Special Blue Devil Bulletin
Grosse Pointe South's Special Communication 6/3/24
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 (AS SCHEDULED)
Ceremony start time 6:30 pm
Graduates report to the gym at 5:50pm
Thursday, June 6, 2024 (ADJUSTED START TIME)
Ceremony start time 7:00 pm
Graduates report to the gym at 6:20 pm
Dear Graduates and Families,
We want to send this preemptive communication to provide information about the potential change of date and time for graduation. While we remain hopeful that we can hold graduation on Wednesday at 6:30 pm, if the weather pattern remains the same, the chances are high that we may have to move the ceremony to Thursday, June 6. We will review the weather forecast and make a final decision late Wednesday morning. Communication will go out via email, text, Schoology and will be published on our homepage.
If we have to move the ceremony to Thursday, June 6, we will also have to change the start time of graduation to 7 pm. The War Memorial is hosting a large community event on Thursday to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which includes a 30 minute air show, starting at 6:30. We want to mitigate the sound of the airplanes on our graduation ceremony as much as possible. Please note, if the date and time is moved, graduates will have to report to the gym by 6:20 pm on Thursday.