Youth Services News
May 24
Rhode Island Children's Book Award Committee Applications Now Available
The Rhode Island Children's Book Award committee is seeking:
- 1 public youth services librarian to serve a 3 year term, 2018-2021
- 1 school librarian who is a member of School Librarians of RI to serve a 3 year term, 2018-2021
- 1 school librarian who is a member of School Librarians of RI to serve a 2 year term, 2018-2020
- 1 teacher to serve a 3 year term, 2018-2021
- 1 teacher to serve a 2 year term, 2018-2020
Those interested are invited to complete one of the applications below by Sunday, June 24th. Applicants will be notified by July 27th regarding their application status for the term beginning in September 2018 and ending in April 2021. Please feel free to share these applications with anyone you think may be interested.
About the Rhode Island Children's Book Award Committee
Each committee member serves a 3 year term and acts as either the Chair, Book Chair or Secretary during the second year of their term. The committee meets monthly from September through April to discuss current children's literature and make nominations. Committee members typically read 12-15 children's books per month before deciding on the final list of 20 nominees in April. Committee membership requires a significant time commitment that includes 2.5 hours a month for meetings, and approximately 30 hours a month for reading. Committee members also participate (on a voluntary basis) in events such as the Kids Reading Across RI kickoff, the RI Festival of Children's Books and Authors, and the School Librarians of RI conference. If you would like to use your committee participation for professional development, the Office of Library and Information Services can issue a letter confirming your PD time.
RICBA Committee Member Application Form: Public Youth Services Librarian
Call for Collaborative Summer Library Program Committee Members
The Collaborative Summer Library Program is seeking applicants for the 2018-2019 committees. Those interested in serving are encouraged to fill out the application. Applications will be received by individual committee Chairs and applicants will be contacted in August.
Some committee meetings take place via video conference call, and members are requested to attend.
For more information on the duties and timelines of the committees, please visit the CSLP Committee page: the committee you are interested in on the left sidebar, and click on Committee Description for details.
For any further questions please contact CSLP Executive Director Luke Kralik at
May Mock Newbery Read-Along
Summer Reading 2018
Staff Self-Care
Summer Reading Chaos: How do we balance the needs of our community with those of our staff?
Burnouts: The Dirty Secret No One Talks About
Coloring pages for Summer Library Staff
Summer Learning
Learning Heroes - summer learning resource for families, also available in SpanishCollaborate to Stop Summer Slide
Summer Reading for All!
2018 Diverse Summer Reading List for Grades PreK-8
Things That Rock
Teen & Tween Books About Music and Musicians
Summer Health and Nutrition
Reflecting on Summer Meals
Keep Kids Active and Healthy During the Summer
Summer Reading: Not just for big kids
Building Strong Summer Partnerships
10 Merchandising Tips to Get Ready for Summer Reading
Summer Reading ScratchiesTeen Summer Reading Prizes
School Age Summer Program Inspos!
Turning Pastimes into Passions – Creating a Summer Technology Series
Science Activity Packs RevisitedGrant and Award Opportunities
Great Stories Club (7/9)
Bank of America Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1st - 15th of each month)
Professional Development Opportunities
*new* Summer Institute in Digital Literacy (7/15-7/20)
*new* 2018 Summer Literacy Institute (7/16-7/19)
Excite Transformation™ For Libraries
application for cohort 2 training in RI due 6/14/18
Call for Proposals for Power Up Youth Services Leadership Conference (8/3)
SLJ Teen Live! Virtual Conference (8/15)Upcoming Events and Celebrations
Star Wars Day (May 4)
Children's Book Week (April 30-May 6)
Free Comic Book Day (May 5)
Kids Reading Across RI (May 19)
RI Latino Books Month
National Foster Care Month
Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
GLBT Book Month
National Summer Learning Day (July 12)
Upcoming OLIS CE
Massachusetts Library System: Young Changemakers in the 21st Century Library
This program is open to any staff that work with teens & young adults, in all library types.
Libraries play a pivotal role in media literacy, cultural engagement, civic participation, and an array of social experiences for young people. How can librarians leverage this potential to help young people become successful––equitable, effective, and self-protective––civic agents in a digital age?
Led by Harvard Professor Danielle Allen, the author of Our Declaration and Cuz, in collaboration with Chaebong Nam, a postdoc at the Democratic Knowledge Project, this workshop will introduce a reflection-action framework, known as “The Ten Questions for Young Changemakers,” offer Ten Questions-based examples developed by other librarians and educators, and provide an opportunity to discuss how participants might fold this framework into their own library programs.
Drawn from multiyear research conducted by the MacArthur Foundation’s Youth and Participatory Politics Research Network (2009-2017), the Ten Questions Framework serves as a set of ethical guidelines that young people can count on to meet challenges and derive benefits from the new media environment.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 03:00 PM
Massachusetts Library System - Marlborough Office, Cedar Hill Street, Marlborough, MA, USA
Social Media for PR/Organizational Meeting
Are you considering using social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to help get the word out about your library services? Or do you already have a plan in place for using social media to promote Children's programs? Whether a social media newbie or veteran, please join us to ask questions or share your experiences on how social media has helped (or hindered!) your work.
We'll also reflect on the past year and start thinking about the year to come. We'll determine meeting topics, dates, presenters, and host libraries for the upcoming 2018-2019 Children's Summer Round Table (CSRT) meetings. CSRT encourages all Children's Librarians to consider leading a meeting. Think about a topic you've researched, your favorite genre of literature, a successful program you've developed, relevant experiences from another job you've had (pre-librarian), or another hot topic and share what you know.
Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018, 01:00 PM
Tiverton Public Library, Roosevelt Avenue, Tiverton, RI, USA
Children's Sensory Story Time Support Group
Join us to learn about sensory story times at RI pubIic libraries. We will be discussing how sensory programs have been developing at various libraries, sharing ideas and tips to help improve services to children with special needs, and welcoming new partnerships with local organizations (RI Consortium for Autism Research and Treatment and The Autism Project) that provide information and resources to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families.
The Sensory Story Time Support Group is a grassroots community of practice developed and faciliated by Maria Cotto at the Pawtucket Public Library and Babs Wells at the Greenville Public Library. The Sensory Storytime Support Group seeks to empower youth services librarians to better serve children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families by expanding programming, outreach, partnerships, and resources that welcome all abilities. For more information about the Sensory Storytime Support Group please contact Maria Cotto at
Tuesday, Jun 12, 2018, 01:00 PM
Greenville Public Library, Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI, USA
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri