PK Blues News
December 2024
The snow is falling, and winter has arrived! It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of 2024! We look forward to all that 2025 will have to offer our staff and students.
November has been an eventful month! We hosted some very special events including our Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 8th. Our Celebration of Excellence took place on November 14th and 15th where we recognized student achievements and awarded scholarships from the 2023-24 school year. Congratulations to all! We hosted over 18 recruiters from Alberta post-secondary institutions and the RCMP, EPS, and Canadian Armed Forces at our ELAA afternoon event on November 20th. Our grad class hosted a family games night with over 100 kids in attendance this past Friday night.
We have many more exciting things happening at Paul Kane, so please take the time to read through all that we have to offer for December and into the new year. Watch our social media posts for more information and to catch up on our day to day.
We will host our annual pancake breakfast before early dismissal on December 20th, followed by the PK Staff vs. Students hockey game over at Servus Place. We wish all of you a fantastic December as we get closer to our holiday break! Go Blues!
Your Paul Kane Administration
Erin Steele, Colleen Anderson, Catherine Lajoie and Kris Horb
PARKING - Outreach/Division Office Parking Lot
Paul Kane students parking at Outreach please only park in stalls reserved for Paul Kane students (see map below).
Grad Fundraiser: Purdy's Chocolate order pickup is December 5 2:30-4:00pm in the Conference Room.
Your account in the PowerSchool Parent Portal allows you to view grades. If you don’t have a Parent Login, please contact shirley.bowles@spschools.org or 780-459-4405. As soon as you have set up your account, you will be able to view Grades, Attendance, School Fees, Bulletins and communicate with teachers.
To check credits, diploma marks and to order transcripts your child needs to register on myPass. You can find your child’s Alberta Student Numbers (ASN) on PowerSchool.
The January 2025 Final Exams and Diploma Exams schedule can be found here and on our website. *Please note the highlighted change.
The Final Exam Bus Schedule can be found here and on our website. Please note buses will depart PK at 11:30am from January 17th-January 24th.
Please ensure that your child is aware of dates and times for all Diploma and School-based Final exams.
Click here for all important information regarding Final and Diploma Exams.
Diploma Prep courses are being held in January prior to the Diploma exam dates. Information can be found here.
November in the counselling department we were focused on:
ELAA - a post secondary fair that took place on Nov. 20 from 1:00-3:00. It was incredibly well attended, and in our conversations with students, it was a very positive experience. Students were able to talk to post secondary institutions as well as military and police personnel from across Alberta to gather information about future goals, plans and aspirations.
Addictions Week - Nov.25-29 - We did some awareness activities.
We have been accessing resources to help families in need during the holiday season.
And as usual, we have been doing our bi-weekly grade and attendance check ins!
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Your PK Counselling Team
The full program of the 2023-2024 Celebration of Excellence is now available on the website. Click here to view.
There are many scholarships and awards available to Paul Kane students. Visit the Scholarships and Awards section on our website to access the Detailed Scholarships and Awards list for this year.
YEARBOOK 2024-2025
Don’t forget to order one of these great keepsakes. Sign on to your PowerSchool Parent account and click on the Student Fees “Additional Items” section. Click on the Yearbook 2024-2025 Icon to add it to your cart. You need to pay for the yearbook before exiting the screen in order for your order to be processed.
Tickets for this year's Musical Theatre production of Mamma Mia are on SOLD OUT!
02 No School: Staff PD Day
03-10 Family Feud @ lunch
04 Smudge Ceremony - Blues Block
05 PKSU - Ornament Making
05 PK Football Banquet and Awards
11 French Immersion Le Réveillon
11-18 Grad: Photos
11-13 Rock n Pop Evening Performances
19 PKSU – PK Unplugged
20 Early Dismissal
20 PK Pancake Breakfast
20 PK Staff vs Student Hockey Game
20 PK Newsletter (for January)
23-Jan3 No School: Seasonal Break
Click above for the direct link to our website, then click on “REPORT ABSENCE”.
Paul Kane High School
Email: pk@spschools.org
Website: pkhs.spschools.org
Location: 12 Cunningham Road, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: (780) 459-4405
Facebook: facebook.com/PaulKaneHighSchool
Twitter: @PaulKaneHS