Blue Demon Bulletin
August 11, 2024
As Summer 2024 comes to a close, we wanted to share a few reminders with you
prior to the first day of school on August 13, 2024.
Please refer to the schedule below for our normal bell schedule:
7:35 - Doors Open (Report to the gymnasium or cafeteria for bus room)
7:58 - Dismissal bell to report to 1st Block (Go to locker, restroom, etc.)
8:05 - 1st Block Begins
8:05 - 8:55 - 1st Block
9:00 - 10:25 - 2nd Block
10:30 - 12:25 - 3rd Block
A Lunch - 10:30 - 10:55
B Lunch - 11:00 - 11:25
C Lunch - 11:30 - 11:55
D Lunch - 12:00 - 12:25
12:30 - 1:55 - 4th Block
2:00 - 2:50 - 5th Block
2:50 - Dismissal
Morning Arrival - Student Entrances:
IF A STUDENT IS RIDING THE BUS, they will be dropped off in the NEW bus loop located in front of the school. Students will make their way up the ramp towards the gymnasium, walk through the athletic complex entrance, and follow the concrete path to Door #9. Students will then enter the building and will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:58 am bell rings.
If a student plans to each breakfast, they need to report to the cafeteria upon entering the building and grab breakfast at that time.
IF A STUDENT IS A MORNING CAR RIDER, they will be dropped off behind the building in the car rider drop off loop and enter the building at Door #17. Once students are in the building, they will travel down the CTE hallway and will be directed to the gymnasium or the cafeteria until the 7:58 am bell. If students are dropped off at 8:05 am or after, they will need to be dropped off in the bus loop in front of the school and enter through Door #9 (past the athletic complex entrance).
IF A STUDENT IS A DRIVER AND PARKS IN THE GYMNASIUM LOT, they will park in their designated parking spot. After they are parked, they will exit the gymnasium parking lot, make their way up the ramp towards the gymnasium, walk through the athletic complex entrance, and follow the concrete path to Door #9. Students will then enter the building and will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:58 am bell rings.
IF A STUDENT IS A DRIVER AND PARKS IN THE AUDITORIUM LOT, they will park in their designated parking spot. After they are parked, they will make their way to the loading dock entrance (faculty on duty will guide students on first day) and enter through door #30. Once they enter the building, they will have their choice to wait in the cafeteria or gymnasium until the 7:58 am bell rings. The loading dock entrance doors will close at 8:05 am.
IF A STUDENT ARRIVES AFTER THE START OF SCHOOL AND IS NOT A STUDENT DRIVER, they can be dropped off in the bus loop OR the gymnasium parking lot. Students will make their way up the ramp towards the gymnasium, walk through the athletic complex entrance, and follow the concrete path to Door #9. Students will then enter the building, check in, and proceed to class.
IF A STUDENT ARRIVES AFTER THE START OF SCHOOL AND PARKS IN THE AUDITORIUM LOT, they will have to walk up the new gravel path near the greenhouse, past greenhouse, past the auto bay doors, turn left and pass the weight room, and then enter through Door # 17 (CTE Entrance). When they buzz in, the main office staff will ask them to report to the Main Office.
Visitor Entrance:
If any visitor is planning to enter the building, they will need to park in the gymnasium parking lot. There are parking spots labeled “visitor” and “reserved.” Please park in one of those labeled spots, as all the other spots are designated for students. If all these spots are taken, please call the CHS Main Office (540-382-5178) for further guidance on where you can park.
After parking, visitors will enter the building by walking up the concrete ramp, through the athletic complex gate, and through Door #9.
Visitors will then be directed into the temporary main office area.
Students SHOULD NOT be dropped off in the auditorium or gymnasium parking lots prior to 8:05 am. Students SHOULD NOT be picked up in the auditorium or gymnasium parking lots prior to 3:15 pm. All drop-off and pick-up should take place in the car rider drop-off/pick-up line from 7:35 am - 8:05 am and 2:50 - 3:15 pm.
Student Car Rider Exit:
At the 2:50 bell, students may exit through door numbers 13, 14, and 17 to travel to the car rider pick-up line. Students should not be picked up in any other location other than the back parking lot (near the baseball field). If students are picked up in any other location, they will be redirected to the car rider pick-up line.
Student Bus Rider Exit:
At the 2:50 bell, students will travel to the gymnasium. If a student is a first load bus rider, they will travel through the gymnasium and then outside to locate their first load bus in the new bus loop. If a student is a second load bus rider, they will travel to the gymnasium and be seated in the gymnasium until second load buses arrive.
Student Driver Exit:
At the 2:50 bell, if a student is parked in the gymnasium parking lot, they will travel through the gymnasium and and then outside to their vehicle.
If a student is parked in the auditorium parking lot, they will exit through Door #30 (loading dock entrance) and to the auditorium parking lot to locate their vehicle.
The traffic pattern for drop-off and pick-up will be the same as what was instituted in 2023-24, but additional details are below:
Entry to the drop-off and pick-up line can only be made from Independence Boulevard. The back entrance near Horne Funeral Home will be blocked and closed.
Once on Independence Boulevard, you will take your first right (if coming from North Franklin) or your first left (after passing CHS as your are going towards North Franklin).
Travel past the Auditorium parking lot (on your left), then past the CHS Greenhouse and finally, past the CHS auto bay doors.
Once your reach the fork in the road, you will turn left as if you are traveling to the back parking lot beside the CHS baseball field.
You will follow this road to the parking lot and then travel in a counterclockwise direction until you reach the drop off point (Ms. Harrington will be present at this drop point).
Once you have reached the drop off point, your child may exit the vehicle and enter the building at Door #17.
You will then proceed to exit the parking lot, travel down the entrance road, turn right to travel past the auto bay doors, past the greenhouse, past the Auditorium parking lot, and then you will either choose to make a right or left onto Independence Boulevard.
The same process will be in place for afternoon pick-up. After 3:15 pm, you can pick up your child in the CHS bus loop (after all buses have exited).
Please do not attempt to drop off your pick up your child in any other areas other than the designated drop-off or pick-up locations.
We ask for your patience and understanding as we all work to adapt to this new procedure. Please drive safely as you enter and exit the back parking lot.
We will send out an updated map to assist with navigating the drop-off and pick-up process as we get closer to the start of the year. Please review the attached map for clarification on the above directions:
CHS Parent Drop-Off/Pick-Up Traffic Flow Map (click for link)
- Will be offered each morning from 7:35 - 7:58 am. Students that wish to get breakfast should report to the cafeteria upon arrival and remain in the cafeteria until the 7:58 am bell.
- Will be offered each day at the conclusion of 1st block. If arrives to school late and did not have an opportunity to get the normal breakfast offered, this is an excellent time to pick up a "Grab and Go" style breakfast.
- Is a bagged "Grab and Go" style breakfast. Specialty drinks will not be sold during this time. These type of drinks can be purchased during regular breakfast and during lunch.
- Only students purchasing a second chance breakfast should report to the cafeteria. If a student is not purchasing a second chance breakfast, they will be re-directed to their 2nd block class.
- There will be a variety of offerings during each lunch period. There will be a full lunch menu and "a la carte" items available
Are available in the cafeteria, main office, or online if needed. If you or your student need assistance, please feel free to contact the grade level administrator or school counselor.
Students ARE NOT permitted to leave or order delivery (DoorDash, GrubHub, etc.) for lunch or during the school day. A parent/guardian may bring a lunch to the office for their student before their designated lunch period. Students will not be called out of class to pick up a lunch delivered by their parent/guardian. If food is delivered after their lunch period, the student may pick it up at the end of the school day.
If a student attempts to order food through a delivery service, the food will turned away and not accepted from the delivery service. The student could also be subject to disciplinary action if they have food delivered to the school.
We understand that the new cell phone policy being instituted this year is a big shift for our students and families, but we are looking forward to the positive impacts this will have on our school, such as enhancing the learning environment and minimizing distractions throughout the school day.
Please take an opportunity to review Policy 7-3.3 to ensure both you and your student have a strong understanding of the new expectations for cell phone use and possessing a cell phone. It is equally important to note that a student can possess a cell phone, but it must be "OFF AND AWAY" during the school day (class time, transitions, lunch, etc.) The policy also addresses that other connected devices, such as earbuds and smart watches, are also held to the same expectations.
1st Offense:
Cell phone will be confiscated and can be picked up in the Main Office at the end of the school day by the student. Students will not be released early to pick up their phone.
2nd Offense:
Cell phone will be confiscated and will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian in the Main Office.
3rd Offense:
Cell phone will be confiscated and will need to be picked up by the parent/guardian in the Main Office. Progressive disciplinary action can be taken at this time and a meeting with the parent/guardian will be necessary.
* Should a student refuse to turn in their cell phone or other electronic devices, this will lead to immediate disciplinary consequences.
Please review the attached flier for additional details:
Cell Phone Expectations (link)
We are aware of the current clothing styles and respect the individuality of each student to dress in a way that makes them comfortable. We also recognize that clothing choices are a very personal matter and a way that our students express themselves, reflect their individual personalities, and exercise their freedom. However, we also must balance individual freedom with maintaining an appropriate learning environment. Though we have adapted to changing styles over the years, there are certain clothing items that are considered inappropriate attire for school.
The following are considered inappropriate dress and/or violations of the Student Code of Conduct: wearing of clothes, jewelry, other apparel and/or decal that advocate violence, alcohol and other drug use and/or distribution that represents gang activity and/or membership; that advertise obscenities; or that reflect adversely on person due to race, gender, creed, national origin, physical, emotional, or intellectual abilities; or that would cause disruption to the learning environment at any school. Students shall not at school, on school property, or at school activities wear or have in their possession any written material that is racially divisive. Examples include clothing, articles, material or publications or any item that denotes Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nation-White Supremacy, Black Power, Neo-Nazi, or any hate group, or Confederate flags or articles. This list is not intended to be all inclusive.
Specific clothing specifications at CHS include (but are not limited to) the following:
1. Shorts and skirts/dresses must be an appropriate length for school. In general, an appropriate length (mid thigh area) and cover personal areas sufficiently.
2. Undergarments should not be visible through clothing and must be covered at all times.
3. Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to the upper thighs; stomach, midriff, chest, and back must be covered. Shirts must have straps over the shoulders or sleeves.
4. All messages and pictures displayed on clothing should be appropriate in nature. See MCPS Policy 7-3.1
5. Students are not allowed to wear sunglasses while in the building.
If attire does not meet dress expectations, students will be given an opportunity to comply and attend class. Non-compliance with the dress expectations will result in ISS.
Articles of dress that can cause a distraction or a disruption of normal school activity will result in a request to the student(s) involved to discontinue wearing the particular item(s) and may result in disciplinary action if the request is ignored.
Blankets should be left at home or remain in your bookbag/locker if they are brought to school.
Please review the attached flier regarding dress expectations at CHS.
Dress Expectations (click for link)
It is extremely important that your student be present each day at school. If your child is not able to attend school, it is required that a parent or guardian contact the school to document the reason for the absence.
ANY ABSENCE (Documented and Undocumented) will count towards your student's compulsory attendance. If your student should miss five days of school, please expect contact from your student's grade level administrator. Should your student miss additional days of school, please expect contact from your child's administrator and a meeting request to develop an attendance plan for your child.
It is also important to remember the impact of tardies on your student's success at CHS! If your student check-ins or is late to class, this will count as a tardy. The accumulation of four tardies will result in your child being assigned lunch detention. Your child will also receive lunch detention upon their 5th, 6th, and 7th tardy to a single class. Upon their 8th tardy, the student will be assigned one full day of ISS. Your student should report to each class on time and if they enter class after the bell, they will be marked "tardy."