SLE Panther Post
Important Information for Families - Week of 2/3/25
A message from Mr. Romero
Welcome to February!
The year is moving along quickly, and it’s hard to believe we are already well into 2025. Our students have been working incredibly hard in their classrooms, and their dedication is truly inspiring.
One highlight I want to share is how impressed I’ve been with the academic language I’ve been hearing, especially during math lessons. Students are explaining their reasoning, asking thoughtful questions, and engaging in conversations that reflect deep understanding and growth. It’s amazing to see their confidence and skills shining through!
Thank you for your continued support as we move forward together in this exciting school year.
All One, Each One! 🐾
Complete Today! Family Partnership Survey
At South Lakewood, we are committed to ensuring that your experience with our school is collaborative, successful and helps your child learn and grow. We want to know how we are doing. Panorama Education is a company who conducts student and family surveys in schools and districts across the country.
Below is a link to complete a survey about family school partnerships. The survey is anonymous and will take around 15 – 20 minutes to complete. The results will be compiled into school level climate reports. These reports will be used by district leadership and school staff to continue the positive work of our schools while identifying and addressing current needs. The family survey opens Tuesday, January 21 and closes Friday, February 7. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback!
Survey Link: surveys.panoramaed.com/jeffco/family
Food Drive to Benefit the Jeffco Action Center
SLE is supporting the Jeffco Action Center by hosting a food drive here at school! We are looking to collect instant meals, and we are collecting items from now until March 7th. Please pay attention to expiration dates and provide items with pop-top openings. You can drop off all food donations in our bin in the main office. Thank you!
Social-Emotional Learning Edition Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales(SSIS SEL)
Our community works together to ensure high levels of learning for all. This includes not only being attentive to academic growth, but also recognizing that the social and emotional growth of students is critically important. Current research indicates a direct connection between students’ emotional well-being and their academic performance.
For any questions or concerns about the SSIS-SEL, please contact Erin Senour at erin.senour@jeffco.k12.co.us.
If you would like to opt-out your student from this screening, please email Ms. Senour by February 10th.
English Version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Oq5RvVn23LWJlhPx5X9JhMLAji92iCRJ_nwMKHlBfQA/edit?usp=sharing
Spanish Version:
School Insights and MOY Conferences
Our Middle of Year (MOY) Conferences are coming up! Conferences will be held on Tuesday, 2/11 and Wednesday, 2/12.
Student Insights is now displaying middle-of-year MAP Growth, and DIBELS 8 data for families.
If your child is on a READ Plan, please login prior to conferences for potential READ Plan needs and easy access. If you are wondering more about Student Insights, please view our website!
Super Bowl Spirit Day presented by SLE Student Council!
Friendship Day Parties
Hello Volunteers! PTA is providing the craft and game and we will NOT need food donations for this party but we DO NEED volunteers to help run the classroom game and craft. If you are available to help, please use the sign-up genius below.
Please note, if you are a volunteer, please arrive at the school at 1:15 pm to quickly learn the game and craft for your classroom. You will first check in at the front office and then you will proceed to the cafeteria to meet with PTA before heading to your classroom. Any volunteers and/or family members who attend are also asked to please help with a quick party clean up – many hands make light work!
We’re looking forward to Friendship Day at SLE and we hope to see you there!
News from the Library!
Book Fair is Coming Soon!
Mrs. Gilmore NEEDS volunteers to help work the book fair, please email her @ andrea.gilmore@jeffco.k12.co.us if you can help.
We will be open for sales on 2/11 & 2/12 (3:35-6:45) and 2/13 (1:30 - 3:30)
The theme of our spring book fair is.....How do you inspire literacy at home? Please send a photo of you and your child/children reading at home to Mrs. Gilmore or to Ms. Kristi to be printed and displayed at the book fair. Include a short blurb telling us how you inspire literacy.
K/1 Artist Reception at Belmar Library!
Join our Kindergarten and 1st Grade Artists as they showcase their art work at the Belmar Library on Wednesday, February 5th from 5p-6:30p. All are welcome!
Belmar Library: 555 S Allison Pkwy, Lakewood, CO 80226
LHS Winter Tiger Cheer Cubs
Save the Date! PTA Family Night Out at Roller City
PTA is excited for our Family Night Out at Roller City!
Who: SLE Families and Friends
What: PTA Family Night Out
Where: Roller City, 6803 W Alameda Ave, Lakewood, CO 80226
When: Tuesday, February 18th from 4:30p-7:30p
$8 flat rate per person
Why: To have FUN!
Lakewood High School Softball Clinic
CMAS Testing for 2025 at SLE
Thank you for being mindful of our CMAS testing dates, we appreciate it when you do not make appointments and or take vacation during CMAS!
If your Panther is in 3rd-5th grades, our Mandatory CMAS testing at SLE will take place April 7- April 24.
SLE Choir sings at the Denver Nuggets!
For information regarding school delays and closures, please access the link below:
Important Dates!
Tuesday, February 4 - Band Area Festival at Lakewood High - 7pm
Wednesday, February 5 - K/1 Art Reception at Belmar Library (5:00-6:30p)
Tuesday, February 11 and Wednesday, February 12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (2:45p-6:45p)
Wednesday, February 12 - Orchestra Area Festival at Lakewood High - 7pm
Thursday, February 13 - Friendship Day Parties (1:45 p.m.)
Friday, February 14 - Teacher Work Day (No school for students)
Monday, February 17 - Presidents’ Day No School
Wednesday, February 26 - 5th grade at Colorado Symphony
Thursday, February 27 - PTA Meeting (2:50p in the Room 205)
Thursday, February 27 - 4th Grade Fine Arts Night (Math Rocks!)
Friday, February 28 - Panther Awards Assembly - 3rd, 4th and 5th grade: 8:00a-8:45a
SLE Spirit Wear!
🚨 Shop at https://1stplace.sale/16477