Smithfield Elementary
November 2022
Message from the Principal
What an amazing October we've had at Smithfield Elementary!
Our students enjoyed picking pumpkins from our "pumpkin patch" and using them to complete pumpkin activities throughout the day, and participated in our annual Character Parade on Oct. 28th. Thank you to Mr. Josh for the pumpkin donation.
Our PTO did an amazing job with the Read-a-Thon raising over $7,000!
Thanks to all families who volunteered during our Trunk-or-Treat event on October 21st. The students were so excited by all that was offered!
We look forward to another month filled with learning and motivational activities during November. Don't forget to check out upcoming events in the November calendar below... As always, if you have any questions, please call our office at (570) 421-2841.
Erick Kerstetter - Principal
phone # 570-421-2841
Calendar of Events at Smithfield Elementary
8: PTO meeting 6-8pm
11: Lifetouch Picture RETAKE Day
14-18: SWPBS Spirit Week
18: - PTO Cereal Box Dominos
21-22: Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School
23: Teacher in service- No School
24-28: Autumn Recess - District Closed
29: Back to school
Event Information
PTO Meeting
Look for more details at the start of the new school year.
When?: Tuesday, November 8, 6-8pm
Weather Issues
District Website
News Channels
Connect Ed.
Counselor Corner - Newsletter and resources!
ESASD Attendance and Truancy Procedures
Email for Attendance Notes
Birthday Celebrations
Any items sent from home must be prepackaged to share with others.
Order forms are located on the District web page under Food Services for The Birthday Basket package that parents/guardians will be able to purchase to celebrate their child's special day.
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