The Weekly Update
Week of: Sept. 30 - Oct. 5
Principal's Update
Homecoming 2024 is in the books! It was a fun week full of great activities and our Lumberjack teams represented very well! The jr high boys football team won a hard fought game against the Tri-Valley Titans, jr high volleyball dominated, and our high school football team plunged those ponies with a commanding victory over the Horseshoe Bend Mustangs! The only defeat on the week occurred with our volleyball girls who lost to a very good Horseshoe Bend team, but the girls played well giving the Mustangs a run for their money! It was a fantastic week! Now, with only a couple weeks left in Quarter 1, it's time to get back to work!
As September comes to a close and we shift into October, the Council School District is starting an initiative to focus on the importance of student attendance. Council School District is declaring October School Attendance Month! We will be working with students and parents on understanding the importance of school attendance. We will be sending out a lot of information on the importance of school attendance and we will be setting a goal of 95% Average Daily Attendance! This is a lofty goal and will require the efforts of everybody, but hopefully we will make the case that achool attendance is important not only to the school district, but to the success of your student! We look forward to working with students and families to improve attendance and get our students on Lumberjack Time!!
Homecoming Week 2024!
Jr. High Student of the Week: Brooklyn Clagg - nominated by her teachers for being a respectful student, participates in class, and tries really hard! Great job Brooklyn!
High School Student of the Week: Ashton Heyrend - nominated by his teachers for always doing his best and having a great attitude towards school and treating other with respect. Way to go Ashton!
This is a new space that will be added to the newsletter where I will share data, information, and tips to improve attendance! We hope it helps to understand the importance of school attendance!
Did you know...
- A student is considered chronically absent after missing 10% or more of the school year. At Council School District, that means missing only 7 days a semester or a total of 14 days in the school year.
- If a student misses more than 7 days in a class in a semester, that student will not receive credit for that class! See the CHS Student Handbook for more details.
- Both excused and unexcused absences are counted toward 90% attendance.
- Tardies count toward total absences. Every third tardy in a class counts as an unexcused absence toward 90% attendance.
- the only absences not counted toward 90% attendance are (1) school related absences, like a field trip or sports events, (2) bereavement in the immediate family, (3) subpoenas to appear in court or court-ordered absences, or (4) illness or medical absences verified by a doctor's note.
Attendance Matters! Make sure your students are getting to school!
Monday, Sept. 30
- 2 Week Grade Check
Tuesday, Oct. 1
- HS VB @ Greenleaf
Wednesday, Oct. 2
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7 pm
Thursday, Oct. 3
- JH VB/FB vs. Salmon River, game time 4:30 HOME GAME!
- XC @ Cascade
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7 pm
Friday, Oct. 4
HS VB @ Cambridge, game time TBD
HS FB @ Cambridge, game time 7:00
Saturday, Oct. 5
JH VB/FB Tournament, time and place TBD
Upcoming Events
Week of Oct. 7-12
Wed. Oct. 9 - XC @ Melba @ 6:00
Thur. Oct. 10 - FFA Dairy Cattle Judging @ Fruitland
Fri. Oct. 11 - HSVB vs Garden Valley HOME GAME!
- HSFB vs Garden Valley SENIOR NIGHT!
Sat. Oct. 12 - HS VB @ Cascade Tri-Match
Week of Oct. 14-19
Mon. Oct. 14 - 2 Week Grade Check
Tue. Oct. 15 - HS VB @ Salmon River 6:30
- School Board Meeting @ 6:00
Wed. Oct. 16 - XC @ West Park, 5:00
- Picture Retakes and Senior Drape Pictures
Thur. Oct. 17 - HS VB vs. Adrian @ 6:30 SENIOR NIGHT!
Fri. Oct. 18 - Teacher Work Day
- HS FB @ Cascade, game time 3:30
Week of Oct. 21 - 26
Mon. Oct. 21 - FCCLA District Conference @ Boise
Tue. Oct. 22 - ASVAB/PSAT/ISAT Interims testing
Wed. Oct. 23 - District VB Tournament @ McCall
- District XC Meet @ Eagle Island State Park
Fri. Oct. 25 - HS FB @ Salmon River, game time 7:00
Sat. Oct. 26 - District VB @ McCall
- XC 1 mile/5K Fun Run Fundraiser