Board Update July 2024
News and Highlights from the Board of Education meeting

Draft Budget Supports Key Programs
84% of Revenues From Local Property Taxes
The Northbrook School District 28 2024-25 draft budget totals $56 million. The majority of this spending, 75%, goes toward staff salaries and benefits. Other significant expenses include contracted services (11%), supplies and materials (3%), tuition for specialized programs (3%), and building and facility upkeep (4%).
The district serves 1,865 students from early childhood through eighth grade, the district employs 424.5 full-time staff. The district's spending can also be divided into key program areas:
Classroom instruction: $26 million
Special education services: $8.2 million
Student services: $5 million (includes counseling, speech therapy, early childhood programs, and language support)
School operations: $5.8 million (includes maintenance, utilities, and technology)
School leadership: $4.3 million (includes principal and administrative salaries)
Transportation: $2.2 million
The district relies primarily on local property taxes, which account for 84% of revenues. Corporate personal property replacement taxes contribute an additional 5%. The remaining funds come from other local sources (6%), state grants (3.4%), and federal programs (1.6%). Projected revenues are lower than expenses, resulting in a $1.3 million deficit. Of that deficit, $391,500 is budgeted for contingencies and $1.4 million for capital projects. This shortfall would be funded with district reserves.
School officials expect property tax revenue to increase slightly due to new property development, while state and federal funding is projected to remain stable. The district aims to generate a 5% return on investments.
Capital improvements that are underway and will be completed in the 2024-25 school year include roof repairs at Greenbriar, HVAC upgrades at Greenbriar and Westmoor, space renovations at Greenbriar, HOH Community Room and the district office; and safety system updates at all school buildings and concrete repairs. These projects are estimated to cost $1.4 million. View the Budget Overview presented by Chief School Business Officials Jessica Donato.
The Draft Budget is available for public review on the website and in person. The Board will vote to adopt the budget at its September 24 regular meeting.
The Board of Education approved the following staff hires for the 2024-25 school year.
Lauren Wittenberg - Multilingual Instructional Specialist - Westmoor
Lauren Wittenberg has worked in Barrington School District 220 since 2015 as a multilingual specialist. She earned a doctorate in literacy education from Judson University.
Kendall Battaglia, who worked for the past year at McLean County Unified School District 5, and Jordyn Butler, who worked in neighboring District 30 will both serve as long-term substitutes this year.
Also joining the D28 team are the following education assistants: Aaron Barton, kindergarten assistant at Meadowbrook; Isabella Jogmen, special education assistant at Meadowbrook; Sarah Leverenz, 4th grade assistant at Westmoor; Jennifer Sutherland, special education assistant at Meadowbrook; Donna Tucci, special education assistant at Meadowbrook; Kimberly Yen, 1st grade assistant at Greenbriar; and Isabella Zera, kindergarten assistant at Meadowbrook.
In Brief
Children’s Choir Adds Fee to Keep Pace With Growth
Greenbriar music teacher Jeremy Bartunek founded the Northbrook 28 Children’s Choir in 2019. Since that time, membership has tripled to 194 members. Initially, the program was offered only to 3rd-5th grade. In 2022, the program was expanded to grades 1-5.
The choir performances create a connection with the community and provide an opportunity for students to showcase their talents. The Music Parents Club has been supplementing the program costs, which include transportation to events and rehearsals. The board approved implementing a $25 participation fee to help offset expenses. As with other fees, the district will ensure all students can participate regardless of the family’s ability to pay.
Communications Recognized With National Honors
Communications Director Terry Ryan received two awards from the National School Public Relations Association for work published in the 2023-24 school year. The community print newsletter “Update28,” which is mailed to all D28 households twice a year, received an Award of Excellence. A video produced to celebrate Northbrook Junior High’s National Blue Ribbon School Award received an Award of Merit.
Get Ready For New School Year
All the information you need for get ready for back to school is posted on our 2024-25 Back To School Info page. Watch for emailed information from school principals in August.
Now Hiring Instructional Assistants
Get classroom experience and develop meaningful relations while supporting students in full-time and part-time positions. Visit our website for more information
Summer Construction Nearing Completion
In alignment with the 10-year Facilities Master Plan, this year’s summer projects that target essential building maintenance are underway. This summer’s projects, totaling $1.3 million, are nearing completion, including:
Roof replacement at Greenbriar School;
A large rooftop HVAC unit for Greenbriar and a smaller unit at Westmoor School;
Refinishing the gym floors at Greenbriar and Northbrook Junior High. As part of the intergovernmental agreement, Northbrook Park District will reimburse the district for 50% of the Greenbriar gym costs;
Remodeling the Greenbriar front office area to create two needed private offices and reconfigure the conference room and staff workroom, and
Renovate the District Office and HOH Community Room to create more efficient and updated workspaces.
Want to Know More?
Livestream/Archive Video
The Board of Education meetings are live-streamed on the District 28's YouTube Channel. The live streams are also archived for later viewing.
Next Meeting is August 27 at 7 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held at 7 p.m. August 27 in the HOH Community Room at District Office, 1475 Maple Ave., Northbrook. The meetings are also live-streamed on the District 28 YouTube channel.
Visit Northbrook28.net for more information