The Jim Plain Insider
News, updates, and upcoming events for Jim Plain Elementary!
Week of September 9th
Jim Plain Vision
We aspire to be a safe and loving community that empowers students to be lifelong learners who positively contribute to the world.
Hello JPE Pride!
We had a packed house last Friday for our PTA back to school bash and movie night - over 200 people were here. Thank you for coming out and for PTA for all their work setting up for the event!
This week we had several special visitors on campus. Kristen Currie from KXAN taught our third graders about weather, meteorology, and news stations. She even gave a special shout out to Jim Plain on the news this morning! We are all in for Glenn and had several Glenn HS groups at Plain on Friday! The football players greeted our students as they entered this morning, the softball players read to kindergarten and first graders, and the Glenn Guardians drill team read all around campus today too! Our future Grizzlies loved seeing students from Glenn today.
Have a great weekend!
đź’–Mrs. Ulatoski
Star Class of the Week
Congratulations to Mr. Downey's class for being the Star Class of the Week!
We'll share the picture next week! :)
Important Dates to Remember
September is Hydrocephalus Awareness Month
September 9
- Plain Pride Day - wear your JPE shirt!
- Grandparents Day Lunch (see info below)
September 10
- Sharks Burger PTA Spirit Day ALL DAY! Order at either location and let them know you're with JPE, and they'll donate to our PTA!
September 11
- 9/11 Remembrance & Texas First Responder Day
September 12
- QUEST Parent Information Night at 6:00 in the JPE Library
- Glenn HS Sprit Day - Construction Theme
September 13th
- Future Friday - wear your favorite LMS, DMS, GHS, college, career, or military shirt!
September 16
- International Dot Day - see info below!
September 18
- PTA General Meeting at 5:30 in the JPE Library
Crosswalk Reminder
Please remember that pedestrians have the right of way when walking through a crosswalk. Drivers, please be patient and pay attention so all our families using the crosswalks and our crossing guards remain safe while arriving to school.
Grandparents Day Lunch - September 9
Plain Elementary is excited to welcome all Grandparents to Grandparent's Day Lunch!
Grandparents are invited to come and eat lunch with their grandchildren on Monday September 9th, 2024. We will have a table up front with stickers for those of you that have RSVP'ed and are already in our Raptor system. We recommend you bring your drivers license in the event we do not have your information in our system.
If you are not already in our Raptor system, you must bring your driver's license and check in at our front office. We recommend you come 15-20 minutes early to check in as we have around 200 grandparents that have RSVPed for Monday.
Sharks Burger Sprit Day
International Dot Day - September 16th
Nurse Alli's Newsletter
Get your 24-25 Yearbook!
Yearbooks are already on sale! Click on the link to order yours now! Yearbooks are $18 from now until November 15th. Prices increase to $20 on November 16th.
Destination Imagination
Does your 3rd-5th grade child like to build, design, invent, create, perform, and work with a team to solve challenges? If so, they might be interested in participating in Destination Imagination (DI). Destination Imagination (DI) is an extracurricular, school-sponsored program that fosters students' creativity, team-based problem-solving skills, and life skills. Leander ISD Destination Imagination is open to all third through fifth-grade students. Each team must have a team manager to facilitate team practices. You can find more information on the QUEST website as well as the form to fill out.
If your child is interested in participating in DI, please read the DI information and complete the DI registration form with your child. All registration forms are due by October 1, 2024. You may print them and return them to your child’s teacher or email them directly to the QUEST teacher at emily.riordan@leanderisd.org
Student Absences
When your child is absent, please communicate this with us through School Dismissal Manager. You will mark your student absent and let us know the reason for the absence. This communicates your child's absence with administration, our registrar, and your child's teacher all at the same time! Unexcused absences can quickly accumulate, so please be sure you are communicating all absences with us. You can find more information on attendance here.
School Spirit Days
We show our Plain Pride spirit by wearing our Plain school shirts on Mondays!
This year we will also celebrate Future Fridays -- wear a DMS, LMS, or GHS shirt to celebrate our future LISD schools, wear your favorite college t-shirt, or wear a future career, company, or military shirt to show off our BRIGHT futures!
Jim Plain PTA
We love our JPE PTA! They work together to create incredible experiences for our students, staff, and families. Interested in joining or learning more? Find out more about out JPE PTA here and be on the lookout for the PTA table at school events!
Our first PTA meeting is on September 18th at 5:30 pm. We will be providing pizza, and the Glenn HS PALS will be providing childcare during the meeting! Please let us know if you'll be able to make it so we can order enough pizza by completing this form.
Volunteering at JPE
Volunteer opportunities are everywhere! Take a moment to complete your volunteer application for 2024-25 if you have not had the chance to do so already: https://www.leanderisd.org/volunteering/