appropriate in accordance with the guidelines above and should not conceal a student’s identity or obscure vision. All hair and make-up should be done at home prior to coming to school. Any mask must be appropriate and follow the guidelines above and cannot be worn during the day. Masks will only be worn during the parade.
The parade will take place on the backfield. Cones will mark a large, squared off area. Parents, guardians, and family members attending the parade should stand inside the cones. Please do not set up chairs. When parking, please make sure all crosswalks remain clear and only park in lined spots. The students will exit the school through the gym doors and parade around the spectators. You may begin to arrive at 2:00 P.M. and the festivities will begin promptly at 2:15 P.M.
Once the parade has concluded, students will re-enter the building until dismissal. Please plan to pick up your child as you would any other day. If there is a change in how your child will be going home that day, please let the classroom teacher and main office know in advance. In the event of rain, the parade will be held in the gym for students only, as we cannot accommodate the large number of spectators indoors. We are hoping for nice weather and a spooktacular time!
On Friday, November 1st, we will have “Pajama Day.” It’s never easy getting up the day after Halloween, so if you can get your ghouls washed up and ready for bed that night, they can just roll in Friday morning.
Governor's Educator of the Year
If you would like to submit a nomination for the 2024-2025 SJG Governor’s Educator of the Year award for a SJG staff member, please see eligibility criteria and the nomination form. Please submit the nomination form to Mr. Reiner by 11/15/24.
What Are We Learning At SJG?
How often do your children come home and give you the answers of "SCHOOL WAS FINE" or "NOTHING" when you ask them what they did today? We recognize that and now our students are informing all the parents about what they are learning by completing this section of the newsletter! Each week, different students from each class will collaborate and put together what they are excited to share about their learning. Below is a picture of our reporters for the week!
Kindergarten (Brooks, Julia, Leila): We are learning about apples. We also are doing movement breaks. We are learning our letters- O, B, T, C, M, and N. In Math we are learning to count and to know our numbers and how to add them.
1st Grade (Aren, Leo, Lucas): In Math, we are learning about subtraction using number bonds and ten frames. In Reading, we are reading books that are easy, hard, and medium. In Writing, we are writing sentences about what we did over the weekend. We love getting homework! (Two out of three said!)
2nd Grade (Elliot, Daniel): In Math we are practicing different types of number bonds. We are reading with our buddies and spelling when writing about memories. We are learning about communities during social studies. Second grade is fun!
3rd Grade (Petro, Nico, Jack): In Math we are learning how to regroup when subtracting hundreds. We are also working on our MyPath so that we get help with what we need to work on. We read books in reading and answer questions about the parts of the book. The novel we are reading is The Storm. In Social Studies, we are learning about continents, oceans, and the compass rose along with longitude and latitude. We also learned about kindness and made pictures of what kindness is and write about kindness.
4th Grade (Cullen, Stella, Ken): In Reading, we started James and The Giant Peach and we are reading Frindle. While reading, we are learning about character traits. We are working on narrative writing and writing leads. In Math, we just finished rounding and are learning about addition using thousands, ten thousands, and hundred thousands. In Social Studies, we finished maps and talking about landforms. We are also learning about the layers of the Earth and volcanoes in Science. We are also getting rewarded for doing great in iReady and are earning class prizes!
5th Grade (Tessa, Madison): In 5th Grade we are working as partners and completing projects. In math, we are working on volume. In Reading, we doing book clubs. We are writing summaries about our books and are answering questions about wonder. In Social Studies we are learning about three branches of government. We are also trying to figure out who really poisoned Snow White.
Phys Ed (Joey): In Grade 3 Phys Ed we have been playing plank hockey. We are also learning how to throw and catch. Our warm up is practicing for the Dance Out Against Drugs so that we are ready for our assembly.
Art (Maelyn): In grade 2 art we are coloring and painting different things for different holidays. Sometimes we can do free draw which I love!
Music (Ayden): In Grade 5 music we are learning about haunted sea chanteys about a ghost ship. We are also learning our song for Red Ribbon Week. In band, we are getting better at our instruments.
Media (Grey): In grade 1 media center, we are making posters for the rules of the library. These will help people follow the rules. We are also reading the book Dory, one of our favorites.
ESL (Prisha): We are learning about opinions and supporting our opinions when writing. We are learning words that help us in our writing.
Our 5th Grade Pledge Leader For The Week!
Ariana did an amazing job this week reciting The Pledge of Allegiance as well as our kindness quote for the day. Thank you for being so fabulous Ariana!
SJG Calendar of Events
If you are looking for future events, we update the SJG Calendar of Events as we solidify dates. You can find the calendar on our website but below is the link that we will keep in our newsletter going forward.
Late Student Sign In- IMPORTANT!
In the event that your child arrives at school late, please park your vehicle and come into the building to sign them in. It is essential for us to maintain accurate records of student attendance. Therefore, parents are no longer permitted to have students ring the bell and enter the building unaccompanied when they are late. Thank you for your cooperation.
Elementary Handbook for 2024-2025
Please see the handbook below for the school year.
Attendance Matters!
Being present in school is super important! Full days out, 1/2 days out, being late, and leaving early affect your children's learning. See below!
Quick Reminders!
SJG's Annual Halloween Party
Friday, October 25th
6:00-7:30pm at SJG
Click the link to sign up. It will be a spooktacular night!
Halloween Boos
Order your Boo Baskets and Boo Bags to surprise your kids or friends!
SJG Pie & Dessert Sale
Forms went home this week. Orders are due 10/15 and the pies will be delivered the week of 11/18- right in time for Thanksgiving!
For all other events and information, visit the HSA website-
HSA Calendar
Stay in the know with the HSA calendar below!
Staying Healthy This Time of Year!!!
We are at the beginning of cold and flu season. We can also see other childhood ailments.
These can include Covid, Strep throat, Coxsackie viruses and stomach viruses. There are
common things we can all do to lessen the spread of such illnesses. These include:
1. Proper hand washing. Reinforce to your children how and when to wash hands. Hand
washing is the number one way to protect yourself and others against all of
these childhood illnesses.
2. Remind children to cover their mouths and noses with a tissue or sleeve
when sneezing or coughing. Throw tissues away after each use. This is always
reinforced here at school.
3. The flu and covid vaccines are recommended and available.
4. Keep sick children home. If your child is ill, PLEASE keep them home for 24hrs -
symptom free. This means symptom free without medication like Tylenol or Advil.
Symptoms include temperature 100.4 or above, vomiting, diarrhea, consistent
coughing, runny nose, sore throat, new skin outbreaks or rashes etc. I will only have
to send them home if the symptoms continue at school. Most illnesses, if
contagious, are spread right before and right after the illness appears. Staying
home while symptoms persist can lessen the spread to others. It also protects your
child from picking up secondary illnesses while their immune system is already
working hard.
5. Have children get plenty of rest and eat a nutritious diet. While these are
important every day, it is even more important when children are not feeling well.
6. When your child is ill, please call or email the main office by 8:15am to report
an absence. The attendance line is available 24/7. I also ask that you let the
school know why your child is absent and be as specific as possible. If you
take your child to the doctor it is helpful to bring documentation of the illness
from the doctor. Let us know if your child has a specific illness.
1. Below you can find some resources on these childhood illnesses.
2. Below is additional information on head lice, a childhood concern that can occur any time of year.
Stephen J. Gerace Elementary School
Email: Matthew.Reiner@pequannock.org
Website: sjg.pequannock.org
Location: 59 Boulevard, Pequannock Township, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 3055615
Twitter: @SJGPride
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjgpride/