IHS Family Newsletter
October 9, 2024 - From Principal Zipp-McLaughlin
- Principal's Message
- Go Home Early Drill
- SENIOR PHOTOS (Sibling and Class Photo)
- Fire Drills
- Fight Flu at Home and School
- Yearbook Sales
- Counselor Updates
- Opt Out notification for military and higher education
- Attendance Matters!
- Cell Phones
- Safe School Helpline
- Code of Conduct
- Athletics
- Events
Our district and the IPD ask that you please remind your children that using a crosswalk is crucial for their safety. By using a crosswalk, accidents are significantly reduced, as drivers are more likely to expect and see pedestrians.
On Thursday, October 10th all students will be released at 2:45pm (10 minutes earlier). Please plan to arrive 10 minutes earlier than usual.
ATTENTION IHS SIBLINGS! If you have a sibling that attends IHS, we want a photo of you together for the yearbook! Sign up outside room 1220 for a timeslot on either October 22nd or October 23rd.
Attention seniors: Important yearbook reminders:
-Senior Class Photo: 8 am on October 18th in the gym (The EMCC bus will pick up students at 8:20am so that Seniors can participate in this photo)
-Submit a senior photo online to Jostens by November 8th. https:photos.jostens.com/QRL2KG Be sure to name the photo with your name spelled correctly, as you want it to appear in the yearbook. If you do not want to submit a photo, we can use your clix ID photo.
-Senior Baby Ads: purchase online at jostensadservice.com/student or at 1-600-358-0800 fo help by December 31st
-Watch Schoology for links to submit your senior quote and remember when photos! (coming soon)
We have 2 fire drills scheduled over the next week.
Please read the attachment from the Department of Health regarding the flu, why it is serious and how to protect children.
Attention IHS:
Yearbooks are on sale online at jostens.com! The earlier you buy it, the cheaper it will be. Yearbooks must be purchased online and will not be sold in person in June.
PSAT Information:
Juniors interested in taking the PSAT (Practice SAT) on October 26th can click the link below to sign up!
Once you register using this link, your School Bucks account will be charged $30 for the cost of the exam. If you have any questions, please reach out to Michelle Laraby (Michelle_Laraby@westiron.monroe.edu).
The District complies with requests from military recruiters and institutes of higher education for access to the name, address and telephone listing of each secondary student, except for any student whose parent has submitted a written request to opt out of this disclosure. Please email the IHS Principal if you wish to opt out of these requests.
Daily attendance and attendance to every class is important for students to remain connected and to learn. High school students are gaining more independence but they still need guidance from their guardians. Please talk about the importance of showing up to school and attending classes every day and the connection that timely attendance has when they have a job or career. We understand that students may be sick and will need to stay home to rest. With any absence, please be sure to contact our Attendance Office to indicate the reason for the absence. This helps us partner with you to support your child when they return. Below is a link that shares what you can do to help your child prioritize attendance to school.
Cell phone use and habits can adversely affect student focus, engagement, and mental health. Our goals are to improve academic engagement and minimize distraction while supporting healthier habits that impact social-emotional health. We have implemented cell phone use zones at IHS.
Our Student Handbook prohibits device usage for disruptive behavior, illegal acts, cheating, or any form of harassment or bullying. Students will be expected to put their phones away during instructional time. High school students will be able to freely use their phones in the halls, the commons, cafeterias, library, and study halls. If a parent/guardian needs to reach a student during a class period, please contact the school and we will ensure that you are able to speak to your child.
IHS Student Handbook language Cell Phone/ Communication Devices:
Personal communication devices and music players, such as cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, or any devices that can be used to play music and/or communicate with another individual through texting, messaging, or speaking will be permitted at IHS according to the following guidelines:
During any instructional period, personal communication devices should not be seen, heard, or used.
- Students may use such devices during their lunch period.
- Students may use such devices when passing between classes.
- Students may use these devices in other settings as permitted and directed by school personnel.
Unauthorized use of electronic devices during the instructional day disrupts the instructional program, distracts from the learning environment, and may result in consequences. The district shall not be liable for the loss, damage, or misuse of any electronic devices brought to school by a student. Therefore, it is important that all electronic devices be always kept secure.
The Code of Conduct Language can be accessed through THIS LINK.
If your student would like a locker, please use the QR code to request one. Within approximately 24 hours, a locker number and combination will appear in Infinite Campus.
Students will be able to request a locker throughout the year with QR codes posted in the cafeterias and main hall.
If you see something, say something!
Please encourage students to report any concerns to an adult at school in addition to sharing with you. If your child wishes to remain anonymous but would like to report a concern, encourage them to complete the Safe School Helpline form using the link below or through the app. Reporting with as many factual details as possible will help our administrators follow up with individuals in a timely manner. Thank you for continuing to support a positive school climate.
10/1-31st- Soktober: Student Council collects new socks to donate to homeless shelters
10/11- Superintendent' Conference Day- No Classes for students
10/14- No School
10/17- Chorale Cabaret @ 7pm
10/18 Picture Make Up Day/ Senior Group Photo
Be well,
Address: 260 Cooper Road
Website: https://ihs.westirondequoit.org/
Principal: Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin | alecia_mclaughlin@westiron.monroe.edu
Assistant Principal: Mark Foster | mark_foster@westiron.monroe.edu
585- 336- 2913
Assistant Principal: Sonja Griffin | sonja_griffin@westiron.monroe.edu
585- 336-0759
Assistant Principal: Casey Nelan | casey_nelan@westiron.monroe.edu
585- 336- 2917
Main office: 585- 266-7351
Secretary: Kim Schrank | kim_schrank@westiron.monroe.edu
Health Office: 585-336-2938
- Nurse: Mary Piston
Counseling Center: 336-2921
Attendance Office: 336-2919
Technology Support: https://wicsd.tech/
Transportation: 585-336-2992
District Office: 585-342-5500 | District website: westirondequoit.org