LPS Elementary Weekly Newsletter
November 14, 2024
Progress Reports Grades 2-4
Progress reports will be posted in your parent portal for grade 2-4 on Thursday November 14th. Please reach out to your student's teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
November 21 Class Shirt and Jeans
Students can wear any LPS shirt and any school appropriate bottoms on Thursday November 21.
November 22- December 2
Marco's and Chick Fil A Ordering open until Friday 12/6
Marco's and Chick-fil-a ordering is now open for December! Please visit myschoolbucks.com to order. Be sure to select the correct student when ordering, CHANGES CANNOT BE MADE.
- Marco's will be offered on Mondays.
- Chick-fil-a will be offered on Thursdays.
- Chick-fil-a will be offered on FRIDAY 12/6
Ordering will close on November 26th
We Need Your Help with Lunch
Hello Parents,
We are in desperate need for volunteers to help serve lunch at both our elementary and secondary campuses on Mondays and Thursdays. If you’re available to assist on either or both days, your support would be greatly appreciated!
As an added bonus, volunteering gives you a chance to see your kids during the school day. Whether you can help regularly or just occasionally, any time you can offer is valuable.
If you're interested, please email me at jdugas1@lpsfrisco.com with your preferred campus and availability.
Thank you for your help in making our lunch service a success!
Best regards,
Jennifer Dugas
Lunch Coordinator
Adopt a Street December 2nd
Families, We are so excited for our next Adopt a Street clean-up day on Teel Pkwy! Please complete the form if your family intends to come and help keep Teel clean on December 2nd. We will meet in front of the school at 12:00 and the clean up will be over no later than 2:00. https://forms.gle/Knb5oDCtMdAeJzk97
Servant Leader Hours
Servant Leader Hours
Parents, Students at the elementary campus should complete 4 hours of service learning each semester. For more information and when your child has completed their 4 hours, please use the following form: https://forms.gle/KKeJH6PjDaeQTq6j8
This is for secondary campus. Please join them and have some fun!
Subscribe to the LPS Events Calendar
Leadership Prep School Elementary Campus
Email: astewart@lpsfrisco.com
Website: lpsfrisco.com
Location: 8500 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
Phone: 972-294-6921
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leadershipprepschool/
Twitter: @lpsfrisco