Sharing the Good News and Good Work of Students and Staff
February - March 2019 Edition
Superintendent's Message: Mental health and well-being of our students
Public focus on the issue of mental health and well-being of students has been on the rise. Many educators are concerned about the growing problem of anxiety, depression, and students struggling with suicidal thoughts. In one recent mental health survey, almost four in five teachers (78 percent) have seen their students struggling with mental health problems or issues in the past year. We already know that many students from elementary to high school levels experience stress at school. The question we should all be asking is “Why?” Knowing what is causing our students’ stress at school is the first step toward helping them overcome it. If we can figure out how to help our students better manage stressors, this will allow them to perform at their fullest potential in a healthier manner.
In an effort to gather input from our school community for our Local Control Accountability Plan, we surveyed students, staff, parents, and community members, utilizing our new “Thoughtexchange” engagement platform. We were interested to find out what our stakeholders considered to be the priorities and desired focus of our work as we continue to support all students. Of the 10,000 survey participants, over 1,200 of the respondents were PUSD high school students. As staff and I reviewed some of the top comments shared by our students, we discovered that indeed, our students are experiencing stress and the mental health and well-being of our students is of increasing concern.
Some of the comments shared by our students include:
“Students need more sleep. Many people are staying up past 12 o’clock working on homework or studying for tests and they need at least 8 hours.”
“Focus more on students’ mental health. Many students are struggling with stress and sleep deprivation and just telling students to ‘remember to get sleep’ doesn’t work.”
“Make sure that students aren’t overloaded. Students have other activities [other] than school to focus on.”
“Help reduce stress in students. Stress is harming students mentally, and for some, even physically. Reducing stress would improve everyone’s health.”
The survey responses from our own students show that in a high-achieving school district like ours, where success is the norm and expectation, students are feeling pretty overwhelmed by the pressures of homework, tests, getting top grades, balancing extracurricular activities and studying, getting into college, and managing their social lives both in person and online. Not to mention our students who might experience a significant life change or crisis in their home lives, such as a major move or new environment, death in the family, or divorce, which causes even higher spikes in stress levels.
Katie Wu, Westview English teacher and San Diego County Teacher of the Year, recently gave a keynote address at our District Recognition Dinner. She grew up as an English learner, in a poverty-stricken, first-generation immigrant family. Yet, she recalled, how none of her teachers or administrators knew about all of the stressful situations she was experiencing at home, including not having enough food to eat or clothes to wear. Now, in her role as PUSD’s Youth in Transition coordinator, she meets with families in our district living in hotels, renting a room from another family, or living in their car. Yes, PUSD serves over 160 homeless students, and you can bet being homeless affects a student’s ability to learn!
As educators, when is the last time we considered whether our students are getting enough sleep, whether they might be hungry, whether they have a strong support system, whether they need additional mental health resources, or whether something might be going on at home that is affecting their performance at school? As parents, when is the last time we asked our child – not about their test score or grade in a class – but about how they’re actually doing and what might be stressing them out in their lives?
We should be helping young people develop self-awareness and coping skills as well as organization, prioritization, and time management skills, which are all essential skills for their adult lives. We need to care about the whole child. Our goal should not be solely focused on creating students who can succeed academically, only to struggle mentally or emotionally as adults. I am encouraged to see the increasing work in our district and schools with addressing student stress, including through counselors and school-sanctioned stress relief events during finals and A.P. tests. And at the district level, a committee is currently tackling the topic of meaningful homework, not just busywork.
We still have a lot of work to do in addressing student wellness, but we will continue to seek resources and ways to address this growing concern with our students. But in the meantime, let’s all recognize that student stress is a very real and multi-faceted problem, and we must work together to help reduce it.
-Marian Kim Phelps, Ed.D., Superintendent
As originally published in the Pomerado News
Thoughtexchange Survey Results
PUSD Podcast, Episode 14: Katie Wu, Youth in Transition Coordinator
Student, School, and Staff Achievements
California Exemplary District
California Distinguished Schools
Meadowbrook Middle School and Mt. Carmel High School were named as California Distinguished Schools under the California Department of Education’s Distinguished Schools Program for 2019. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced 162 middle and high schools across the state that are being recognized for their outstanding education programs and practices. Schools are awarded for achieving exceptional student performance for two consecutive school years or closing the achievement gap between two school years. You can read more about the schools' efforts in this article.
Science Olympiad - Middle Schools
Science Olympiad - High Schools
#TeamPUSD was well-represented at the recent Science Olympiad competition held at the University of San Diego. In the High School Division PUSD has three teams heading to the Southern California State Tournament – Del Norte, Westview, and Rancho Bernardo High Schools. Poway High School also had their best year ever – bringing home six awards! Congratulations to all of our Olympians!
Westview Mock Trial Winners
Teachers are Heroes!
Teacher Michelle Magaña (center), from Creekside Elementary School, was surprised as part of KSON’s Teachers are Heroes program - sponsored by Azusa Pacific University and KSON in partnership with SDCOE. SDCOE received a wonderful nomination letter for Ms. Magaña from a school parent detailing what an amazing teacher she is.
On hand for the presentation: Joel Powell and Dr. Andrea Liston from Azusa Pacific University, Jennifer Rodriquez from the San Diego County Office of Education, George Sandoval from KSON radio, and hundreds of cheering students, parents and staff!
Classroom Hero!
Shoal Creek Elementary School first grade teacher Lisa Ransom was recognized as a Classroom Hero by San Diego’s ABC10. In addition to Lisa and her students, sponsors of the Classroom Heroes program - iHeart Media and San Diego County Credit Union (SDCCU) – were there to present Lisa with her award and prizes! Lisa was nominated by parent Cate O’Reilly, who has had three children in Lisa’s classroom! You can watch the news story here.
Del Norte Science Winner!
PUSD Elementary Schools
PUSD Middle Schools
PUSD High Schools
DECA Award Winners!
OVMS Jazz Band
Congratulations to the Oak Valley Middle School Jazz Band for winning first place at the Irvine Jazz Festival. They also received recognition for the Most Outstanding Trombone section (middle school)! This is their 3rd year at the festival, their first 1st place win and they were the only school from San Diego!
Chairman's Award
Team Spyder Wins Again!
Congratulations to Poway High School’s robotics team, Team Spyder, for winning both the Engineering Inspiration Award and the Underwriters Laboratories Industrial Safety Award at the Arizona North Regional competition! We wish them continued good luck as they head to the Iowa Regional, Idaho Regional, and the Canadian Rockies Regional competitions!
Team Spirit!
Contest of Champions
National History Day Competition
Congratulations to the Black Mountain Middle School students who won multiple awards at the 2019 History Day Competition. Design39Campus students also took home some awards!
· Junior Group Documentary: “Chinese Exclusion Act” by Sophia Chen and Cecilia Brown (BMMS); “The Tet Offensive, A Bloody Turning Point” by Jake Huynh, Raymond Fu, Derrick Huang (BMMS); “The Black Plague” by Angelina Mikhaiel, Lauren Yung, Hannah De Guzman (BMMS)
· Junior Group Exhibit: “The Chinese Economy: Growth and Impact” by Eleanor Jung and Rebecca Su (BMMS); “When the World Stood Still: the Bomb that Changed the World” by Ashton Robbins, Daniel Tran, Justin Siu (BMMS)
· Junior Group Performance: “The Lusitania: When Luxurious Travel Went Wrong” by Ava Carlson, Alexa Carlson, Ellie Carroll (BMMS); “Combatting Persistence: the Triumphs and Tragedies of Confronting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” by Abigail Lim and Riya Anand (Design39Campus)
· Junior Group Website: “The Triangle Factory Fire” by Mia Rodriguez and Madeleine Irawan (BMMS)
· Junior Individual Exhibit: “The Great Chicago Fire of 1871: Development Out of Devastation” by Madison Yang (BMMS)
#TeamPUSD Spelling Bee
Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair
Congratulations to Westview High School student Sauhaarda Chowdhuri who won the Sweepstakes Award in the Physical Science Division at the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair. Sauhaarda was also selected as an Intel ISEF finalist and will be representing PUSD at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in May.
Sustainable Housing Winners!
Administrators of the Year
Greg Magno, Principal
Colin Young, Assistant Principal
Kimberlie Rens, Executive Director II
PUSD Classified Employees of the Year
Deborah Seibert, Bus Driver
Alice Burge, Student Services Assistant
Vickie Norris, Office Specialist
School PR State Award!
Adult Education Award
Leadership Development
Back-to-Back State Wrestling Champ
Poway High Water Polo Champs
CyberAegis Zelos
CyberAegis Kronos
CyberAegis Chaos
CyberPatriots National Finalists!
The three cybersecurity teams above have qualified for the National CyberPatriot Cybersecurity Competition in Baltimore in April.
Five Poway Unified teams also placed in the SoCal Cyber Cup Challenge, including Del Norte and Westview High Schools, Design 39 Campus, and Oak Valley and Meadowbrook Middle Schools. You can read about the competition here.CyberPatriots All-Girls Team
White Coat Ceremony
Odyssey of the Mind
Laurels for Leaders Honorees
Excellence in Education Video Series
Join Our Team: Now Recruiting Interns
Fun Photo Gallery
Fire Science Challenge
State Capital Visit
Making Rainbows!
No Place For Hate
Professional Growth Day
Art in the Valley
Valley Elementary School held their annual Art in the Valley art show where students showcase their class art and former students come and play music and sing.
MBMS Beach Clean Up!
Women's History Month
BMMS Career Fair
PUSD’s Career and Technical Adult Education held a career fair at Black Mountain Middle School. The fair, designed to promote career exploration and awareness at an early age, featured local business partners, including SDG&E, Studio West, San Diego Unified Police (and their K9 unit) and many others. Students benefited from a number of hands-on activities and from Q & A with business representatives, while the K9 demonstrated his heightened ability of smell via a simulated locker search.
Class Act at MBMS
Happy 100th Day of School!
Leadership Day at TPMS
AVID College Tours
Tending to the Garden
Chaparral Elementary School students are planting milkweed flowers to feed the monarch butterflies, digging through different layers of soil, and learning all about compost & recycling.
Learning from a Surgeon
Awesome connection with Design 39 Campus students experiencing Project Lead The Way at Del Norte High learning from a Kaiser Permanente surgeon how to suture.
Talented Siblings at SHES
Spring Cleaning
Spanish Parent Classes
Creekside Gecko Run
Villiers Quartet
Drama Workshops
Lunar New Year at Westview
Lunar New Year at Adobe Bluffs
Fire Training
TPMS Wind Ensemble
Hooray Counselors!
Ellis Island Experience
Second graders at Stone Ranch Elementary School traveled past the Statue of Liberty and arrived at Ellis Island as new immigrants! With passport and persona in hand, students were processed, examined by doctors, placed in waiting areas, and either welcomed into the country or turned away. Teachers, staff, volunteers and students all stayed in character. Experiential learning at its best!
SADD Clubs
DEA Assembly
Heritage Night
Best Buddies Grand Slam
Turtleback Energy!
Sharing the Love
Supporting Cancer Research
Sunset Hills Talent Show
Students at Sunset Hills Elementary School showed off their talents to staff and students in a preview of their Talent Show to be held at Mt. Carmel High School. Looks like it’s going to be a great show!!
SRES Science Fair
Stone Ranch Elementary held a very successful Science Fair. Thank you to everyone who participated. The scientific explorations and discoveries were very interesting for all of the students to view.
ABES Mandarin Program
Biographies Come Alive!
Rock Around Clock!
RBHS Visits Westwood
Black History Month
Read Across America Garden Road
Silly Stringed!
Read Across America Chaparral
FFA Week!
Super Science High School
Del Norte High School was honored to host 43 students from Super Science High School in Japan. Thanks to ASB and teachers hosts!
Fight Against Hunger Food Packing Event
PUSD 2019 Recognition Dinner
PUSD Cabinet Members
Mission Federal Credit Union
Bernardo Heights Performers
News & Announcements
Now Accepting Applications for Student Board Member
The Poway Unified School District Board of Education believes it is important to seek out and consider students’ ideas, viewpoints, and reactions to the District’s educational program. To provide student input and involvement, the Board includes a student board member who will be selected following an application and interview process during the spring of the year prior to appointment.
PUSD juniors interested in holding this position during the 2019-2020 school year are encouraged to complete the application form available online.
Walk Against Hate
What i Wish My Parents Knew
Human Trafficking Prevention
PUSD Tipline
Poway Unified School District
Email: cpaik@powayusd.com
Website: www.powayusd.com
Location: 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA, United States
Phone: (858) 521-2700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PowayUSD
Twitter: @PowayUSD