CHS News
August 23, 2024

October 11, 2024
Speech and Debate Team Wins in First Competion of the Year!
Our Speech and Debate Team competed for the first time this past weekend and walked away with four gold medals!
We are proud to announce that the dynamic duo of Alice Han and Shubha Kadari earned two gold medals as a team for Junior Varsity Public Forum. In the same event, Alice Han secured a gold medal for Best Speaker, and Shubha Kadari took home a bronze medal for speaker.
Left to right: Alice Han, Shubha Kadari
CHS Students Featured in Navigating the Margins Writing Program
CHS students Sam Strong and Sanjeevani Mukherjee were among 24 high school students selected to participate in the Navigating the Margins writing program. They worked all last school year with an author mentor to write and refine their own short story, which is now published in Navigating the Margins: A Collection of Stories by High School Students curated by Ella Heiliger.
The Navigating the Margins writing program is currently seeking applications for our next cohort of students. Any high school student interested in the program may apply using the online application form. The application deadline is October 23rd, with accepted students being notified on Friday, October 25th and a full-day field trip on Wednesday, November 6th.
Fall Sports Senior Night Celebrations
Left to Right: Reese Wysocki , Natalie Gomez, Joy Chen, Simmer Sidhu, Amanda Xu, and Coach Bossom
Center: Senior Seth Binnie with his teammates and Coach Fowler
Left to Right: Sarah Middleton, Cami Schwartz, Rei Vlahov, Maya Parrish, Cindy Zhan, Natalie Munoz
Left to Right: Noah Kantsiper, Ben Fang, Matt Sedor, Ayoub El Alaoui, Adam Bost, Kidus Dinku, Ayush Ghosh
National Technology Honor Society Welcomes New Members from CHS
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who were inducted into the National Technology Honor Society:
- ARL-based CTE Career Academy: Michah Peterson, Zahra Sendin, Cristyanne Tawedrose, Matthew Yang
- Business Management: Colin Smith
- Comp Prog/Comp Sci: Ashwath Babu, Barry Chen, Rana Cherukuri, Batool Haider, Vansh Hardas, Alexander Hobson, Divya Joon, Jaden Li, Srinath Madasu, Joshua Oh, Irene Park, Jasiel Sudhakar, Anjali Vallabhaneni, Rawin Wiriyacoonkasem, Emily Wu, Sophie Zhang
- Culinary Science: Jessica Leffler, Daniel Lynge, Lelia Mammel
- Engineering: Connie Bell, Joshua Boden, Justin Brown, Jayden Henlon, Christopher Lei, Eric Ma, Tahmid Niloy, Raghav Srinivasan, Ming Sun, Ananya Viyaj, Ranon Wiriyacoonkasem
The National Technical Honor Society honors, recognizes, and empowesr students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country, providing scholarship opportunities and striving to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.
CHS Dance Company Audtions for All-County Ensemble
The CHS Dance Company participated in the annual All County Performance Ensemble audition at Wilde Lake High School on Tuesday, October 8th. Guest choreographer, Darion Smith, will select one to three students from each of the county high schools to form this year's ensemble. The All-County Dance Ensemble will perform at the Howard County Dance Festival on Saturday, February 1st!
Horizon Club - Alumni Return!
Horizon Club alumni, Jackson Dewhurst and Yi Su, volunteered at Little Portion Farm on October 5th. Jackson is studying Mechanical Engineering and Yi Su is studying Nursing — both at Penn State. Their volunteering spirit has still shines!
- October 7 to November 11 - Ticket Sales Begin for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- October 14 - Choir Concert, 7 PM
- October 15 - Band Concert, 7 PM
- October 15 - Scholars Leadership Honors Program Welcoming Ceremony, 6 PM
- October 16 - PSAT Testing for Grades 10 and 11
- October 16 - Orchestra Concert and Family Reception, 7 PM
- October 16 - CHS PTSA Restaurant Night at Woodstock Inn 11 AM - 10 PM
- October 18 - Professional Work Day, Schools and Offices Closed
- October 19 - Zumbathon, 9 AM - 12 PM
- October 19 - Friends of Music Mattress Sale Fundraiser, 10 AM - 5 PM
- October 21 - Marching Bank Showcase @ Oakland Mills High School
- October 22 - National Writing Day
- October 22 - Cap & Gown Order Day for Seniors during all lunch shifts
- October 22 - Friends of Music General Meeting, 7 PM
- October 25 - Flu Clinic, 7:30 - 11 AM
- October 28 - Senior Crab Feast, 6 - 8 PM
- October 30 - Haunted House, 5 - 7 PM
- October 31 - Professional Work Day, Schools Closed for Students
- November 5 - Election Day, Schools and Offices Closed
- November 8 - Scheduling for Parent Teacher Conferences Opens at all Schools at 8 AM
- November 10 - Deadline for Online Winter Sports Registration
- November 15 - First Day of Winter Sports Tryouts
- November 21 - Winter Athletics Orientation for Parents & Guardians, 5:30 PM
- November 21 - Scheduling for Parent Teacher Conferences Closes at 4 PM
PSAT Testing
10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. They must have their assigned Chromebook. Please ensure students come to school on time with a fully charged device on test day. Late students may not be able to test.
9th graders will engage in a Freshman Field Day and 12th graders have the option of using a discretionary day for college and career exploration.
Buy Your Yearbook Now!
Yearbook sales are here!
To purchase your copy, visit: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1066907/Centennial-High-School/2025-Yearbook/2024100304183132083/CATALOG_SHOP/
Halloween Boo Bags on Sale Now!
BOO! The Class of 2026 is selling Boo Bags (bags of candy) for the next two weeks. All sales will benefit prom this spring. Sales will be open on the OSP until October 25th. Boo Bags will be delivered on Wednesday, October 30th during 6th period!
Maryland Safe Schools App
Led by the Maryland Center for School Safety (MDCSS) within the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Safe Schools Maryland is an anonymous tip reporting system that allows students, parents, and community members to easily report anonymous safety concerns anywhere in Maryland. Tips received are routed to local and state education, public safety, heath, and/or social services support personnel for follow-up.
PSAT Testing at CHS
PSAT Testing will take place on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, for 10th and 11th graders. Testing will start promptly at 7:50 AM. Please support students in being on time and bringing their charged chromebook.
Seniors have the option of using a discretionary day for college and career exploration. English teachers will be facilitating college essay edits in the cafeteria from 7:50 until 11:00 AM. However, students must sign up in advance. The sign up sheet was sent out on the student Canvas page and shared in the English classes.
Flu Clinic
Each year, the Howard County Public School System partners with the Maryland Partnership for Prevention to bring flu immunizations into our schools for students and staff. This year, they will also be offering the latest Covid vaccine if it is available at the time of the clinics. The clinic at Centennial High School will be held on 10/25/2024 starting at approximately 7:30 AM and ending at approximately 11:00 AM.
If you would like to be vaccinated against the flu and/or Covid at this clinic, please register at this link: https://www.marylandvax.org/appointment/en/reg/4012752769.
The Maryland Health Department has contacted Health Services and requested that registration for our FLU/COVID clinic end on 10/9/24 for Centennial High School. 10/9/24 will be the last day to register.
You must provide your insurance information, as MPP will bill your insurance for these vaccines. You will not be required to pay anything. If you have any concerns about the new Covid vaccine, you are advised to speak with your personal physician. All in-school clinics will be closed to registration one week before the clinic date to allow our health room staff time to review and prepare the consents and make sure enough vaccine is ordered. There will be no walk-in registrations accepted on clinic day. If you have any questions, please call your school’s health room at 410-313-2533.
HCPSS Career Readiness Advisors Need Your Help!
The HCPSS Career Readiness Advisors (CRAs) are excited for the 2024-2025 school year, and we would love your help!
Last year, CRAs implemented a Monthly Career Cluster Spotlight series across the county. The Monthly Spotlights allowed students to explore a wide scope of careers while connecting those careers to both the HCPSS curriculum and student strengths and interests.
Each month, we spotlight a different career industry/cluster. We provide students with information about career cluster pathways, curricular connections to that pathway, and opportunities for students to engage with professionals in those clusters.
Here is where you come in: we are looking for community members to share your experience, advice, and insight in your professional line of work.
Please fill out the following form if you are interested in donating a bit of your time and wisdom to HCPSS students.
Thank you!
The Centennial High School Woodworking Club is Looking for Donations of Tools and Equipment.
The Woodworking Club is a brand-new club of more than fifteen students and three Centennial staff members. We are looking for donations of any excess wood boards. Pine, walnut, poplar, and maple would be highly appreciated. Please no plywood.
We also are looking for the donation of a floor model band saw in good condition and a wood lathe.
If you are willing to assist the club, please reach out to Eric Cullings at eric_cullings@hcpss.org
Please do not send in material with your student as we must accept and note it as a donation.
Thank you!
Please Help the Engineering Design & Development Class by Taking a Survey
The students in the Engineering Design and Development class are requesting that you take a brief survey to assist them with the development of a class project. EDD is the capstone class of the Project Lead the Way pre-engineering academy. Students in this class are expected to develop a product from the inception of the idea through the development, production, and marketing of the product. The students will take their finished product before a patent-style review board in May
The three design teams have each developed a market validation survey to assist them in the development of their solutions and will take less than 6 minutes to complete. They ask that you complete the surveys by October 16, 2024. Thank you for taking the time to complete their surveys. Unless noted, no email addresses will be collected.
Mobile Device Usage
Ergonomic Bottle Opener
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
Underclass pictures are ready!
ENJOY 10% OFF your order!
CODE: F202410OFF (Expires July 31, 2025)
Don’t forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
Learn more about the Smilesafe program here.
Mentors Needed for Students in Engineering Design and Development
Students enrolled in Engineering Design and Development (EDD) are in search of mentors to assist them in developing solutions to their final projects. The EDD class requires students to develop a product or system from its formative stages of research and development to a testable prototype and then defend their idea before a patent-style review board of engineering and marketing experts (Read more).
Ideally, mentors should be practicing or retired engineers who guide students through the process of how to solve their problem and develop their solution. A mentor does not need to be a specialist in any particular engineering field, simply one who is willing to give students the benefit of their experience. Mentor meetings may be face-to-face or virtual during school hours once a week for 15-20 minutes. If interested, please contact Eric Cullings at eric_cullings@hcpss.org.
Thank you.
Dine Out at Restaurant Night to Support CHS PTSA
On Wednesday, October 16, dine at The Woodstock Inn and raise funds for Centennial High School PTSA. The good people at The Woodstock Inn will donate 15% of sales to CHS PTSA. Just tell them we sent you anytime on that day!
The Woodstock Inn is located at 1415 Woodstock, MD 21163. The restaurant is open from 11 AM to 10 PM that day.
Help your PTSA and leave the cooking to someone else!
Haunted House Event!!!
Join us for a Spooktacular night of fun on Wednesday, October 30, from 5 to 7 PM...Trunk or Treat, Face Painting, and Pumpkin Painting!
Wear your costumes and bring your friends! Entry: $10.
Sponsored by the CHS Class of 2027.
Friends of Music Mattress Sale is Back!
Friends of Music Annual Mattress Sale-Saturday, October 19: 10 AM to 5 PM (CHS Cafeteria)
If you or someone you know is looking to replace a bed, now is the time! The Mattress Fundraiser hosted in our very own high school cafeteria will have 25+ different styles of beds on display for customers to try. We have partnered with Custom Fundraising Solutions who works with Mattress Warehouse to transform our cafeteria into a mattress showroom! The beds are new, brand name—including the popular Purple mattress—made to order, available in all sizes, and cost up to 50% less than suggested retail. Text EAGLES to 301-301-3269 for Coupons!
News From CHS Theatre Department
Check out the October Newsletter from Skyward Theatre - Centennial's Theatre program for information about our upcoming production of 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas, auditions for our Winter Musical Alice by Heart, merch, field trips, and more! LINK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kEx3UlbQcZ0VUQ2PawiKaXnSaYPOcZHQBd_z_8xrIDU/edit?tab=t.0
College Visits: Week of October 14 - 18, 2024
Juniors and Seniors may sign up for the visits in Naviance.
Monday, 10/14
- University of Wisconsin-Madison @ 1:10 PM
- Roger Williams University @ 2:05 pm
Tuesday, 10/15
- University of New England @ 10:10 AM
- University of Southern California @ 1:10 PM
- Florida Institute of Technology @ 2:05 PM
Wednesday, 10/16
- Miami University - Ohio @ 1:10 PM
- Connecticut College @ 2:05 PM
Thursday, 10/17
- Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute @ 9:10 AM
- Ohio State University - Main @ 10:10 PM
- Emory University @ 1:10 PM
Friends of Music General Meeting - Tuesday, October 22: 7 PM (Choir Room)
CHS Friends of Music invites you to join us for the October general meeting! It’s a great opportunity to hear about all the incredible things FOM does to support our music programs, meet other dedicated parents, and learn how you can get involved. Whether you’re new to the program or a returning volunteer, your support is vital, and we’d love to see you there! Learn more at: www.centennialmusic.org
After School Pizza Sales!
After school pizza sales begin next week! Students staying after school can purchase a slice of cheese pizza ($3 per slice, cash only) before heading to their club meeting, extra-curricular program, study session, or athletic practice/game.
Sales will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and will be fundraisers for the Dance Program, Alpha Achievers, and Science Olympiad. Buy your slice by the gym. All sales are first come, first served.
Calling All Parents/Guardians of CHS Seniors (Clas of 2025):
We are collecting parent/guardian names who might be interested in helping with the Senior 2025 events (Class of 2025) throughout the school year.
Please provide your contact information in the signup genius form - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA5AF2AABF8CF8-51782315-chssenior/172901958#/
If you are interested in helping with the Senior Crab Feast, which is Monday, October 28 from 6-8 PM, add that information in the comments .
If you have any questions about the senior events, reach out to the senior CHS advisors for the class of 2025 - Toni Ireland and Cheryl Beall.
If you have any questions about the signup genius, you can contact Beth at bemoll196@gmail.com. Thank you.
Senior Crab Feast - October 28!!!
It’s time for our first FOOD celebration, so let’s get CRACKIN’.
Monday, October 28 from 6pm-8pm in the cafeteria, we’re hosting our (Seniors only) CRAB FEAST. Enjoy some great food and celebrate with your friends. We’ve checked the date, there’s no CHS evening activities that night.
Don’t eat crabs, not a problem. We will have a FULL buffet to include: pulled pork and sliced turkey.
Vegetarian? We got you covered: the buffet will include PLENTY of veggie friendly dishes: mac/cheese, potato salad (no bacon), coleslaw, green bean salad, garden salad w/Caesar dressing
There’s something for everyone.
The HITCH: We MUST have a minimum of 160 seniors pre-pay for this event by October 20 or we must cancel the caterer. Only $45 (which is cheap for food now days). Sign up on OSP: https://osp.osmsinc.com/p/DA041-1730
If the event is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
By the WAY...the Juniors will be serving you. We appreciate them!!
Only $45 and don’t forget to design and wear your own (appropriate) “crabby” t-shirt for the event. It’s time to Shell-ebrate !!
Order Your Cap and Gown for Graduation!
It’s hard to believe it’s time to begin planning for graduation!
Cap and gown packages for the Class of 2025 are available at Jostens. The online order window is October 23 – November 9, and there will be an in-school order day on October 22, during all lunch shifts.
If you have any questions, please contact our Jostens Representative, Karen Stewart. She would love to hear from you!
Email: karen.stewart@jostens.com
Office: (301) 206-3999
Schedule Your Formal Yearbook Picture
Senior Portraits are available through Prestige Photography by Lifetouch. Photo sessions are available at our school on the following dates: January 8 and 9.
To schedule your appointment, visit schedule.prestigeportraits.com, click the “Locate My School” link, enter the city and state where our school is located. Once you find the school, click the schools’ name and it will take you to the account to schedule and appointment.
Information about session details and pricing may be found here.
For tips about your upcoming session and outfit inspiration, visit prestigeportraits.com.
Information Finder
Keep current on news and events throughout the school year by checking the CHS website: https://chs.hcpss.org. We have added an A to Z Reference Guide to the website as your one-stop information finder: attendance policies, parking permit applications, food and nutrition services, student technology support, and much more.
Update Your Family File
All families must update their emergency contact information annually. We’d like Centennial to be the first high school to have 100% of the Family File information to be fully updated, so visit HCPSS Connect today and click submit on the final screen! Read more.
Tutoring Opportunities
Eagle's Soar tutoring will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays immediately after school in the Media Center from 2:35-3:05 PM for the entire school year. All content areas will be represented with teaching faculty, and honor society students will be supporting as well in many of the content areas. Please make arrangements for your child to attend, as this is a great resource to help them be successful this year. This is a GREAT place to get extra math help if your child is struggling. Unfortunately, transportation is not provided at this time.
- Eagle's Soar Tutoring – Every Tuesday and Thursday 2:35-3:05 PM in the Media Center (Starts September 17th)
- Math Tutoring – Monday through Thursday after school 2:35-3:05 PM in Room 508 (starts September 19th)
- Eagle Time – Every Wednesday 9:25-9:55 PM (they sign up on the CHS website with the teacher they need help with)
Student Parking on CHS Campus
Parking passes have now been issued to Seniors and Juniors. It is important for all students parking on campus to make sure that their parking permit hang tags are visible. Also, please remember that students park in the white-lined spaces.
Still need a permit? Permit applications are on the CHS website.
Help Us Restock the Food Pantry
The CHS Food Pantry was established during the 23/24 school year and has proven to be a great resource for our CHS families in need. We have exhausted many of the items and it needs to be replenished for the new school year.
Donations are requested from our CHS families. Supplies needed include the following items: granola bars, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, mac 'n' cheese, rice, beans, snacks, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, and soup. We with regard to non-food items, we are in need of socks.
Items may be dropped off in Student Services with Ms. DeVore.
Thank you for your support!
CHS Stadium Guidelines
- Regular Season Tickets are $5.00 and are only available on the App at GoFan.co.
- Backpacks are PROHIBITED inside the Stadium.
- Spectators are to adhere to ALL HCPSS Policies & CHS Procedures in the Student Code of Conduct.
- No outside food permitted in the Stadium.
- ALL Students in Grades K thru 8 MUST EACH be accompanied into the Stadium, seated throughout the entire event, being supervised by their parent or guardian.
- No admittance after the 3rd quarter.
- Once you leave the Stadium, you may not return.
- Noise makers are prohibited inside the Stadium.
- Cheer loudly for your team, not against the opponent, their fans, their band, their cheerleaders or the officials.
- Students arrange for a ride during the 3rd quarter and notify your ride to pick them up immediately after the game.
HCPSS Partnerships
The HCPSS Partnerships 2023-2024 Annual Snapshot has just been released. The snapshot includes a link to school system partners including each school’s partners, as well as system wide, curricular, and program office partnerships. The snapshot highlights how partners play a vital role in encouraging students to reach their full potential.
Change of Address
Please remember that all families are required by Policy 9000 to notify HCPSS if they move to a new home address. Current residency documentation must be updated each time residency changes.
ARL Bus Schedules
On the Regular Bell Schedule:
- AM ARL bus departs at 7:50 AM and returns to CHS at 9:35 AM
- PM ARL bus departs on A DAYS (M, T, TH, F) at 12:45 PM and returns at 2:30 PM
- PM ARL bus departs on B DAYS (M, T, TH, F) at 11:15 AM and returns at 2:30 PM
On the Eagle Time Schedule – Wednesdays:
- AM ARL bus departs at 7:50 AM and returns to CHS at 9:35 AM
- PM ARL bus departs on A DAYS at 12:55 PM and returns at 2:30 PM
- PM ARL bus departs on B DAYS at 11:20 AM and returns at 2:30 PM
Career Readiness Monthly Spotlights
Each month, the Career Readiness Advisors spotlight a career industry/cluster. We provide students with information about career cluster pathways, curricular connections to that pathway, and opportunities for students to learn from industry professionals in those clusters.
We are ALWAYS looking for speakers to participate in our monthly virtual panel discussions, and/or to engage with our students as an in-person speaker.
Please click on the following link to share your information:
Howard County Martin Luther King Jr. Holidy Commission 2025 Student Contests
Honor Dr. King's legacy and win cash prizes. All entries must be received by November 15, 2025 at 5 PM.
- Oratory Contest: Open to Middle and High School students, this contest challenges participants to express their understanding of Dr. King's message through the art of speech.
- Essay Contest: Also, for Middle and High School students, this competition invites students to articulate their thoughts and reflections on Dr. King's impact and teachings in essay form.
- Poster Contest: Open to Elementary, Middle, and High School students, participants can visually express their interpretation of Dr. King's dream through creative poster designs.
Additionally, we are hosting a Living the Dream Award Contest for individuals and organizations that have significantly contributed to making Howard County a better place, embodying the principles that Dr. King championed. We believe that these contests not only honor Dr. King's legacy but also inspire our students to think critically about their roles in serving the community.
Together, we can inspire our students and community to reflect on Dr. King's dream and vision for a better tomorrow
HC DrugFree
Drive-Thru Medication and Sharps Disposal
A drive-thru medication and sharps disposal will be held on Saturday, October 26, in the Wilde Lake Village Center Parking Lot near the Swim Center from 10 AM - 2 PM. Safely dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medication, EpiPens and other sharps, vitamins, pet meds, vape devices, inhalers, and more! Need student, adult, and medically-trained adult volunteers. Giving away 25 medication lockboxes purchased by HCPSS. For more information and to volunteer, go to : https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
Free Online Parenting Classes (Open to HoCo grandparents too)
HC DrugFree offers an evidence-based, interactive prevention program that helps parents, guardians and/or grandparents develop stronger relationships with their kids, while also providing skills proven to reduce the risk of youth engaging in substance use or other risky behaviors. These classes are for families with children 9-14 years old (slightly younger and older may register and will be considered) and held on Zoom on November 12, 15, 19, 22, and December 3, from 12 PM – 1:30 PM. For more information and to register, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
Teen Advisory Council The Teen Advisory Council (TAC) receives Community Service Hours for providing the youth perspective to HC DrugFree's staff and Board of Directors. Youth input increases the effectiveness of HC DrugFree's educational programs, newsletters, website and other services. TAC is open to Howard County students in grades 8 through 12 (public, private and homeschool) who meet monthly during the school year to discuss teen use of alcohol and other drugs and to develop educational messages that promote a vision of a county where youth are drug-free by choice. For more information and to register, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
Know what's happening in Howard County. Sign up for HC DrugFree's free newsletter at tinyurl.com/HCDFNews or follow us on social media to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed:
- Facebook: facebook.com/HCdrugfree
- X: twitter.com/chdrugfree
- LinkedIn:linkedin.com/company/ch-drugfree
Affordable & Convenient Year-Round SAT & ACT Prep, College Essay Writing Workshops & Admissions Crash Courses in Partnership with Howard County High Schools
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake high schools and are open to students from all high schools.
CHS students can register for ANY Answer Class at ANY location or online – and a percentage of tuition will be donated to CHS PTSA! School year classes are being regularly added – check here often!
- Centennial High School’s website is a great source of information at https://chs.hcpss.org.
- On Twitter @hcpss_CHS and Instagram @CentennialHS.
- Read the Wingspan, CHS student newspaper
- CHS PTSA https://www.chs-ptsa.org/and CHS Boosters https://www.centennialboostersonline.com/.
- CHS Friends of Music http://www.centennialmusic.org/
- Register to receive school system updates and alerts at https://www.hcpss.org/hcpss-news/, click on Subscribe and select Centennial High School.
👋 Need more help? Reach out to support@smore.com