First Grade Newsletter

September 2024
- Complete this Google Form so we can get to know you and your child.
- School fees- thank you for supporting your child and our community!
- Headphones- each child needs a pair of headphones (not cordless) with their name on them.
- The Meadowlark directory is available through Help at School
Curriculum Update
Math- Unit 2: The primary focus is on developing a basic understanding of addition and subtraction concepts through concrete representations like manipulatives, with an emphasis on solving simple story problems, writing addition and subtraction sentences, and recognizing the meaning of the equal sign within these equations; essentially laying the foundation for more complex math expressions later on. Click here for more details on the strategies introduced in this unit.
Literacy- Into Reading Module 1:
foundational literacy skills through engaging stories and informational texts. Students focus on developing comprehension strategies, such as asking and answering questions about key details.
identifying genres
exploring author's purpose
retelling stories (you can practice this at home) using sequence words.
FUNdations- Unit 2- We are focusing on strengthening phonics and word recognition skills.
short vowels and closed-syllable words
they are introduced to digraphs like sh, ch, th, wh, and ck.
They practice tapping out sounds to decode and spell words, as well as begin working with sentences to improve reading fluency and comprehension.
Huddle- We are learning to identify our emotions and our zones of regulation. Click here to learn more about the zones.
PBL- Students will participate, as a 1st and 2nd Grade Learning Community, to solve the Driving Question, “How do we, as Mavericks, build a positive community?”
We will use the design thinking process to tackle this problem. Click on the links to watch an overview of the innovative process of PBL and design thinking.