AKChoice News
Message from the Principal
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to an exciting new school year! We trust your summer was enjoyable and rejuvenating.
Our team has worked diligently to ensure that these new spaces are fully equipped with the resources and experiences you have come to trust from AKChoice, creating an optimal environment for learning and growth.
As we start the year, please pay close attention to the parking maps for both locations. We want to ensure a smooth and safe arrival and departure for everyone. The maps will guide you to designated parking areas and help avoid any congestion.
In addition to our new locations, we have an exciting lineup of activities planned for this year. From engaging extracurriculars to special events, we’re committed to providing enriching experiences that will make this year truly memorable.
As you prepare for the school year, remember that our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. We are eager to foster a vibrant and nurturing learning environment where every student can thrive.
We look forward to an exceptional year filled with growth, learning, and fun. Thank you for choosing us to be part of your child’s educational journey. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!
Warm regards,
Alpenglow Updates
Our new school in Eagle River is ready to welcome us! We are excited to begin growing our community and share our philosophy with new families! Our administrative team will rotate and be present at both our sites to ensure that all students and families feel safe and supported.
At our Alpenglow location we will have two elementary classrooms and a middle school classroom THREE TIMES a week! This is an amazing opportunity for families that want the flexibility of homeschool with the collaborative experience of students working together!
Alpenglow will also be where our business manager and AKChoice Virtual Registrar will call home base. If you have questions please call our direct line 907-742-4267 and Robynn will be able to support you.
Alpenglow Office Hours:
Monday: By Appointment
Tuesday: 8:30-2:30
Wednesday: 8:30-2:30
Thursday: 8:30-2:30
Friday: By Appointment
ALL Families and Students should enter the building through our entrance on the southern side of Alpenglow.
Alpenglow Parking Information
The main entrance for AKChoice is located at the southern end of Alpenglow's campus. The designated student drop-off area is on Driftwood Bay Dr. This area features "on-street" parking, similar to what you might be accustomed to at Central. There are also designated parking spaces near the gate and near the school for those attending longer meetings.
To ensure a smooth drop-off, staff members will be stationed on the road to greet students and guide them up the hill to their teachers. You are welcome to park on the street and walk your child up to the designated drop-off point.
For pick-up, teachers will escort students down to Driftwood Bay Dr. and will wait with them until 2:10 PM. If you arrive after 2:10 PM, please contact the office at 907-742-1233 for assistance.
For school events, please use the main parking lot at Alpenglow and walk down the gated fire lane to reach AKChoice.
Ocean View Updates
Ocean View will be our main office and space. The full curriculum library and academic records will be housed at Ocean View. Michelle Keller and Mr. Frost will both split time between Alpenglow and Oceanview ensuring that the needs of your family and student are met! Additionally, we will have a robust K-12 program where students have the opportunity to work together collaboratively with peers and teachers!
Ocean View supports three elementary classrooms and Science, ELA, Math, and Social Studies classes for middle and high school students. Our staff are experienced working in content specific areas as well as supporting diverse learners.
Our school community is beyond excited to offer these options to our Anchorage family, please reach out if you have any questions 907-717-4538 or 907-742-4267
OceanView Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30-3:30
ALL Students and Families should enter our south east entrance.
OceanView Parking Information
The main entrance for AKChoice is located at the southeast end of OceanView's campus, with the designated student drop-off area on E 120th Ave.
Please note that on Monday, the 9:00 AM drop-off will coincide with OceanView's bus schedule. Middle school students should still be dropped off on E 120th Ave; however, we cannot use the bus lanes during this time.
High school students who drive themselves should park in the OceanView main parking lot and walk around the right-hand side of the building to reach AKChoice.
From Tuesday through Thursday, families are welcome to park on both sides of the bus lanes.
For school events, please park in the main OceanView parking lot and proceed around the building on the right-hand side. You may also enter through the main entrance and inform families that you are heading to AKChoice.
Returning Student Registration
Families of RETURNING Students,
Please be sure to complete online registration at your earliest convenience.
Use the following link to log in and register your student: ParentConnect
If you need your PIN and a new password, please visit the Login Reminder Page
Instructions for logging in and registering are available here: Online Registration Video
If your student has left the district, please give the new school district information to your ASD school
Schools and parents may request records through ScribOrder Student Records Request
All MS and HS students need an active email address that is not their asdk12.org or asdk12.net email to utilize online learning.
Picture Day-ALL Students
Monday, Sep 9, 2024, 10:00 AM
Ocean View Elementary School, 11911 Johns Road, Anchorage, AK, USA
Important Dates
August 15 AKChoice Virtual Classes Begin
August 26 AKChoice Blended Learning Classes Begin
August 28 OceanView BBQ 12:00 pm****
August 29 Alpenglow BBQ 12:00 pm****
September 2 Labor Day Holiday - No School
September 9 Picture Day ALL Students-Oceanview
September 3-5 MAP and mClass testing Alpenglow
September 9-12 MAP and mClass testing Oceanview
AKChoice K-12 Learning
Email: akchoice@asdk12.org
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/akchoice
Phone: (907) 742-4267
Facebook: facebook.com/AKchoicek12
Twitter: @akchoicek12