Orchard View Middle School
Information Station - OVMS Weekly Newsletter
Reminder: Quartlerline will be closed until after Spring Break
Field Trip Information
Family Survey (OPEN March 10)
Student Survey (If you did not already complete this)
Week at a Glance
Monday, March 24
Early Release
Track - Optional Conditioning: 2:15-3:15pm
Tuesday, March 25
CTC Middle Vision: Session 5 - Construction and Graphic Design: 2:45-4:45pm
Cooking Class: Group 3 - Cafeteria 2:15-3:15
Art Club: 2:15-3:15pm (Note, Art Club ends early today)
Red Club: 2:15-3:45pm
NEST Tutoring - 2:15-3:15pm
Wednesday, March 26
eGaming Practice - 2:30-4:00pm
Track - Optional Conditioning: 2:15-3:15pm
Thursday, March 27
CTC Middle Vision: Session 5 - Construction and Graphic Design: 2:45-4:45pm
Cooking Class: Group 4 - Cafeteria 2:15-3:15
Red Club - 2:15-3:15pm
Art Club: 2:15-3:45pm
Crochet Club: 2:15-3:45pm
NEST Tutoring - 2:15-3:15pm
eGaming Practice - 2:30-4:00pm
7th and 8th grade Girls Soccer - Try-outs: 2:30-4:00pm
Friday, March 28
Assembly Schedule - MP 3 Assembly
7th and 8th grade Girls Soccer - Try-outs: 2:30-4:00pm
Have a great weekend!
Helpful Information for Families
Extra Supports for Students and Families
Frequently Requested Resources
Upcoming Community Support Events
Cooking Class
Mr. Smith emailed all students their Cooking Class groups. If you lost the email or feel like you were missed, please email him and he will double check for you.
If you would still like to sign up for cooking class, please click the button below to sign up.
Group 3
Tuesday, 2/25
Tuesday, 3/4
Tuesday, 3/18
Tuesday, 3/25
Group 4
Thursday, 2/27
Thursday, 3/6
Thursday, 3/20
Thursday, 3/27
Group 5
Tuesday, 4/1
Tuesday, 4/15
Tuesday, 4/22
Tuesday, 4/29
Group 6
Thursday, 4/3
Thursday, 4/17
Thursday, 4/24
Thursday, 5/1
Group 7
Tuesday, 5/6
Tuesday, 5/13
Tuesday, 5/20
Tuesday, 5/27
Group 8
Thursday, 5/8
Thursday, 5/15
Thursday, 5/22
Thursday, 5/29
Yearbook Club Dates
Yearbook Club will meet once a month during mentorship. These are the tentative dates:
*March 20
*April 3
*April 17 ( more dates to come as I see what the YB deadlines are)
Red Club
Red Club is a fun after school group where students learn skills that will aid them in managing their emotions and behavior and in improving their school performance. Last year's activities included games, arts and crafts, hiking, and group discussions. Red Club meetings will be after school on Tuesdays, and a late bus will be available to provide transportation home. If your student is interested in joining Red Club, they can pick up a permission slip in the middle school office. If you have any questions, please contact Lilliana Duyck by emailing her at lilliana.duyck@orchardview.org.
Reporting and Supporting Each Other
Middle School is a fun and exciting time, but it is important that we take care of each other.
As social groups form, students will seek out attention and validation from one another. While this is typical of your age group, if these social relationships do not stay healthy, unnecessary drama can be created.
Before you act or before you speak, take a few breaths, and think, "who is this helping?"
Ask yourself:
1) Is this true?
2) is this helpful?
3) is this inspiring?
4) is this necessary?
5) is this kind?
If you can't say, "yes" to all of the above, then don't do or say whatever it is you are considering.
If you know about a situation between students filled with drama or emotions that you think could turn into an altercation, whether it be verbal or physical, please make sure to connect with an adult right away. Every adult in this building is trained to support you or to get you access to someone who can support you. Violence is never necessary.
At the start of every newsletter is the:
CLICK HERE for "I need to Speak to an Adult" form - this will get you help the quickest.
CLICK HERE for Okay2Say - this is completely anonymous (but doesn't get to principals as quickly).
We are here to help. Please make sure to follow the Hallway SOAR expectations and thank you for helping us make our school community safe!
Gator Recycling
OVMS gets money from this dumpster (by weight). We intend to use this money to fund things like our SOAR Store. Please consider dropping any paper-based recycling products in our bin.