The Royals Report
October 2024

We are the Royals!
Banner Raising Ceremonies Coming Soon! Watch the Week at a Glance for updates.
Guidance News
On December 12, we had a terrific visit to HACTC with a whole bus full of Sophomores. Interest is strong this year and our students "did themselves proud" by treating this visit as a special opportunity. They carried themselves honorably, took the visit seriously - like a job interview, and explored future possibilities with respect, interest and curiosity.
Remember, there are limited seats available for each program so this is very competitive. After making such a good impression in person, now our students will work to present themselves strongly when they complete their application.
Applications opened on December 13. Students will work at home to complete the application. Reach out to your school counselors if you need help or want a hand with the details.
NOTE: If your student missed the visit, they may still apply to the programs for next year. Please go to the HACTC web page and note additional opportunities such as open houses or virtual meetings.
St. Paul's Visit
A guest from St Paul's School (Concord, NH) visited with our students during FLEX/WIN on Thursday, December 12th. This is a terrific "pre-college" experience for rising juniors and exceptional sophomores to consider. If you have interest or questions, you can find great information at their web site, or reach out to your school counselor.
Science News
The honors chemistry class has been studying the kinetic molecular theory of gases and recently performed a series of experiments on their school chromebooks using a virtual lab simulation created by the University of Colorado, Boulder. The students compared the effusion and diffusion rates of gases with different masses and temperatures. Once they analyzed their data, they compared it with that of their classmates and historical data from previous Mascoma chemistry classes, looking for patterns. After the activity, students reflected on what they learned in a post lab exit ticket. Student CR stated, “Something that this activity has helped me with is understanding particle movement because the visual model kind of put some concepts together for me.” And student KH noted, “I learned that effusion rates can differ greatly under the same conditions purely because of the random particle motion; however the average of these ratios over many different trials will be similar to the average velocity ratio.”
ELO Spotlight
Keanu Gianini, a sophomore, has spent his fall taking an online college course through Lakes Region Community College. Taking advantage of free online college courses while in high school, Keanu is building his path to success early. He is also a proud member of the football team and lifting club. We are extremely proud of Keanu and commitment to furthering his education.
Computer Science
Python 1 student graphic created with code https://academy.cs.cmu.edu/sharing/honeydewWolf1211
On October 26th, MVRHS hosted the fall meeting of the New England Association of Woodshop Teachers (NEAWT) and our own Dave Shinnlinger was named a co executive director of the organization
Club News
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society has been very busy during the month of December. Students traveled to both the Enfield Village and the Canaan Elementary schools to read to the 4 year old preschool students and distribute new books. While at EVS they also played basketball with Ms.Kerr’s class as a reward for their generosity in donating to our Thanksgiving food drive. NHS members also played basketball with students from each of the CES classes. CES collected more than 850 pounds of food for our Thanksgiving Food Drive! The high school and elementary students had so much fun celebrating our community spirit.
Faculty Breakfast
The NHS also hosted their first fundraiser of the year by selling breakfast tickets to high school faculty and staff. We sold more than 50 tickets and staff enjoyed time to socialize while eating a hearty breakfast prepared from scratch and served by the NHS members. We truly appreciate the generous support we receive from our educators because our breakfast fundraisers allow us to fund our service projects for the year. Thank you MVRHS administrators, teachers, and staff! We couldn’t do this without you!
Order your Senior Recognition ads on Josten's. Deadline is fast approaching and space is limited. These ads are on a first come basis. Deadline is Feb 1.
Interact Club
In December, Mascoma Interact baked over 100 cookies and painted over 70 ornaments to be donated to Mascoma Senior Center, Upper Valley Senior Center, and Harvest Hill Assisted Living. Cookies were also donated to Pellerine Bingo Center to help raise money for First Responders.
MWG Presents: Featured Fiction of the Month
Not as Bright By: Cheyenne G.
It started with the headlights.
The headlights of my old car, not giving me the sight I need in the dark.
Then the street lights,
They didn’t give the street enough light for me to walk alone.
Then the little lamp in my room, dimming to the point of hopelessness,
Making all of the black words on the page mold together in splotches.
Then my eyes,
The blue becoming a rainy-day grey.
Then the lights on the tree,
The reds fading to pink, the orange to yellow, the blue to white, the green to sage.
Then the star stopped shimmering the way it used to in the occasional Winter sun.
And finally,
The stars in the night sky.
The stars that have always shone bright in the deadest of Winter nights,
The stars I wished upon as a child,
Have dimmed,
And along with them
My hope.
The holidays aren’t as bright,
But I hope that someday they will brighten once again.
All bulbs burn out, just as stars in the sky do.
But before they burn out, they always brighten.January Athletic Schedule
Upcoming Events
January 4th-Robotics Kicks Off
January 7th-School Board Meeting
January 20th-No School-MLK Day
January 24th-Grades Close
February 1st-Deliberative Session
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are important to MVRHS. Here is the link for the volunteer forms. They can be returned to the MVRHS office. https://www.mascomaschools.org/career/volunteer_information
How to reach us:
Email: tfleming@mvrsd.org
Website: https://mvrhs.mascomaschools.org/home
Location: 27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH, USA
Phone: 603-632-4308
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MascomaSAU62/?ti=as
Twitter: @MascomaRoyalsAD