Buckalew Buzz
Summer, 2024
Connect With Us!
Buckalew Bears Motto:
"Today I choose to BE Kind, Work Hard, and Do My BEst!"
Our school hours are officially 7:55-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30.
Email: contactbuckalew@conroeisd.net
Website: https://buckalew.conroeisd.net/
Location: 4909 Alden Bridge Dr, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 2814653400
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BuckalewCISD/
Instagram: @buckalewbears
Twitter: @buckalewbears
From Mrs. Price
Buckalew Families,
I hope everyone is having a great start to the summer! As we prepare for our 24-25 School Year, we have some deadlines approaching:
June 23
Below is information on ordering your PTO supply pack with a deadline of June 23rd. By ordering through PTO, it is a one stop shop to have the convenience of having supplies delivered straight to school and to your child's homeroom ready to go by Meet the Teacher August 12.
July 7
Buckalew PTO Spirit Shirt Order is due in order to have it ready for back to school! See below for details.
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer building memories together!!
Mrs. Price
School Supplies 2024-2025
Order through our PTO for the one stop shop! No need to run around and find all of the supplies. Order by June 23, and the package of supplies will arrive in your child's homeroom class before Meet the Teacher!
PTO Spirit Wear- Order by July 7th
24-25 Registration
Conroe ISD will be offering families the opportunity to register their new students for enrollment in the 2024-25 school year every Tuesday and Thursday in June at two locations. Registration will be held at Milam Elementary and the Jett Center from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following dates:
- June 4 & 6
- June 11 & 13
- June 18 & 20
- June 25 & 27
Special Education Parent Resource Network Newsletter
Maintaining Skills over the Summer
Many parents ask what can they do to maintain or build skills over the summer.
Our answer is READ! Read books together, encourage independent reading at home, visit the public library.
Dreambox will also be available over the summer to work on Math Skills. Your children should be able to share how to get to Dreambox, but they will access it through their SSO.
Child Nutrition Job Fairs
We are hiring cafeteria workers this summer to begin working in August.
Thursday, June 20th – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the CISD Operations Center
Tuesday, June 25th – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Grand Oaks High School
Dates to Remember
Upcoming Events
23- Deadline to order School Supply Packs
7- Deadline to order PTO Spirit Shirts
August 2024
12- Meet the Teacher (come and go)
- 4-5PM Kindergarten
- 5-6 1-4 grade
14 - First Day of School, 7:30 doors open. School starts at 7:55am
Report Card Information
Report Card for Grades K - 1:
Your child’s 4th marking period report cards will be mailed out on Friday May 31st, please make sure we have the student's current address on file.
Report Card for Grades 2 - 4:
Your child’s 4th marking period report may be viewed in Parent Access on Tuesday, May 28th . Paper copies of the report cards will be mailed out, please make sure we have the student's current address on file.
Have you moved?
In the event you are moving or have moved, please notify me via email to lpvasquez@conroeisd.net. Please include the student's full name and homeroom teacher so his/her information can be updated.
Parent Access
If you have not signed up for a Parent Access account, please visit the Buckalew home page and click on Parent Access tab at the top of the page. Then click on ‘Register’ in the blue box at the bottom of the page. If you have any problems, you may call or email our Technology Help Desk. 936-709-7658, help@conroeisd.net
CISD Camps and Clinics
CISD Child Nutrition Information
Bond Projects coming to Buckalew:
- Critical infrastructure like chillers, boilers, air handlers, generator, freezer/cooler, roof sections, & electrical service equipment
- All campuses will receive safety & technology infrastructure updates
Technology Devices
- All campuses will receive updates to their technology devices.
- 98 Chromebooks were exchanged that had a specific operating system 4/8/24
Elementary Gym
- beginning summer of 2024
- proposed date to be complete: August 2025!
Specific updates on Bond Projects at Buckalew:
- land survey completed December 2023
- perimeter fencing completed February 2024
- impact resistant film installed on all exterior glass January 2024
Buckalew Bears PTO Information
End of Year Update
The Buckalew PTO had another successful year of fundraising. With the funds raised, we have been able to pay for items including field trips, teacher luncheons, and books for the PTO vending machine. In addition, we were able to fundraise above and beyond our goals, allowing us to purchase water bottle fillers, solar eclipse glasses, extra school supplies, Chrome Books, and the Watch D.O.G.S. Program.
In our May 10 meeting, we approved the purchase of 5 additional classroom projectors and over $10,000 of funding for the purpose of reimbursing teachers for classroom and grade level needs.
Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered, served on committees, and donated to the PTO through the year. We cannot support Buckalew without you! We would also like to announce the newly elected 2024-2025 PTO Executive Board. 2024-2025 Executive Board President: Brooke Roberts VP Fundraising: Chelsey Martin VP Communications: Felisha Hennessey VP Parent Involvement: Christine Schaible Treasurer: Carrie Foster Treasurer: Rachel Simpson Secretary: Jainelle Kemp Parliamentarian: Anna Russell Thank you for all of your support and have a great summer!
With much appreciation,
The 2023-2024 Buckalew PTO Executive Board
President: Elizabeth Kutka VP Fundraising: Catherine Boeger VP Communications: Felisha Hennessey VP Parent Involvement: Sarah Bartnick Treasurer: Carrie Foster Secretary: Jainelle Kemp Parliamentarian: Brooke Roberts
Get involved with the Buckalew Elementary PTO!
Please consider joining the Buckalew PTO! Memberships and yard signs are currently available for purchase on the Buckalew Spirit store at https://buckalewbearspto.com.
Kroger Rewards and Boxtops
Volunteer with the P.T.O.!
If you are interested in hearing about volunteer opportunities, please email BuckalewPTOVolunteers@gmail.com and let us know that you would like to be included on our volunteer list. You can also sign up using the QR code below.
Yearbook Information
Please follow the directions above to purchase your yearbook here: www.treering.com/validate and enter our school’s passcode: 1016910708713746 Please direct any and all questions to Kristen Stocker or Kate Herring at buckalewyearbook2023@gmail.com
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to:
(a) Promote the welfare of children at Buckalew
(b) To foster cooperation between parents and teachers in the education of children at Buckalew
(c) To unite school and community efforts in securing the best education for all children
(d) To engage in fundraising activities for the educational and recreational benefit of Buckalew, its children, teachers, and staff as determined by the PTO and in accordance with the PTO by-laws.
Please Sign Up to be a CISD Volunteer
Click the button below to complete the form. You will need your drivers license number;
- Information For Ongoing Reference -
Bring Your I.D
Did you recently move?
In the event you are moving or have recently moved, please email your new proof of residency document (i.e. a recent gas, water or electric bill / or your signed and dated lease or sales agreement) to lpvasquez@conroeisd.net. Please include the student's full name and homeroom teacher so his/her information can be updated.
Smartwatch and Cell Phone Guidelines
CISD PreK-6th Grade Cell Phone and Smartwatch Guidelines
At the October 17, 2023 CISD School Board Meeting, the trustees approved the PreK-6th Grade Cellphone and Smartwatch policy. The policy approved states:
● Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
● Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
● Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and kept in backpacks, lockers, or other designated storage areas and should not be visible during school hours including instructional time, reward time, free time, lunch, and in the hallways.
● Use of cell phones and smartwatches may be permitted in extenuating circumstances with permission from a staff member. (ex. to notify parent/ guardian of a late bus)
Currently Buckalew's Student Addendum states the following on Student Electronic Devices.
If a student brings an electronic device (cell phone, e-reader, smart watch, etc.) they bring them at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any damage, lost, or stolen electronic devices. The expectation is that electronic devices are powered off when students enter the building and stored in a backpack until they exit the building. Any communication between parent and student during the school day must go through the office or teacher.
Teachers will communicate with parents if there are times that personal electronic devices will be allowed to be used during classroom activities. Expectations for use will be communicated to students, and students will be monitored to ensure the devices are being used properly.
Students who do not comply with school procedures will have the device given to the assistant principal, who will contact the parent to discuss the concern and plans moving forward, and schedule a time for the device to be picked up. Please see CISD Student Handbook for further information on electronic devices.