Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- December 21st, 2023
Heavenly Father,
Too often, we think joy is something big.
A brass band or a parade can certainly bring us joy.
Just as easily and far more often,
we can feel joy in a hug or the squeeze of a hand,
we can see joy in a smile or hear it in laughter.
Help us to not overlook the simple joys
that peak into our lives daily.
This week in our Advent journey,
open our eyes to the joy that surrounds us.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
On behalf of the entire staff of Holy Trinity Catholic School, we wish each of you a Blessed Christmas. May you have amazing days with your family and friends as you enjoy the greatest birthday ever, that of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I would like to wish all of you a very merry Christmas and a joyful New Year. "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.'" (Luke 2:10-12)
Happy Advent!
Mrs. Longden
“I am the voice of one crying out in the desert,
make straight the way of the Lord.”
During Advent, the Church recalls the darkness of the time before the coming of Christ.
God’s people lived in darkness of waiting for the light.
When have you longed for someone to bring you light to see clearly?
John the Baptist was not the light but came to testify to the light.
Are there times in your life when you can bear witness
to God’s presence in another person?
To make straight the way of the Lord was understood as
“making a road” for the incoming King.
When have you made a conscious effort to help others
to form a deeper relationship with God?
Great to be Grateful
Family Folders
This week in Family Folders:
Family Folders came home on Monday. Please return them before break!
Christmas Concert News
The Christmas Concert is today at 1:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M.
Our 3K and 4K students who are here in the afternoons will be performing at the 1:00 performance as well as the 5:30 performance.
Concert Dress - Dress nicely - Christmas Mass Attire
Evening Concert - Please drop your child(ren) off at school between 5:00-5:10 to meet their teacher in the classroom. Concert begins at 5:30 with a prelude performance beginning 15 minutes ahead of time.
Please keep your child's coat with you. Your child will be dismissed to you at the end of the concert.
Thank you all for celebrating this Advent with us!
Have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week is January 28th-February 3rd.
The theme this year is "Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community"
Staff are busy planning events for the week.
Here is a sneak peek of different activities that are being planned. Watch for more information and details when we come back after break!
School Mass
Chili Dinner
Open House
Geography Fair
Door Decorating Contest
Prayer Service
Dress Up Days
Service Project
Field Trip
Career Fair (info attached)
Tri-school Activity with Holy Angels and Saint Francis Cabrini
Please check to make sure your OptionC login and password that was sent home earlier in the year works. We will be scheduling conferences in mid-January using OptionC. Conferences will be February 6th and 8th for grades 3K-8th.
ITBS Testing
Iowa Test of Basic Skills will be from March 4th-18th for students in 2nd-8th grade. This is a shorter time frame than in previous years. Please make all efforts to not schedule vacations during this time. More information will be coming.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, December 21st - Christmas Concert 1 PM and 5:30 PM
Friday, December 22nd - Mass
December 23rd-January 2nd - Christmas Break
Wednesday, January 3rd - School Resumes
Wednesday, January 3rd - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Wednesday, January 3rd - First Communion Parent Meeting
Friday, January 5th - Mass
Wednesday, January 10th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, January 12th - Mass (4K-8th) (Baptism Mass December/January Baptisms)
Wednesday, January 17th - End of Semester (3K-5K - Report cards will be sent home shortly after)
Wednesday, January 17th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Thursday, January 18th - Mass (Grades 4K-8th)
Friday, January 19th - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
Wednesday, January 24th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, January 26th - Mass (Grades 4K-8th)
January 28th-February 3rd - Catholic Schools Week (schedule of events will come home in mid-January)
Wednesday, January 31st - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, February 2nd - Mass
Tuesday, February 6th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:00-6:00)
Wednesday, February 7th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, February 8th - Mass
Thursday, February 8th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:00-6:00)
Friday, February 9th - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
Wednesday, February 14th - Mass (Ash Wednesday)
Calendar of Cash
December 14 - Brooke Boden
December 15 - Cathy Ramthun
December 18 - Eisley Herriges
December 19 - Becky Janeshek
December 20 - Joshua Ramthun
Wildcat Basketball
January 5th - Away game against Holyland Black
January 19th - Home game against St. Matt's
January 26th - Away game against Holyland Orange
February 2nd - Home game against WCHSA 1
February 9th - Away game against St. Matt's
February 16th - Home game against Shepherd of the Hills
February 22nd - Away game against WCHSA 2
Volunteer Appreciation
All volunteers connected with Holy Trinity School and Parish: Please see the attached.
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603