Week 4 Reminders
and Celebrations - Term 3 2021
St Emilie's Catholic Primary School
Email: stemiliesadmin@cewa.edu.au
Website: http://web.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/
Location: 151 Amherst Road, Canning Vale WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 92569696
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stemilies
Twitter: @StEmiliesCPS
From the Principal
“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make, makes you. Choose wisely.”
― Roy T. Bennett
Dear Families,
As a leader, taking valuable time out affords further opportunities to reflect, to learn, to listen, to connect, to reimagine, and to reinvigorate, amidst the demands of running a big school like ours. However, it is always difficult to be away as there is always much to be done and I very much miss our wonderful school community!
To step back into our beautiful school and be eagerly told all the wonderful stories that the little ones are bursting to share about special trips, secret surprises, tragic tales of scraped knees and big bruises, lunchbox revelations, learning adventures and so much more - is truly such a privilege.
This week is marked as National Homelessness Week on the calendar and children and staff have paused to reflect on this issue and will indeed continue to explore it further in an integrated approach.
Catholic Social Justice teaches us that all people are made in the image of God and so possess an equal and inalienable worth. Because of this essential dignity, each person has a right to all that is needed, to allow him or her to live their full potential as intended by God. Here at St Emilie's, social justice issues are explored throughout the curriculum in developmentally appropriate ways, that help them to think and respond with empathy and understanding as well as critically and creatively.
This week saw our Christian Dance Group perform at Mercy College, staff work on creating our Numeracy Position Statement, PP's celebrate 100 days of school, Homework Club in the Hub, our Community Mass, Regional Leaders Forum, Bishop's Religious Literacy Assessment, NQS conversations at our PLC meetings, SWD funding due, the Census data due, the Year 2 Assembly and McKillop House Day! An action packed week full of fun, learning, relationships and celebration!
Have a super weekend everyone!
Kindest regards
Tania Thuijs
Thank you ...
Just as we model responsible use of technology here at school, we remind parents to please do the same - especially on Facebook where it can be easy to forget that nothing on social media is private and that what you write and how you write it, is important.
In our school there is an assumption that both staff and parents are all good people, who want the very best for the children in our school.
While every decision made may not necessarily be 'popular', as leaders, we continue to strive to be our best, to do our best, to try new things, to respond to feedback and to always act in the very best interests of the children in our care and in the very best interests of the community we serve.
The old adage, 'what is popular is not always what is right and what is right is not always what is popular' serves us well when it comes to making important decisions in our school.
Please note that the current class Facebook groups have grown organically from parents with a FB account and are not official St Emilie's groups. Thanks to all those parents who use these pages wisely, discerningly and positively - this is appreciated by all.
School communications come home regularly via email, the Weekly Reminders and as messages on our School Website (which also has one Facebook page for the whole community). If you access these, you will stay well informed of what is happening, when it is happening and why it is happening!
Thank you everyone!
McKillop House Celebrations!
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Feast Day - 8 August
Today McKillop House celebrated the feast day of Australia's first Saint!
This year is the 110th Anniversary of the death of Mary MacKillop, who passed away in 1909.
Mary MacKillop was a woman who lived love in her daily life and continues to inspire us to do the same.
Love was at the heart of all that Mary did and she recognised that the source of her love had its origin in a big and wonderful God!
Front office display by Year Five
BOY OVERBOARD is a story of adventure, ball control and hope. Jamal and Bibi have a dream - to lead Australia to soccer glory in the next World Cup. But first they must face landmines, pirates, storms and assassins.
This term all classes are looking through the Inquiry Concept of SOCIAL JUSTICE so this book integrates perfectly! Well done Year Five and thank you for the display!
Thanks to parents for rummaging around for little outfits - they were truly wonderful and the children had a great day!
The Murphy family are pictured below ... with four kids here at St Emilie's - they deserve a very 'shout out' for getting an outfit ready, bringing a plate of food AND getting all four kids to school, WHILE staying sane! :) Bravo!
Performing Arts Success!
They did an absolutely excellent job and we are all so very proud of their effort, their result and the way they conducted themselves from start to finish - including their hard work at rehearsals, displaying a positive attitude and commitment, great bus manners and appreciating the efforts of their teacher.
community mass
A wonderful way to start a Wednesday!
This week the Year Three staff and representative children led us in prayer - many thanks!
All families are encouraged and welcome to join staff and parishioners for this gentle way to start your day amidst the noise and rush of our busy lives.
Our next Community Mass is on Wednesday the 1st September (Week 7) lead by Year Two's. We would really love to see you there!
Morning Tea after Assembly
As you will appreciate, just like families and businesses, parishes did it financially tough throughout the COVID period.
By getting behind the parish raffle we are acknowledging our support and care of our Parish Priests who lead and guide us as a community, and our whole parish community who strive to provide genuine outreach to those in need.
Thank you again everyone, especially our wonderful P&F team who sold tickets so cheerfully outside the school office!
St Emilie's Family Breakfast - Friday 3rd September!
Coming together as a Community
While this is normally a Father's Day celebration, this year we will be celebrating Mums, Dads families and the St Emilie's school community as we weren't able to celebrate Mother's Day this year due to COVID restrictions.
We are crossing our fingers and toes that:
- We stay in Phase 5 so that we can safely hold the event
- The weather will be kind :)
- That the P&F will hear from some volunteers to help cook and serve
- Everyone will come ready to enjoy their breakky burger and to catch up with friends and introduce yourselves to a new friend!
Please see the Note/Order Form below! Thanks everyone and looking forward to seeing you there!
Australian Census - 10th August
The Australian Census on 10 August 2021 will provide a snapshot of who Australians are and what is important to us as a nation.
The census is a key tool that the government uses to determine how organisations, schools, church ministries and community groups are prioritised, funded and empowered to best operate in our State.
If you identify with Christian values, please use your voice in the Australian census when asked your religion.
This is an important opportunity to demonstrate the significance of faith-based families and schools in our West Australian community and will support endeavours to secure equitable access to opportunities and resources.
Thank you.
Vacation Swimming Lessons - VAC SWIM
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school vacation holidays.
VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable swimming safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Enrol at education.wa.edu.au/vacswim
These first five weeks of term we have a focus on LOVE.
Next week our LOVE mini focus is showing love by being positive and affirming others ...
Week 1: Love One Another
Week 2: Make sure everyone is included
Week 3: Help everyone feel important and special
Week 4: Be positive and affirm others
Week 5: Love is treating other people as you would like them to treat you - with care and respect
Homework and PP Homework Club Term 3
There are 4 PP grids this term:
Week 4 and 5
Week 6 YAY WEEK - no Homework and no Homework Club this week!
Week 7 and 8
Week 9 and 10
What's Coming Up?
Week 4
Monday 9th August
Tuesday 10th August
Homework Club 3.00pm
Wednesday 11th August
8.45am P&F Meeting in staffroom
1.20pm - 2.40pm Body, Balls and Brains
3.20pm - Staff Meeting
6.00pm - School Advisory Council Meeting
Thursday 12th August
Friday 13th August
International left-handers day
8.30am - 12.00pm Instrumental Ensemble @ Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 5
Science Week
Tuesday 17th August
Homework Club
Wednesday 18th August
1.20pm - 2.40pm Body, Balls and Brains
4.00pm & 5.30pm Confirmation Workshop
Thursday 19th August
4.00pm Confirmation Workshop
Friday 20th August
11.30-2.00pm Dance Troupe Rehearsal
7.00pm-9.00pm Creative Dance Performance
Saturday 21st August
6.00pm First Holy Communion Mass
Sunday 22nd August
9.30am & 5.00pm First Holy Communion Mass
PLAY FOR LIFE - Afterschool Soccer and Netball
After-School Soccer Coaching Clinics (Term 3)
All Kindy to Year 2 children were given a registration form for an After-School Soccer Coaching Clinic starting Tuesday the 3rd August (3.10pm – 4.10pm). We will conduct it on the school grounds.
The activity is coordinated and run by Physical Education and/or Soccer Specialists; all with their Working with Children Checks. The Clinic focuses on Maximum Participation during Organised and Fun 8 x 1 Hour sessions. The cost for the clinic is $80.00 per child.
If you are interested in letting your child learn and play this World Game in fun sessions and you have not yet registered, then please register online at www.play4life.com.au or complete the registration form and return it to reception. (Spare registration forms are available at reception). If you have any queries, please call Play 4 Life on 6162 0932.
After-School Netball Coaching Clinics (Term 3)
All Year 2 to Year 4 children were given a registration form for an After-School Netball Coaching Clinic starting Wednesday the 4th August (3.10pm – 4.10pm). We will conduct it on the school grounds.
The activity is coordinated and run by Physical Education and/or Netball Specialists; all with their Working with Children Checks. The Clinic focuses on Maximum Participation during Organised and Fun 8 x 1 Hour sessions. The cost for the clinic is $80.00 per child.
If you are interested in letting your child learn and play this Beautiful Game in fun sessions and you have not yet registered, then please register online at www.play4life.com.au or complete the registration form and return it to reception. (Spare registration forms are available at reception). If you have any queries, please call Play 4 Life on 6162 0932.
2021 Sacramental Dates
Kindy Enrolments for 2022 - do you have a child starting Kindy next year?
If you have a child starting next year please ensure that you have completed an enrolment form. We still have some spaces so please spread the word!
Kindy enrolments are an exciting time for our school - we love to meet new families and touch base with our existing families!
School social workers focus on the student in the school environment and work collaboratively with principals and teachers to minimise the impacts of personal, family and school difficulties and, where possible, remove any barriers to learning.
With students as their focus, school social workers provide consultancy, advice and support to principals, teachers and other school staff and to families so that they can best meet the needs of individual and groups of children and young people. There is a strong emphasis on individual student and family counselling and support. This is an amazing opportunity for kids, staff and families and one we have wanted in our school for some time.
Please find below the Parent Referral and Consent Form to access our School Social Worker.
You are asked to read the procedure carefully and also note that Kylie only works two days a week. While she will do her very best to accomodate all family referrals, patience may be required as she prioritises her case load and allows time for observation visits, classroom support and playground involvement.
Uniform Shop
Image Embroidery now services our school community's uniform requirements.
For all uniform queries, please contact a member of the Image Embroidery team (contact details below).
Their store is just 5 minutes from St Emilie's for 'try ons' or you can order uniforms via their online form.
Email: shaun@imageembroidery.com.au
Website: www.imageembroidery.com.au
Location: 26 Tulloch Way, Canning Vale WA 6155, Australia
Phone: (08) 94562324
Keyed Up Music Lessons here at St Emilie's - information for you
Keyed Up Music Lessons
Keyed Up Music will be teaching keyboard, guitar and voice lessons this term after school. Lessons start at $18.65 for groups of four per lesson. If you are interested in your son/daughter learning an instrument, ring Savanna on 6107 8841 or 0479 171 424 or enrol at www.keyedupmusic.com.au/enrolment-form
St Emilie's Parish is holding an RCIA Inquiry Night at the School Hall on Sept 1, Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, to inquire about RCIA or those Catholics who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Everyone is welcome!
You can contact the organiser by emailing: lenngonzales@hotmail.com or phoning 0413103959
Helen Gonzales
RCIA Coordinator
St Emilie Parish
St Emilie's Parish
Office hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday
Mail: PO Box 5184, Canning Vale South WA 6970
An appointment to see a priest is required.
Parish Priest: Fr. Jean-Noël Marie
Email: Jean-noel.marie@perthcatholic.org.au
Assistant Priest: Fr. Victor Manuel Lujano
Email: victor.lujano@perthcatholic.org.au
Office Assistant: Roselle D’Souza
Email: stemilie.office@iinet.net.au
Email: stemilie.office@iinet.net.au
Website: http://stemilie.net/
Location: 151 Amherst Road, Canning Vale WA 6155, Australia
Phone: (08) 9256 9650