Fayette Central Flyer
September 2020
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
We are so happy to have everyone back in the building. Our classes have gone very well considering we had such a long break since March and we have so many faces that are new to Fayette Central. We also have several new staff members as well as teachers in new grades. We would like to welcome Mrs. Bertsch in second grade. Mrs. Bertsch comes to us from Maplewood and before that she taught at Western Wayne. We also would like to welcome Mr. Stanley in sixth grade. Mr. Stanley has been with FCSC for several years and we are fortunate to have him at Fayette Central this year in sixth grade. Ms. Fee and Mrs. Poe switched grades so Mrs. Poe now teaches second grade and Ms. Fee teaches third. Mrs. Kristin Day also is joining us from Maplewood and she will be working with our K-4 special needs students along with Mrs. O'Rourke.
We really want to thank you parents and guardians for helping our students get accustomed to our new Covid rules. Please continue to check your children everyday before they come to school. If they are running a fever they must stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the addition of Tylenol or other fever reducer. The CDC has updated their symptom list to help us differentiate possible Covid from fall colds or allergies. Students and teachers are more at risk of spreading an illness if:
They have a temperature of 100.4 or higher
Sore throat
New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing- unrelated to asthma or chronic allergies
New onset of headache; especially with a fever
Loss of taste or smell.
Even with all the changes our teachers and students are focused on learning and getting used to their new IPADS and Chromebooks. If you have any questions please reach out-825-6261.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Mrs. Thompson's Students are Learning to Use Scissors
Mrs. Thompson's Kindergarten News
Yay for Kindergarten and yay for school! We are so thankful to be back in the classroom and learning! Here are a few things we are working on:
1. Learning how to properly wash hands, walk in the hallway, restroom procudures, being independent, taking care of our supplies and many more.
2. Learning how to treat others with kindness and respect.
3. Learning a letter a day! We have learned 8 letters already!
4. Learning about numbers 1-5. How to put them in order, how to write them and how to read the number word are just a few.
We are so excited to be learning and growing together this year! We wish everyone at school and at home a very safe and happy school year!
Mrs. Haffner's Students are Using Their Chrome Books for NWEA Testing
Mrs. Haffner's Fourth Grade News
We are movin’ and groovin’ in 4th grade right now! We have been busy practicing all the routines and procedures needed to become successful learners this year. In math, we have started working on the basics of multiplication and division and using different strategies to solve math problems. We practice our math facts every day and using mobymax to review skills we already know. In reading, we are reviewing the 8 comprehension strategies that good readers use like making connections, inferencing, and visualizing. We are also enjoying listening and laughing to Judy Blume's short novel "Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing" as our class read aloud this month. In writing, we have practiced writing paragraphs with details, topic sentences, and conclusions. The students have also been working hard to brainstorm lists and ideas for some great pieces of writing this year! Social Studies has us learning about Indiana History, specifically the geography that makes our state so unique! We also have been getting in a little computer coding practice through code.org. The students are having a lot of fun with this and learning about a variety of math concepts, problem solving, and practicing teamwork as we learn to code. There is a lot to do in 4th grade this year, and we having been having a lot of fun working through it all together!
Upcoming Events
September 7- Labor Day- No School
October 6- School Pictures
October 19- Teacher Professional Day- No School
October 26- Fall Break