Lincoln Linc- Thanksgiving Edition
Lincoln Elementary. Home of the Positive Polecats.
Principal's Message
Lincoln Family,
As the Thanksgiving season approaches, I would like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your love, support, and partnership with Lincoln Elementary. I truly appreciate your dedication to your children’s education and commitment to fostering a positive learning environment. Our success can be attributed to parents willing to listen, ask questions, and advocate for their children. Your leadership and dedication at home are evident as students come to Lincoln with a love for learning and a curiosity to be pushed. Please find the link below to complete a thankfulness message for a staff member (you can do it multiple times).
Speaking of shoutouts, it is with great honor and strong praise to the families, students, teachers, and all the staff at Lincoln that I can announce that US News & World Report named Lincoln Elementary one of the top schools in the State of Michigan! Last year, we were ranked in the top 75; this year, we were rated at number 51! Check out the link below!
Thank you all for living up to the Full Value Agreement and being such great Positive Polecats! We are all very proud and fortunate of the exceptional school family and community that has been established and maintained. I look forward to seeing where we all can go and how much more we can improve this year! Keep up the great work!
Mr. Latz
Fill out as many as you'd like!
Safety Giving Back!
We had some very special guests visit us Thursday at our PBIS assembly. Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Frampus came over from the hospital to receive a donation in the amount of $420 that will be used to help the McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation, a foundation that helps with providing cancer patients with much needed financial support such as gas cards or hospital stays.
We are excited to introduce the newest staff member to Lincoln family, Ms. Maddie Brosky. If you see her please say hello and introduce yourself! She will be taking over as a special education teacher!
Brother Dan's Handmade Holliday Craft Sale- Saturday, Nov. 23rd 9am-4pm @ Fairgrounds, link here.
Saturday Book Showdown- Saturday, Nov. 23rd 10-10:30am @ Petoskey Library, link here.
No School/Fall Break- Wednesday, Nov. 27th-Friday, Nov. 29th
4th Grade Bake Sale- Friday, Dec. 6th
Downtown Petoskey Holiday Open House- Friday, Dec. 6th 6-9pm, link here.
Visit with Santa- Saturday, Dec. 7th 12-3pm @ Fairgrounds, link here.
Downtown Petoskey Holiday Parade- Saturday, Dec 14th 10-11am, link here.
Doktor Kaboom! The Science of Santa- Sunday, Dec. 15th 2-3pm @ GLCFA, link here.
Things to Keep in Mind
1. Cold Weather
Cold weather has arrived! Please be sure to send your child with appropriate clothing. Lincoln students play outside every day except extreme weather.
2. Illness
Please be sure to keep your child home if they are experiencing fever, vomiting or diarrhea. We ask that children stay home until they are symptom-free for a full 24 hours without medication. For more information please see the student handbook link listed below.
3. Dress Code
Good hygiene and appropriate dress and grooming are important in creating a
positive school environment. Help your child dress appropriately by avoiding:
● Beachwear, short skirts and shorts, tight clothing without proper coverage,
clothing that exposes undergarments, shoulders and/or midsection
(longer-length shorts/skirts are acceptable)
● Outerwear, such as coats and hats, worn as indoor attire
● Clothing that is tattered or indecent bears derogatory or disrespectful lettering
or symbols or is designed to promote illegal substances or activities
● Inappropriate footwear – footwear should be age-appropriate, comfortable, safe
and suitable for indoor or outdoor play. Flip flops are not safe for outdoor play
4. Electronics
Students who bring electronic devices to school may do so if they are silenced, not used and/or out of their backpack during the school day. Public Schools of Petoskey is not responsible for loss or damage of such devices. For more information, please see the student handbook link below.
5. Toys
No toys should come to school with students unless their teacher approves them. They could be lost, broken, or a distraction to learning. Thank you!
Snapshots of our days!
For absences please email jrussell@northmen.org (preferred) or call 231.348.2120.
Leave detailed information, including symptoms.
For early pickup or late drop off please call 231.348.2120.
Call the office or email by 2:00 for end-of-day changes.
Thank you!
Lincoln Elementary
Email: jlatz@northmen.org
Address: 616 Connable Avenue, Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: 231-348-2120