The Little Judges' Docket
News from VACDES for the Week of January 13 - 17
A Message from Dr. Pluska
What a wild week we had with weather last week! Hopefully this week will be calmer. We started our One School, One Book with our kickoff last Friday. Each family should have a book to bring home. We are doing trivia questions with the suggested reading so students can possibly win a prize. We hope you enjoy reading the book together as a family. We also have the link to have the chapters read aloud in either Spanish or English on our webpage.
Your student has the snow day packets just in case there are "virtual" snow days coming up. There are 3 days worth of work in the folder. Please keep these handy for those days. If students return work completed after a virtual day, they will be counted present for that day. They are also posted on the main webpage under the Inclement Weather Plans.
Please remember that we do not have anyone to get children from the back parking lot after 7:45am. At that time, you will need to bring your child to the front office to sign them in.
Car Riders: Please do not enter the parking lot until after 2:15pm to make sure all of our students have come in from recess and are safe crossing the parking lot. We also need to make sure that we are following our guidelines for students of being safe, kind, and responsible. Parking on the side of the road does not "start the line" for car riders.
Please make sure you have signed into your parent portal and completed the annual verification forms. Part of that is to make sure your child can be issued a Chromebook to use at school, without the agreement your student cannot be issued a Chromebook which we use for testing and instruction.
Just a reminder that announcements are at 7:45am so we can begin instruction right at 7:50am.
Thank you as always for your support for our school. We need to work together as a community to make our students successful because we are creating Local leaders today - Global leaders tomorrow!
Lisa Pluska, Ed.D.
Principal, Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School
Buzzy's Book Club will also start this week with the top class in the school gets a pizza party for the number of books read. Please watch for more information coming home. You can count the time you read together as a family for One Book, One School!
Any family that has a child with a reading plan needs to let us know whether you would like to get updates through progress notes coming home, a conversation, or Talking Points. We will reach out to you to find out. No more tutoring until Spring. We work in small groups for Reading and Math based on student needs everyday. We also regroup as students learn new skills or we find deficits in others. Our goal is to make sure every child gets just what they need to be on grade level or beyond. Growth for every child is the goal! Thanks for all your help in making sure our students are ready for school and ready to learn.
We are noticing more absences. Please know if your child misses at least 10 days, we may require doctor's notes for future absences. Our attendance protocol this year is for a phone call home if a student is absent. As we miss more than 3 days (excused or unexcused), we will send letters, request meetings, and set up an attendance plan. Attendance is so important. If a student misses even one day a month, they will be considered chronic absentee. Please make sure that your child is at school unless they have a fever or are throwing up. Of course if they are sick, they need to stay home. Please send a note to school if they are absent. We will be having our monthly Perfect Attendance celebrations again this year. Students also receive PBIS points for coming to school.
We have PBIS celebrations every quarter for the students that are earning points for being safe, kind, and responsible.
Every day on the announcements we will be talking about the three school wide rules -
- Keep hands and feet to self and use kind words;
- Stay in your assigned area; and
- Follow directions quickly and quietly.
Community Resource of the Month
Important Dates
January 14 - Winter Growth Assessment - 3rd grade Reading
January 15 - WGA - 4th grade Reading
January 16 - WGA - 3rd grade Math
January 17 - WGA - 4th grade Math
January 20 - No School
January 21 - SEAC Meeting 5:30pm
January 27 - 30 - Dental program at school
General VACDES Information
- Here is the link for the Parent/Student Handbook
- If there needs to be a change in transportation, please call the office (not the teacher) at 540-665-6330 before noon to let us know. Car riders must come to the back of the school by Pleasant Valley, walkers to the bus loop doors, and bus riders will be let on and off the bus on the Van Fossen St side. Staff will be there to help guide and get your child into the school safely.
- If you arrive after 7:50 A.M., you must accompany your child to the office to sign your child in.