May Newsletter
May 2024
Happy May!
We made it through April! May is a month with several year-end performances, like the OMA performances, our Choir concert, and the Fruchthendler Talent Show. We also have several celebrations to end the year, including our Fruchthendler Olympics and our 5th Grade promotion. Thank you so much to all the families and volunteers for helping all of these events happen! We have the most amazing community. Our Character Strong Trait of the Month is Kindness.
Important Items
- Tax Credit Donations – Thank you to everyone who donated their tax credit donations to Fruchthendler. We received over $50,000 in donations.
- END OF YEAR PERFORMANCES - Here is a list of the upcoming performances:
- Monday, April 29th - 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade (5:00 - 8:00 pm)
- Thursday, May 2nd - Kinder and 2nd Grade (5:30 pm)
- Tuesday, May 7th - Choir Concert (5:30 pm)
- Thursday, May 9th - 1st Grade Operas (6:00 pm)
- Friday, May 17th - Talent Show
- Dining For Dollars – Our Dining for Dollars (D4D) event this month is on May 7th at Raising Canes from 4-9pm (15% donated back to us).
- Volunteers – Volunteer Appreciation Day is this month. We want to thank all of our wonderful volunteers who help make this community so amazing. Be looking for information in the 2nd week after our first week events are completed.
What's Going On In...
Counseling with Ms. Lana:
This month in counseling, all grades will be focusing on careers. Lessons will center on career awareness, exploration, interests, and research. We will wrap up our school year by making brochures for the incoming classes to help them feel welcome and excited for the coming year!
OMA with Mrs. Gale:
This month in OMA, kinder will be exploring different instruments and playing song games. First grade will be playing musical games after preparing for their OMA Opera. Second grade will be looking at written music to prepare for recorders next school year. Third grade will be learning their last two notes on recorder to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Fourth grade will be finishing their Pirate or Parrot illustration project then learning about the different band instruments. Fifth grade will be finishing their programmatic music unit and choosing which OMA activities they would like to end the year with. And band will be having a class celebration then learning how to clean up their instruments.
Discovery Lab with Dr. B:
In Discovery Lab, Kindergarten is learning about paper and fabric as materials; thinking about where they come from, how they are made and how they are used. First grade wraps up the Forces in Action unit with several lessons on balance. Second grade will be looking at unit called "Bits and Pieces" which wraps up the Solids and Liquids unit by investigating the basics of creating and separating mixtures. Third grade continues to work on the Sound Design unit, where they will learn how sound travels differently through different medium, is used and perceived by animals, and how it can be amplified. Fourth grade continue to understand the many forms of energy where they will use what they have learned to reinvent the telegraph, identify evidence of energy transfer in multiple systems, and investigate mechanical energy transfer. In fifth grade, Mrs. Tinsley's class will use what they have learned to create a saturated solution of a mystery salt and use their results to identify that mystery salt, then spend two weeks learning about the basics of chemical reactions. Mr. Dye's class will discuss the physics of freefall and impact, then use that knowledge in egg drop challenge to engineer a device to protect an egg being dropped from height. The materials for this challenge are fixed and limited, so students have to work creatively and cooperatively to solve this challenge.
PE with Coach T and Coach B:
May is Mental Health and Better Sleep Awareness month. For PE all Kinders thru 3rd graders will participate in various activities and games that will focus on quick movements, emotional self-regulation and good sportsmanship.
Kinder thru 1st grades will participate in games such as Red Light, Green Light, Freeze and Hot Lava. 2nd and 3rd graders will participate in games such as Wacky Relay, Ready Set Go and Safe Shot.
In PE 4th and 5th grade will be swinging into our tennis unit, working on racket control, ball control and the basics of forehand and backhand swings.
May Dates:
MAY (Kindness)
*5/2* – SPIRIT DAY - Movie Star or Singer Day
*5/2* - Kinder and 2nd OMA Dance Recital @ 5:30 pm in cafeteria
5/3 - Fruchthendler Olympics @ 12:30
5/6 – 5/10 – Teachers & Staff Appreciation Week
5/6 - Kindness Crew
*5/7* - FCC Meeting
5/7 - CHOIR Concert @5:30 PM
5/7 – D4D @Raising Cane’s on Broadway, 4-9pm, 15% back
5/9 – 1st Grade OMA Opera performance – 6:00 pm
5/10 - SPIRIT DAY - Time Travelers Day Dress 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past
5/14 - Talent Show Practice
5/16 – PTA Meeting @ 2:45pm
5/17 - SPIRIT DAY - Career Day Dress as your future professional wear
5/17 - Talent Show
5/23 – Last Day for Students
5/24 – Last Day for Teachers
If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me at (520) 731-4400.
Mr. E