Harambee Life | August 23, 2024

News for August 23, 2024
Principal's Message
Hello Harambee Families,
Welcome back to another exciting school year at Harambee Elementary! As we prepare to embark on the 2024-2025 academic journey together, I want to extend a warm welcome to all our students, families, and staff—especially those who are joining our school community for the first time.
At Harambee, we believe in the power of unity and community, and we are committed to fostering an environment where every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential. We are hard at work preparing a year of engaging lessons and enriching experiences that will inspire a love of learning in every child.
I am also excited to invite you to our Back-to-School Open House on Wednesday, August 28, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity for students and families to meet their teachers, tour the classrooms, and learn more about what to expect this school year. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, connect with other families, and get a head start on building those important relationships that will support your child’s success throughout the year. We hope to see you there!
As we begin this new school year, let us all embrace the spirit of Harambee, which means "coming together for a common purpose" in Swahili. Together, we can create a nurturing and dynamic learning environment where every student can thrive.
Thank you for your continued partnership and trust. I look forward to a fantastic year ahead, full of growth, learning, and success for all our students.
Thank you,
Principal Nathan
Back to School Open House
Join us at the Harambee Back-to-School Open House on Wednesday, August 28 from 4:30 to 6:30. Students and families will be able to meet your new teacher, drop off school supplied, complete back-to-school paperwork, and be a part of our community mural. All Harambee families are encouraged to attend. If you need assistance with transportation, please call the main office at 651-379-2500.
School Supply List
Download the 2024-2025 Harambee School Supply list using the link below. If you need assistance getting school supplies, please call berit engstrom, our school social worker, at 651-379-2516.
- Wednesday, August 28 - Open House 4:30 - 6:30 PM
- Monday, September 2 - Labor Day - school is closed
- Tuesday, September 3 - First day of school, grades 1 - 6
- Wednesday, September 4 - First day of school, Kindergarteners
- Thursday, September 5 - PTO meeting in the Media Center @ 6 PM
- Monday, September 9 - First day of school for Pre-K
Summer is a great time to make sure your student’s immunizations are up to date. If your student will be getting a physical for sports, camp, travel or other reasons, please check with their health care provider to make sure they are completely immunized. If they receive additional immunizations, please send a copy of the updated record to the health office or have your clinic fax it to us at fax # 651-379-2590. All students must show documentation of being fully immunized or file a legal exemption with the school by the first day of school on September 3, 2024. If you are not sure if your student’s immunizations are up to date for school, or you need information about obtaining a legal exemption, please contact the health office at 651-379-2506 before July 30th or after August 26th.
Be on the lookout for ticks
Ticks are most active in spring and summer in Minnesota. Per the Minnesota Health Department, ticks may spread certain diseases. While most tick bites do not result in disease, prevention is key.
Check for ticks at least daily.
- Ticks have to be attached for more than 24 hours to transmit most tick borne diseases.
- Change your clothes and/or bathe or shower after coming indoors to wash off and more easily find ticks that may be crawling on or attached to you.
- Search your entire body closely, especially hard-to-see areas (e.g. under the arms, in and around the ears, inside belly button, back of the knees, in and around the hair, between the legs, around the waist)
- Ticks may look like a speck of dirt or freckle on skin so use a parent or a mirror to help you.
If you find a tick on yourself, remove the tick as soon as possible.
- Prompt tick removal is important in order to lower your risk of tickborne disease transmission.
- Use a pair of tweezers or your fingers to grasp the tick by the head, close to the skin.
- Pull the tick outward slowly, gently, and steadily
- Clean the area with soap and water.
- Avoid folk remedies like Vaseline®, nail polish remover, or burning matches - they are not a safe or effective way to remove ticks.
- If a person is symptomatic within 14 days of the tick bite, seek medical attention. Symptoms may include rash starting at the site of the bite, muscle/joint aches, stiff neck, headache, weakness, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and chills.
Please visit the MDH webpage for more information https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/tickborne/prevention.html