SMS Weekly Newsletter
November 25th, 2024
News and Notes
Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks. I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for the sacrifices you make to send your children to St. Michael's. I am in awe of everything that so many of you as parents do to ensure that your children are safe and receive a solid education here. It is an honor to lead St. Michael's School and to work with you and your children.
This is a short week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Monday and Tuesday are full days. Wednesday is a noon dismissal with no aftercare. All students must be picked up at noon. No exceptions. Thursday and Friday we have no school for Thanksgiving, and we return on Monday, December 2nd.
Tomorrow, Ms. Kathy has prepared a fabulous Thanksgiving lunch for all of our students!!! Thank you to the HSA and Ms. Kathy for preparing this delicious lunch as a thank you to our students.
This Wednesday, we have a dress down day for $2. Students who bring $2 may dress down.
Have a fabulous day,
Ms. Kazan
Attendance Matters!
As we prepare to take time off from school on November 23rd and 24th for the Thanksgiving break, we are grateful for everyone who has helped to restore a routine for showing up to school while supporting students and families.
Daily routines are essential for reducing stress and creating a sense of security for students and adults.
Please take steps to keep your child healthy and send them to school unless they are truly sick. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers.
We thank:
- Our students and their families who do their best to show up to class every day even when it isn’t easy.
- Our teachers who have gone above and beyond to help make school a welcoming learning environment where students can thrive.
- Our many, many healers and helpers - the support staff and community volunteers who provide the extra hands and attention our children need.
May these days off be restful and healing.
We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on Monday, November 27th.
Thank you for partnering with us!
Spirit Days- Fridays
This is a reminder that Spirit items, including all sweatshirts are only to be worn on Spirit Friday. Gym sweatshirts may be worn on gym days and Spirit Fridays only. These items are available all the time using the following link. They will be shipped to school one time each month. Spirit items may only be worn on Fridays and designated Spirit Days. These are not uniform items. You may also wear last year's spirit items. Spirit items must be worn with the uniform. These are not dress down days.
SMS Theatre Club Fundraisers
Please see below for some exciting upcoming fundraisers. Proceeds will benefit our drama club.
Santa in Blue
Again, this year our school is a donation site for Santa in Blue. Please see below for more information on this program!
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, November 26th- Thanksgiving Luncheon for students from HSA
Wednesday, November 27th- End of Trimester 1
Wednesday, November 27th- No Aftercare
Wednesday, November 27th- Noon Dismissal
Thursday, November 28th and 29th- Thanksgiving Vacation
Friday, December 6th- Half Day- Faculty Meeting- Aftercare Available
Margaret Kazan
Location: 1212 Kelly Street, Union, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-688-1063
Twitter: @stMichaelsunion