Middleton Update
November 7, 2024
Dear Middleton Families,
Thank you parents for all of your help with our fall parties last Thursday. It is so fun for the kids to have family members in the building and to spend some time having FUN together. Thank you also to those of you who came to Chipotle on Tuesday night. It was great to see so many Middleton families there! Our next family event is Bingo Night on Friday, November 15th. See below for more details.
You may have noticed some extra adults around over the last few weeks watching traffic in various locations around Middleton before and after school. We are partnering with Safe Routes to School to help make walking and biking as safe as possible. If you haven't done so already, please take this short SURVEY. (Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results.)
Thank you!
Middleton Family BINGO Night!
Homework for Vacations
Just a reminder that teachers do not provide homework for absences due to vacations. If families are interested, students missing school for vacations are welcome to read daily, write about their trip in a journal, or practice math on their DreamBox app. While we do ask that you let your child's teacher and the office know that you will be out, you do not need to worry about requesting homework for time missed due to reasons other than illness.
November Character Trait: Forgiveness & Compassion
This month's character traits are forgiveness and compassion. Forgiveness is defined as an intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger. Compassion is a feeling and an act that's based on empathy, respect, and dignity. We've combined these traits because to be forgiving, one must also be compassionate.
To extend learning from school to home, consider asking some of these questions:
- The opposite of forgiving is holding a grudge. How might it be harmful to hold a grudge?
- What are some words and actions you can use to show others you forgive them?
- How can you ask someone to forgive you when you have wronged them?
- When someone asks for forgiveness, what should you do?
Upcoming Dates
November 8 | Popcorn Friday & Chess Club
November 13, 20 | Early Release @ 1:15
November 11 | Veteran's Day: No School
November 15 | Picture Retakes
November 15 | Chess Club
November 15 | Bingo Night
November 21 | Chess Club
November 22 | Teacher Work Day: No School
November 25-29 | Thanksgiving Break
December 4, 11, 18 | Early Release @ 1:15
December 6 | Popcorn Friday
December 10 | Winter Choir Concert @ 6:30
December 23-January 6 | Winter Break | No School
January 7 | School Resumes