April 2024
Baldwin Bobcats
Can you believe it's already April? Time has flown by, and as we enter the final stretch of the school year, we get extremely busy! I have included a list of many of the school wide events but want to highlight a few important reminders for you all.
First, registration will reopen on April 2, 2024. Currently, we have less than 30% of our families registered, and these numbers are crucial for our planning next year. Remember that every student will need to register if they are going to ANY AISD school. If you are not planning to attend an AISD school, please call Ms Alicia Cruz and let her know. To register your child(ren) you will need to log in to your parent portal. If you need assistance please reach out to 512-414-SEAT and they can assist you. Be sure to allow yourself some time as the process can be a bit cumbersome and documents may need to be uploaded.
Additionally, last week you should have received an email from the district regarding a Panorama survey to provide feedback about Baldwin and AISD. Your input is invaluable in guiding our campus forward, and we are aiming for an 80% participation rate. I know our community can help us achieve this goal, so please take a moment to fill out the survey.
I understand that the recent bus accident involving Tom Green Elementary staff and students weighs heavily on many of our minds. I want to reassure you that all AISD buses have seatbelts, and we will emphasize the importance of wearing them to both our teachers and students. In addition to wearing seatbelts, teachers will review proper bus behavior to students before they get on the bus for a field trip. Reminders such as staying seated and buckled, keeping hands, feet and bodies inside the bus and your seat, as well as speaking at a noise level that only their bus mates can hear to allow the bus driver to be focused on the road will be shared with students. If you have a child that rides the bus to and/or from school, I encourage you to also talk to your children to help promote bus safety. Safety continues to be our top priority, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
On a lighter note, we have an exciting event coming up at Baldwin! On Monday, April 8th, Baldwin will host an eclipse watching opportunity. All parents are welcome to join, but please pre register using the provided link as we anticipate a large turnout and want to ensure that all runs smoothly. The office will close early at 1:15 PM to allow staff to participate as well. Glasses will NOT be provided for guests but will be for all students and staff.
Looking ahead, mark your calendars for April 26th from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM for our special event, "Baldwin at Night." We'll be hosting a mini lock-in with pizza, drinks, sweets, popcorn, games, karaoke, scavenger hunts, and more for any currently enrolled Baldwin student! This is a child only event - so drop your kids off and enjoy your evening! You can register here.
As always, your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being such wonderful partners in your child's education.
Jennifer Murray
Principal, Baldwin Elementary
4/1- 4/5 - AP and Librarian Appreciation Week
4/1 - Field Day t-shirts on sale here
4/2 - Early Learning Registration
4/2 - Registration for 24-25 school year opens
4/4 - 3rd grade musical @ 6:00 PM
4/5 - Volunteer Breakfast @ 7:45
4/8 - Eclipse Watching (office closed 1:15 - 1:45)
4/10 - Student Holiday
4/16 - STAAR Reading (3rd, 4th, 5th)
4/16 - Choir Concert @ 4:45
4/18 - STAAR Science (5th only)
4/19 - Family Dance with Chachi from APEX
4/22-4/26 - Office Staff Appreciation
4/22 - Earth Day/Campus clean up
4/24 - STAAR Math
4/25 - PTA Meeting @ 5:00 PM
4/25 - Family Fitness & Art Show
4/26 - Baldwin After Dark event (6:00 - 10:00)
4/29-5/3 - HS&R for 5th grade
4/30 - Kona Ice after school
5/2 - 1st grade musical @ 6:00
Eclipse Viewing
PTA Family Dance
Field Day T-Shirts
Baldwin After Dark
Assistant Principal Week
2023-2024 Registration
Please take a minute to register your child for the 2024 - 25 school year. (ALL students, including transfer students, students that may be moving, students going to another school etc.)
Here is the link to get started with directions.
We will be taking the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) during the month of April. It is important that you make sure that your student is at school before 7:40 am on these days. All students will have the entire day to test if needed, so please refrain from planning doctor appointments during the school day. The test will be online for all students this year, but students will have access to paper and pencil to work out their thoughts.
Here are some helpful tips for ensuring your child is successful on the day of testing:
Go to bed early and get enough sleep
Arrive at school before the tardy bell rings
Bring a healthy snack: grapes, pretzels, granola bars, sliced apples, cheese sticks, etc… Please do not send snacks that are messy or require assistance with opening (ie: fruit cups, gogurt)
Bring water in a bottle with a closable lid
Bring headphones/earbuds
Dress in layers for the testing environment
Bring a couple of books that you will enjoy reading after testing
A positive attitude!
I know that our Bobcats are well prepared for STAAR and will do their best!
~Mrs. Reue
Please be mindful of the testing schedule for 3rd- 5th grades STAAR when scheduling appointments. It is important for students to be on time for school and have minimal interruptions during testing. Please reach out to Mrs. Reue if you have any questions.
Early Learning Day
Kinder Round Up 2024
Spring Book Fair
We are excited to host our first Shop Local Spring Book Fair by partnering with Bookpeople on Monday, April 22 - 26 (closed on Wednesday for STAAR). Please join us for parent night on Thursday, April 25. To volunteer at the bookfair, please sign up at this link. Let's Surf into Summer with a Good Book!
Spring has sprung! As we move into the last two months of the school year, counselors will be reinforcing skills we have taught students on self-regulation, how to handle interpersonal conflicts, and work effectively with others. We will spend time talking about how to handle stress with performance, especially as it relates to STAAR testing for students in grades 3-5. Assessments and tests are part of education and our world. We want our students to know that we value them as individuals and believe they are “more than a test score” or a single point of data.
Tips for students to manage their stress through mindfulness:
Pretend to walk on ice - draw awareness to their body and movements
Journal about their day - with practice they will likely add more details
Focus on scents - close your eyes and focus on what you smell
Focus on breathing - close your eyes on focus on breathing in deeply (like smelling flowers), and exhaling deeply (like blowing out a candle), hand on chest or belly inhaling in for 3 counts, hold it for 3 counts, exhale for 3 counts
Savor the flavor - when eating, pay attention to how something tastes and feels in your mouth
Hold, observe, and draw an everyday object - notice the details you wouldn’t have otherwise
Progressive muscle relaxation - lie down and tighten and relax specific muscle groups at one time starting with the feet, moving up the legs to the top of the body and face
Focus on sounds - close your eyes and notice what sounds you hear, or listen to a bell sound until it fades to silence
Practice yoga - there are many websites, podcasts, and videos for kids
Use a gratitude journal - write three things you are grateful for each day
Guided meditation - there are many kid friendly versions on YouTube Kids, apps, etc.
Take a walk in nature
Snuggle with and rock a stuffed animal to sleep
Adapted from Verywell Family
As we round out the end of the year we will wrap up with students exploring their strengths and interests as it relates to future educational opportunities, jobs, and careers. We will explore different types of industries, jobs, and how to set personal goals to help them to achieve their aspirations.
Career Day
We invite you to participate in our Baldwin Career Day that will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. For more information and to sign up visit bit.ly/baldwincareer2024 Volunteers are asked to sign up by Friday, April 26th.