Aviator Update #2
August 25, 2024
B Week: August 26-August 30
Hello Aviator Families,
The 2024 school year is off to a fantastic start! Our students arrived with enthusiasm, ready to learn and full of bright smiles. They are already doing a remarkable job demonstrating SOARing behaviors: Service, Ownership, Accountability, and Respect. Each class is actively building a strong, collaborative learning environment while embracing our schoolwide expectations.
It is truly an honor to be part of such an amazing school community. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to continuing our partnership throughout this school year, and we can't wait to SOAR with your students during our first full week of school!
Katie Kortokrax, Principal
Zach Adams, Assistant Principal
Mark Your Calendars:
- Monday, Sept 2nd - Labor Day (Schools Closed)
- Thurs, Sept 19 - Two Hour Early Release
- Fri, Sept 20 - Professional Day - No School for Students
Notes from Nurse Dana
Vision and Hearing Screenings
The school nurse will be starting vision and hearing screenings on Pre-K students, Kindergarten students that were not screened last year, all 1st grade students, and new students to SMCPS. The screenings will be conducted as time permits over the next several months.
Vision and hearing screening is a relatively short process. Screenings are not diagnostic, but instead, are used to identify a child at risk for vision/hearing problems. Screenings do not replace examinations performed by a health or eye care professional that provide diagnosis and treatment, if indicated. Vision/hearing problems that go undetected or uncorrected may impair a child’s development, lead to behavior problems in school, interfere with learning, and impact health and well-being into adulthood.
A student whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) objects in writing to hearing and vision screening, on the basis of the tenets and practice of a recognized church or religious denomination of which the student is an adherent or member, may not be required to take these screenings. Please contact Nurse Dana if you have any questions or want to opt out of these screenings.
Attendance Matters!
Our overall CWFDES attendance percentage for the first three days of the school year is 98.43%. In the first issue of the month of the Aviator Updates, we'll share monthly attendance data for each grade level. Thank you for making regular school attendance a priority!
Check out the SMCPS video below highlighting the importance of school attendance!
When is sick too sick for school?
Music Ensemble Enrollment
"Welcome Back Musical Aviators!
It's time for our intermediate students to enroll in the music ensemble of their choice. Third graders may start Strings this year (violin, viola, cello, double bass), while Fourth and Fifth graders may enroll in Strings or Band (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion/bells) AND Chorus! Students may participate in two musical ensembles, as long as one of those ensembles is Chorus. Please enroll your student by Friday, September 6, 2024. More information and links to enrollment can be found here:
Chorus (4th and 5th Graders)
Click here or scan the QR code for more information.
Band (4th and 5th Graders)
Click here or scan the QR code for more information.
Strings (3rd, 4th and 5th Graders)
Click here or scan the QR code for more information.
Safety Patrol
Attn: 4th & 5th Grade Students Interested in Safety Patrol
Please see the safety patrol application that is available to our fourth and fifth grade students. Applications can be submitted online or can be printed, signed, and returned to classroom teachers by Friday, September 6th. If you need a printed copy sent home, please email your child's teacher.
Information about the Program:
The AAA School Safety Patrol Program assists students by providing leadership and citizenship experiences for our patrol and a safe environment for children in our school. Being a member of the safety patrol means students would be:
Reminding schoolmates of bus/school expectations
Reporting safety issues to staff member(s) and/or bus drivers
Each student who would like to apply to be a safety patrol member will need to fill out the application that follows. Being in the safety patrol is a privilege and requires responsibility. Students are expected to demonstrate SOARing behaviors in the classroom and throughout the schoolhouse for the duration of the school year.
CWFDES School-Wide Expectations
Captain Walter Francis Duke Elementary is a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) School.
Throughout the first weeks of school, our staff teaches, models, and provides opportunities for our students to practice showing service, ownership, accountability, and respect throughout all areas of our school.
We encourage you to ask your child about "SOAR Tickets" and our CWFDES Schoolwide Expectations.
Food Services Information
Breakfast costs $1.75; lunch costs $3.00.
Your student may qualify for free or reduced-price meals.
Please complete the meal benefit application.
Duke Morning News
Box Tops for Education App
Download the Box Tops for Education app, scan your receipts, and earn cash for our school!
For over 25 years, Box Tops for Education has given families an easy way to earn for schools with products they already buy. Today, you can find thousands of participating products throughout the store — and all you need is the Box Tops app.
Thank you for your support!
Helpful Links & Information Worth Repeating
Technology Information
Within the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is the Google Workspace for Education Additional Services Agreement. In order for students to have access to "additional services," the form granting your student access must be completed.
Reminder from the Nurse's Office:
Please review the list of medical forms: https://www.smcps.org/health-safety/immunizations-medical-forms.
If your student takes medication at school, requires an Emergency Action Plan, or has any other unique medical needs, please take the pertinent form(s) to your student's medical provider to complete them before the start of the school year.
Please note the following changes:
- Medication administration - ALL medication requires an order.
- Emergency Medications - Parent must bring meds to school, stock EpiPens NOT guaranteed.
Captain Walter Francis Duke Elementary
Captain Walter Francis Duke Elementary
Ms. Katie Kortokrax, Principal
Mr. Zach Adams, Assistant Principal
We welcome your questions and inquiries. Please call 240-309-4658, refer to the SMCPS Website, or our CWFDES website for additional information.
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/cwfdes/
Location: 23595 Hayden Farm Lane, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Phone: (240) 309-4658