Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, October 4, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It's amazing to think we are already in the month of October. The school celebrated the 30th day of school on Tuesday and traditionally, this marks the end of "The first six weeks of school." The first six weeks is a major mile marker for us in the school in that everything that follows is built on the strong foundation of setting routines and expectations, rule creation and how that ties to our hopes and dreams. I am beyond proud of the foundation that has been built for another great school year at Roundtown.
Have a great weekend! Dad and I are on our way to Talladega, Alabama for the big NASCAR race! When Dad was diagnosed with cancer in January, I asked him what we were working toward as a goal to get healthy. He told me at that time he wanted to go back and see another live NASCAR race. In the early 2000's, we attended races at about 10 different tracks and always had so much fun. Talladega is one we always had on our bucket list. We will be camping on the inside part of the track and watching the race from a platform on top the truck. Even though my mom is also going through her own cancer struggle right now she told me, "Take your father and do this!" I do not take these moments for granted and feel so fortunate to make another memory with my dad. Wishing you and yours a special weekend too.
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
Congratulations to members of our Roundtown Family who earned a Central York Spirit of Youth Award last Saturday during the annual Spirit of Youth Breakfast! Congratulations to Roundtown Second Grader, Harper Thomas and Roundtown Instructional Assistant, Meghan Smith! We are PROUD of their efforts and service to our community!
This past week....
On Monday the Skyward Conference Scheduler opened for families. If you have not yet scheduled your child's conference, please use the Skyward System to schedule. Detailed directions were sent last week and if anyone needs assistance with scheduling, please contact our Roundtown Office at 717.846.6789 x2002.
The Health Hero flu shot clinic was a success on Tuesday and nearly 100 students received their flu shot.
Thanks to all the second grade moms who came out for our swimming volunteer meeting on Tuesday as well. The second graders are so excited to swim later this month!
Kindergarten had fun participating in their color day with "PURPLE" day on Wednesday! Thank you to everyone who participated.
The school honored our custodians on Wednesday for School Custodian Appreciation Day! Thank you Miss Daisy, Miss Ran, Mr. Mason, and Miss Sapphire for all you do for our school!
Coming next week…
From our Roundtown Librarian, Mrs. Dusich....
Students in Mrs. Cole's, Mr. Fife's, Mrs. Levine's, Miss Decker's, and Mrs. Bobitiz's classes should have their library books in school for return on Monday, October 7.
Our Central York Homecoming Spirit Week kicks off on Monday, October 7! See the details below for our daily spirit days!
Our Scholastic Fall Book Fair will be up and running starting Monday, October 7.
Tuesday, October 8 is set for our next PTO Meeting. Join us at 6PM!
Wednesday, October 9 is our Book Fair Family Night and families are welcome to shop from 6-8PM.
Wednesday is also "BROWN" day for our kindergarteners and anyone wishing to participate!
Homecoming Spirit Week culminates with the big Parade at Central York High School on Thursday, October 10 evening. The parade begins at 6:15PM. Come cheer on our third graders as they march and toss out candy to the crowd!
Spirit Wear!
Looking for high-quality spirit-wear? Look no further! Use the following link to order Central Spirit Wear all year long! Click here to access the store!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Mrs. Zimmerman, our awesome Roundtown School Counselor, works to assist our students and teachers in a variety of ways. She meets individually with students, meets groups of children who have similar needs, and provides instruction to all students. The month of October is National Bullying Awareness Month and Mrs. Zimmerman will teach the children what exactly bullying is. This is not a term we use loosely at Roundtown. While children will often make a poor choice, not everything can or should be coded as "Bullying." You can read on to see how the school defines bullying and how we teach a common vocabulary to our students about what to do if they suspect someone is being bullied or have experienced it themself. The school takes bullying seriously and investigates and appropriately address all forms of bullying.
Safety and Technology Resources for Families
Maintaining school attendance is important to support the learning and socioemotional growth of our learners. Central York strives to make our school environment a place where everyone can be safe and healthy to do their learning. We will do our best to listen and partner with you so our learners can have a successful year. Below you will find our attendance protocol for your review. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns. We are here to support the needs of our learners!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
10/7-10/11 - Scholastic Book Fair
10/7-10/11 - Homecoming Spirit Week
10/8 - PTO Meeting 6PM
10/9 - Kindergarten's "BROWN" Day-wear something brown
10/9 - Book Fair Family Night 6-8PM
10/10 - Central York Homecoming Parade
10/14 - NO SCHOOL