DHS Orchestras Newsletter
January/February Edition
From the Podium
After a busy December, orchestra enjoyed of day of friendly competition with a fun white elephant and Uno Tournament (pictured). The Deloria family had a restful winter break. I hope all of you can say the same. I'm recharged and excited to get back at it! It's a good thing too with so much going on in January and beyond.
I know students are scheduling for classes next year. Please encourage your kids to continue in music. There are may other classes they could fill their schedule with but none of them provide what a music class provides. We are unique! This is a worthy use of their time! I hope I'm preaching to the choir (orchestra) here.
You may be hearing your student thinking about which orchestra to sign up for. Students should register for the class they expect to be in next year. Auditions for chamber will be held in late April or early May. I will start talking to concert orchestra students about the auditions in Sem. 2 (February) so they can start preparing and making decisions. I encourage ALL concert orchestra students to audition for chamber. You can't get in if you don't try out.
What's Coming Up
Solo and Ensemble Performances:
All Chamber Orchestra students and any Concert Orchestra students who signed up for S and E need to be putting the final touches on their pieces. The event is on Sat. Feb. 8th at Livonia Franklin HS but all chamber students should have their pieces ready to perform by Jan 22nd.
For students attending S and E, just a reminder that pieces with an accompaniment must have it played in order to receive a rating. Also, events need to provide an original score for the judge. We have been going over these items daily in class but please email me if there is any uncertainty about the rules.
Upcoming Performances:
Our next performances aren't until March but there are lots of events coming up. Scholarship auditions, S and E, Wylie STEAM night, NYC rehearsals. Never a dull moment! Festival and All Orchestra will be here before you know it.
Scholarship Season:
Students interested in summer string camps (Blue Lake, MASTA,, Interlochen, etc) have an opportunity to audition for Orchestra Booster Scholarships on Thursday January 16th. Students wishing to audition need to play a short excerpt classroom or solo music (2-4minutes) Additionally, Blue Lake will be sending a representative out to audition for scholarships from Blue Lake on Jan. 31st. Please email me if you are interested in a Blue Lake audition so I can get you scheduled.
New York City Stuff:
New York travelers, NYC rehearsals have begun. Students have about 12 pieces to learn before we depart for the big apple. I will be scheduling a final traveler meeting and a chaperone meeting for sometime in February or early March. I will also be sending out a trip handbook once it is ready for publication. Lots to do! Here's a pic from our first rehearsal.
Link to Orchestra Calendar:
Link to Private Lesson Teacher List:
Orchestra Booster President's Corner
Happy New Year, Orchestra Families - I hope you all had a joyful and relaxing winter break!
The Orchestra Boosters spend January and February planning and preparing for Festival, the All Orchestra concert, spring concerts, and end of the year activities. We will be reaching out several times over the next few months asking for volunteers to help organize and staff these events.
In case you might think that volunteering at a concert or event will cause you to miss out on your student’s performance, you needn’t worry! Our volunteer organizers make sure that every parent volunteer gets to see their child on stage, regardless of their volunteer position. Many hands make our concerts run smoothly and ensure that each attendee has a memorable experience!
We are still looking for a few volunteers to fill some of our committee chair positions, in particular a Uniforms Co-Chair (this person will help with uniforms in Fall 2025). We also need a Social Media/Publicity Chair for this year to run our Facebook and Instagram accounts and publicize meetings, concerts, and events to the community. This person would work with our student rep and a team of students who have expressed interest in helping with social media, so you will have lots of help!
Our upcoming meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th, Tuesday, February 11th, and Tuesday, March 11th, all at 6:00 p.m. in the Mill Creek Orchestra Room. Join us and learn get a behind the scenes look at our Dexter Orchestras program!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Booster, please contact us at dexterorchestraboosters@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!
Take care,
Melanie McIntyre :)
Why Music Matters
12 Reasons to Join an Orchestra according to String Ovation Magazine from the Connoly Music Company:
- Learning to play a string instrument greatly increases your math comprehension, and spatial and pattern recognition. These skills are important for a number of professions. And because music is essentially and fundamentally mathematical, as you learn to play, you enhance the area in your brain that make these type of calculations. Who knew that learning to play "Happy" could make you better at math?
- Music training develops language and problem-solving skills. Both of these cognitive functions impact the way you are able to comprehend what you're learning in school, but they also offer valuable people skills.
- Increase your coordination. Learning to play an instrument like the violin increases your physical coordination. You must learn to control both of your hands, which constantly develops your motor skills.
- It’s just plain cool. Knowing how to play the latest songs on a guitar, or being able to jam with other like-minded musicians has always been attractive to people because it’s fun. Plus, you get to explore different types of music and be creative, which leads to the next reason…
- Music training increases creativity. This might not seem like a very important reason, but being able to view problems from “outside the box” delivers a real world skill that is in high demand with employers. In addition, students today will emerge into a global workforce that relies on constant innovation. By developing your ability to think creatively, you strategically position yourself as a highly sought out individual.
- Music is a healthy outlet for your emotions. Being a student creates an endless amount of pressure in both your home and school environment. Whether you’re feeling anxious about your grades, another person, or a family situation, music offers an incredible outlet for your thoughts and moods. It relaxes and cares for your state-of-mind in an extremely satisfying manner.
- You learn self-discipline. Self-discipline is a personal attribute that adds a lot to your personal fulfillment and measured accomplishments. It's also a common characteristic among educated, wealthy, successful people. With music training, you learn how to commit to continued practice and improvement, in order to reach a desired goal.
- You make lasting connections. As you training with the school orchestra, you develop bonds with the members. Like any other peer group, you all have similar likes and are unified in a similar cause. Often, performers will establish their own small ensembles and groups within the group.
- Music develops teamwork skills. Another strongly desired workforce skill — being able to operate together with a group is an integral part of being a musician.
- Music training builds your confidence. When you learn how to perform in front of others that type of inner confidence becomes part of who you are. In fact, learning to play an instrument creates a sense of achievement that increases your self-esteem. You basically learn how to take risks and how to cope with personal fears.
- Performing music offers a way to earn extra money. Whether you are contributing to your college fund, or saving up to purchase a new instrument, knowing how to perform can help you earn those extra dollars. Musicians who form a group or who provide contract work are required for all sorts of occasions. In fact, if you advertise your availability at your church or local community center for reasonable rates, you may find yourself deluged by side jobs. (Just make sure you have support and consent from your parents before embarking on this entrepreneurial endeavor.)
- A music education helps you find your inner self. With an instrument, you can convey and explore all sorts of ideas and emotions. You get to be in charge to create, express, or worship, which provides you with a unique way of examining your own inner thoughts and feelings.
Website: www.dexterorchestras.org
Location: Dexter High School, 2200 North Parker Road, Dexter, MI 48130
Phone: (734)-424-4240 ext. 7145