Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 5, Term 3, 2020
Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity. Respect is valuing ourselves and others. We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy.
A prayer of Gratitude
Today is a perfect day to be grateful.
Your love, O God, sustains me.
Keep the spirit of gratitude alive within me.
Help me to hold on to the values I cherish:
strength of character, generosity, kindness and joy.
In you I trust,
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Carers,
Since we entered Phase 4 here in Western Australia, we have enjoyed a way of life that is mostly back to normal. There are many reasons for this including our vigilance to adhere to the COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions that are in place for our safety;
- Educators at Orana are adhering to the daily cleaning regimes
- Students, staff and visitors have access to hand sanitisers
- We actively promote healthy hand hygiene
- We do our best to adhere to social distancing requirements
- Visual displays are on hand to remind people of coughing/sneezing etiquette
- staff and students are staying home when sick and an emphasis is placed on students being sent home if appearing unwell during the school day.
In light of the State Government extending Phase 4 for a further two months, decisions have been made at a school level. With a heavy heart, we have made the decision to cancel the school Open Night, scheduled for Wednesday, 9 September. The most important aspect of our Open Night is the coming together in community; the sharing of food together while viewing our talented musicians and interacting with our children in their learning. Due to social distancing and hygiene protocols, our Open Night would not be able to go ahead in the way we cherish as a community.
We care too much about the safety and well-being of our community to put anyone at risk. We trust that you understand the significance of our decision-making at this time. Once again, our work as educators has been interrupted and we are also disappointed about these outcomes.
On a happier note we will be proceeding with the Father’s Day Breakfast scheduled for Friday 4 September. The social distancing protocols can be adhered to as this is an outside event. Staff will be assisting with the cooking and distribution of individually packaged food on this morning.
PUPIL FREE DAYS - MONDAY 24 (Catholic Day) and TUESDAY 25 AUGUST (Staff Professional Learning Day)
The staff are having a day of learning which we will share in next weeks newsletter. Please remember Week 6 commences on Wednesday 29 August. Mrs Leech has some news below regarding Week 6. Keep reading to find out more.
The Orana community wishes the Year 6 students, staff and parent/carer helpers all the best for their up and coming camp next week. We are looking forward to hearing about it on your return. We trust you will represent Orana with pride and make the most of this opportunity of independence and relationship building!
“A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” Buddha
On Tuesday evening the parents of Orana cooked and served gourmet meals for the homeless of Perth. Paola Mena, the Parents of Orana co-ordinator wishes to thank the 15 families who provided the meals for over 250 homeless people in the CBD. A big thank you to Amanda Mouttet, Vanessa Chen, Daniela Murray, Nicola Smith, Estelle Lum, Jus Alwan, Joyce Dass, Tanya Cowman, Lily Tham, Lousie Palumbo, Clarissa van der Heijden, Melisa Pang, Simone Agar, Nicole Shortland and Lucy Esaw.
Quote of the week
"The school vibes are amazing, the community feel is the best. It’s so nice to walk around and everyone acknowledges you." - A grateful Orana parent
We are adding to our testimonial section of our school website. If you have any feedback you think would be a welcome addition to this section of the school website please email me.
Every kind act is a prayer, Blessed Mother Teresa
God bless,
Emma Bell
Short-term Principal
Lots of Tips and Tricks coming your way to support the Highway Heroes Program at home!
Please visit the TEACHING AND LEARNING SPACE on our website to view resources relating to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and our Highway Heroes Program.
The link below will take you to the SEL space on the school website.
Wellness Week is coming! Check out below all the wonderful, wellness wonders we have in store for Week 6!
The Week That Was!
Perhaps this is something you hear often; “I can’t do it!” or “I never get anything right!” or “I’m such a loser!” We’re really talking about disposition and mindset here aren’t we – the genetic and experientially-informed lens through which we see life? ‘The glass half empty,’ is often the term of reference applied to someone more inclined towards pessimism or tending to be focused on the difficulties and challenges with a prediction of failure rather than of success. Click on the link below to access a great article on how to switch negative talk.
We have a group of Yr 4, 5 and 6 girls who are trying their hands at producing podcasts. Podcasts are a true test of their writing abilities and we are proud to share their work with a real audience. Please subscribe to their podcast.
Looking back to see how things used to be and learn gratitude from people of the past.
P & F News
Thank you for your support on our Cookie Dough Fundraiser, we hope you enjoyed your cookies!
We would like to thank our parent volunteers who have generously donated their time to make sure everyone got what they ordered.
Shout out to Nicole Shortland, Amanda Mouttet, and Carolina Aquino - thank you all for your effort! (If I miss out on anyone else, my apologies - please let me know)
Also, coming up is the Father's day Breakfast on 4th September 2020. While we look for a good celebration on this day, please remain vigilant of the social distancing and hand hygiene practices. Also we recommend to limit the attendance to just one significant adult per family. The teachers will be joining forces with P&F for the event. We look forward to seeing you there.
Please refer to the below flyer for further details
P&F Executive
Link to the Father's Day Breakfast Online Ordering System
From our Parish of Sts John & Paul
Please visit the Parish website for the latest information on weekend Masses.