Learning Period #2 Secondary Agenda
September 15, 2024 - October 10, 2024
We hope you're settling into your schooling routine and getting into a good rhythm. During LP#2 we will be reflecting on LP#1 and discussing things that went well and things we would like to improve upon during LP#2. We will also be discussing progress monitoring and how to make sure students are staying on track. Please take some time to review the agenda so you come prepared to collaborate with your teacher on your student's learning plan.
Gmail Accounts & ID Cards
Student Gmail Accounts
All 9th-12th grade students have a school issued Gmail account.
Students should check this daily.
Student email information was sent to the primary parent's email at the beginning of the school year. If you are unsure of the login credentials please contact help@centralvcs.org
Secondary ID Cards
All 7th-12th graders, please complete this survey to get your student ID.
Important: Make sure to upload a recent, unedited photo that meets the following requirements:
Clear and in color
No objects or other people
Shoulders and above only
Light-colored background
Body Of Work
Body of Work
- Please review a BODY of work for each subject.
- For each of your students, please turn in a work sample of every course that they are taking.
- Be sure your student has written their FULL NAME, SUBJECT, GRADE, and the date the assignment was completed within the date range of the current LP.
- Complete all non-AG elective logs by the last day of the LP.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity
Our school urges students to conduct themselves ethically and honorably. It is expected that the grade a student earns is based upon work the student has completed. Teachers can use Grammarly or other plagiarism checker websites. Please review the definition of plagiarism as outlined in the school handbook (pages 22-25)
National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society
NHS and NJHS members meet monthly to discuss community service and the characteristics of the honor society. Students complete at least one individual project over the course of the second semester and one group project which they vote on. At each meeting, they reflect on challenges and offer encouragement as they develop leadership skills and serve their communities.
ISTs or families can request applications from Michele Crews.
Applications are due Friday, October 4th.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Michele Crews michele.crews@yosemitevalleycharter.org who represents both CVCS schools.
NHS Eligibility Standards:
Scholarship: 3.5 and above cumulative average (on a 4.0 scale)
Leadership, service, and character: as demonstrated by activities referenced on the application and by recommendation.
Successful completion of all parts of the application
10th-12th grade
NJHS Eligibility Standards:
Scholarship: 3.0 and above cumulative average (on a 4.0 scale)
Leadership, service, and character: as demonstrated by activities referenced on the application and by recommendation.
Successful completion of all parts of the application.
7th-9th grade students
The application will include:
Registration Survey provides contact information
Spring 2022 Report Card
Introduction Paragraph highlighting student’s leadership and hard work
Personal Essay prompt response: What do honesty, integrity, leadership, character, and service mean to me?
(Optional) Letter of Recommendation
Greetings from your CVCS Counseling Department!
We are looking forward to working with you this year and helping you with high school graduation, college and career exploration, taking college classes while in high school, and anything else we can support you in reaching your post-graduation plans. Our newsletter will be sent to your school email quarterly, and will always be posted to the website. We hope you find this information helpful! You can reach us via phone, email, or make a Zoom appointment. You will find our contact info at the end of this newsletter. We hope to meet you soon!
Congratulations Class of 2025!
We hope you are as excited as we are for your final year of high school! We are here to help you reach your post secondary goals, whether you are applying to a university, going to college to transfer or learn a trade, or entering the world of work. This newsletter will be sent to your school email every quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring) and also posted to the school website. Make sure you read it to stay in the know for all things Class of 2025!
Secondary Events
Join us for Bunco Night!
Bunco Night will be our first secondary event of the year on October 24th. This is open to any student in grades 7-12. Students cannot have 2 or more D/Fs if they would like to attend. Guests will not be allowed to attend the event, more information will be provided at a later date.
Important Dates
Monday, 9/16: Last day to submit Proof of Enrollment survey for concurrent enrollment students
Wednesday, 9/18: Last date to add/drop a HS class and add a college class to Pathways.
Friday, 9/20: Progress Monitoring #2.. Students should be at 24-28%
Friday, 10/4: National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society applications are due
Friday, 10/11: HSVA/MSVA Lock Date #1
Friday, 10/19: Progress Reports
Thursday, 10/24: Bunco Night - Save the date!
The Lending Library
- Books galore for kindergarten to 12th grade students. The lending library contains nearly as many novels and resource books as your local public library! You don't want to miss browsing these books that your student can check out to read throughout the year.
- Games and activities that you can check out for free! Card games, board games, puzzles, you name it, the lending library has it!
Many of these items are brand new and have never been used. So don't delay...come in and check it out!
A special "thank you" to all of the students who attended Senior Sunrise on 9/6
Our Secondary Administrative team had a fantastic time getting to know you and learning about your exciting plans for the future! Keep soaring high—Fly, Eagles, Fly! 🦅