The Logan Lowdown
Stay in the know with Team Logan!
School Hours ⏰
Doors Open: 8:55am & Dismissal Starts: 3:55pm
May 09, 2024, Dundalk Arts & Cultural Festival starting at 5:00pm at Dundalk High School
May 14, 2024, Election Day- School is Closed!
May 17, 2024, Asynchronous Learning Day for all students, please do not report to school this day and work will be posted in schoology.
May 22, 2024, 5th Grade end of year field trip. Our 5th graders will be going to DC to visit the Smithsonian Museums.
May 27, 2024, Memorial Day, School is Closed!
May 31, 2024, Logan's Field day. Please see attached flyer.
A message from your Principal!
Hi Team Logan, it’s Mr. Parker, your principal. We are in full swing as we enter May, and the school year is quickly coming to an end. However, our students have so much left to learn as they continue to build skills in math and reading that will propel them toward success as they get ready to enter their next grade level. Attendance plays a significant role in determining if they will gain those skills. It is time for us to refocus and to make sure you are sending your children to school every day and on time. We are still having so many students coming in late to school and parents signing them out early. At the end of the day when we dismiss, we have many parents coming in at 3:45, 3:50 and even 3:55 to sign out students. This makes for a difficult dismissal as we have already begun our dismissal process. If you need to sign- out your child early, please do so by 3:40pm. We so appreciate your cooperation and support in helping keep our dismissal process safe.
Please continue to encourage your child/children to display the virtues in our school promise of Respect, Empathy, Acceptance, and Love. This is the foundation of our House Culture and one we recite every day. We are seeing an increase in our students making choices that do not uphold these virtues. Reinforcement and support from the parents/guardians is very important. Please talk with your child/children about how they are putting these virtues into action at school and how they can work on them at home.
May is a time for us to celebrate our teachers and staff. This week we are celebrating teacher appreciation week. Our staff works tirelessly to make sure our students receive the best education in Baltimore County. Mrs. Wrightson and I would like to acknowledge our teachers and staff for their dedication and commitment to Team Logan. Please take a minute this week to say, “Thank You”!
As most of you know by now, the last day of school for students is June 14th. This will be a half day. Thursday, June 13th and Friday, June 14th all BCPS schools will be dismissing three hours early. Please make sure you mark that on your calendar.
Thank you for your continued support in making Team Logan, one of the best schools in Baltimore County.
-Mr. Parker
Main Office Minutes
Please make sure you take the time to keep your students contact information and address up to date, stop in the office or call us and we will take care of the rest. Also please keep in mind that arrival and dismissal times are very busy for the main office. We ask that you be mindful when planning a trip to the office to handle student related matters. In addition, to this if you are planning to pick your student up for early dismissal please do so before 3:40pm. Students are still involved in instruction until 3:50pm and our goal is to lessen the distraction. There has been mail sent out to all families that have to verify residency. Please be sure to follow the instructions in the letter.
PTA News
With your support of the World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser, we have been able to fund great things for your children. So far, we were able to purchase moving-up books for Pre-K and Kindergarten, shirts for dance club, buses for the 5th grade field trip and treat our teachers/staff to an awesome Teacher Appreciation Week that they truly deserve.
The PTA needs new board members for next school year. All positions will be open. We have some great families here at Logan, so we are hoping some of you are willing to step up and help take over. If you have any questions about the PTA or positions you can reach us by email or through Facebook.
Our Annual Mother's Day Flower Sale is this Friday, May 10th! Flyers were sent home.
Our next meeting will be May 21st at 4:30. It is right before the spring concert. We will be creating a ballot for open positions so if you are interested, please attend. We hope to see you there!!
Save the date:
May 22 - Icy Delight Fundraiser
June 11 - PTA Meeting (vote in new officers)
Instrumental Music Notes
Ms. Lisa M. Schultze, Instrumental Music
Dundalk Arts and Culture Festival: Grade 5 Band/Orchestra and Dance Club are performing at Dundalk HS on Thursday May 9th. We are so proud to continue to participate in this wonderful community event.
Spring Concert and Art Show Gallery Walk: We are looking forward to our Spring Concert and Gallery Walk on Tuesday, May 21st here at Logan! Students should wear casual spring colors of your choice. Visit the art gallery on your way to our concert! Remember to bring your own chair, beach towel, or blanket for audience seating on the front lawn of the school.
All school instruments need to be returned to Logan by the beginning of June. If you are moving away from Logan before then, please return your school instrument before you leave. Please contact Ms. Schultze through Schoology or via email as needed at lschultze@bcps.org. Thank you!
Art is in the air!
Ms. Boren, Mrs. Kauffman, and Ms. Schultze are excited about Spring Arts Night on May 21st! From 5:45-6:30 there will be an art show with work from out, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. Our outdoor concert will begin at 6:30 with Music with Mrs. Kauffman followed by 5th grade band and orchestra. We hope you'll join us!
Parents/Guardians of students receiving ESOL services,
Please know that the results of the WIDA Access 2.0 (ESOL test) your child took this past January/February will be available very soon. As soon as I get the scores, I will send home a paper copy will be sent.
Please know that students need to receive an overall score of 4.5 or greater to EXIT ESOL services. If students have any score lower than that, they will need to continue ESOL services next school year.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at twhite5@bcps.org.
-Ms. White-Logan ESOL Teacher
A few words from Resource
When the school year is coming to a close, the weather gets nicer and the students become antsy. For parents, these last few weeks before summer can feel like a marathon, attempting to keep your children from completely checking out from the classroom mentally—without losing your own sanity.
Looking for some fresh ideas? Here are five things parents can do at home to keep their children motivated in the classroom through the end of the school year.
1. Give In To The Great Outdoors
Once the air warms up and the sun comes out, the pull of the great outdoors is hard for all of us to ignore. Make a point of quenching your child’s thirst for time outside during the hours you have with him or her at home. Activities can include:
- A walk to the local park after school
- Signing them up for an outdoor sports league
- Taking a weekend day trip to go hiking
- Eating dinner in the backyard as a family
Any time you spend outside with your child will help manage their need to escape the indoors while they are busy learning in the classroom.
2. Ask Questions
Contrary to what you may hear from your child, their time in the classroom is valuable right up to the last day of the school year. Teachers are racking their brains every bit as hard as you to keep students busy and learning during the final weeks of school.
Help them out by making a concerted effort to get your child talking about that learning at home. Avoid the impulse to focus on upcoming summer activities or indulge in complaints, and ask your child about what the day’s lessons included. As always, express your own interest in those topics—enthusiasm for learning is infectious.
3. Maintain A Routine
The days may be getting longer and summer activities may be getting started, but that’s not an excuse to disrupt the school year routine. Make a point of maintaining consistency in your child’s homework time, family mealtime, bedtime, wake-up time, and any other daily rituals you have. This will help keep your child in the mindset for school and improve his or her focus in the classroom right up to the last day of the school year.
4. Reflect On The Year
For students, each school year is a distinct experience. As the school year is wrapping up, make it a priority to help your child reflect on all that he or she has learned and done in the classroom over the past nine months.
Try having your child write a letter to their younger self from the start of the school year—what advice would they offer, what challenges can they expect, and what should they look forward to?
This kind of reflection is a great way to get your child thinking about all the progress they have made throughout the year and motivate them to keep up the academic momentum.
5. Provide Some Incentive
Never underestimate the motivating power of a little reward. Think about different incentives you can offer your child for displaying continued effort and achievement at school during these final weeks.
Maybe it’s an extra hour of TV time if they finish all of the night’s homework before dinnertime or a special outing if they achieve a certain grade in a subject that has been challenging. Big or small, dangling a carrot can make a big difference in keeping your child engaged at the end of the school year.
For more ideas on how parents can keep their kids learning in the summer, read our article on summer planning.
Our ISDM students have been busy traveling lately! Our Kindergarteners went to The Maryland Zoo. Second graders had the opportunity to see the production, Pete the Cat’s Big Hollywood Adventure. Ms. Dipaola’s class visited UMBC for a STEM trip. We learned so much and had a ton of fun! Our 5th graders are headed to Washington D.C. for their 5th grade field trip to end the year with a bang!
By the way, here’s an update on our Autism Acceptance project for April. So many classes participated in designing their brains. Great job! This was an activity that allowed kids to design their brains, checkout our display in the front lobby next time you stop in.
Stay tuned for information regarding our upcoming end of the year picnic, moving up ceremonies, Field Day, and more! The end of the year is almost here, and we plan to make every day count!
Hi families! This past month in Kindergarten, we learned all our long vowel sounds and have been looking closely in reading. We have been learning about coins and their worth in math. Our brains are getting smarter each day as we begin new units to end the year. We are starting to answer the question ‘How do plants become food?’ in reading and we are discussing weight and place value in math. In science this unit we are learning all about our state insect- the Baltimore Checkerspot! We will be getting new classroom friends soon (which are butterflies), in order to learn what they need to survive! On June 11th we will be celebrating all our accomplishments with a Kindergarten ceremony followed by a picnic outside. Over the summer, please continue to count, read, and practice sight words! 😊
1st Grade
We are wrapping up our final unit in Phonics, learning about prefixes and reviewing all that we’ve learned this year to prepare for next year. In math we are working on skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. Next, we will learn about measurement and data and telling time. In reading we are focused on poems, identifying describing words, alliteration, and rhyme. Then, we will read texts about solving problems. Please keep reading and counting with your scholar at home to support his/her growth. Thank you!
Save the date: Friday, May 31st will be Field Day and our First Grade Picnic! On that day, please send your scholar to school with a water bottle labeled with your child's and a change of clothes (in case the get soaked from the water games). You can send your child's in a hat and sunglasses with sunscreen on. Please be prepared with your ID and stop by the office to get a badge before meeting us for our festivities. Our picnic will be outside so plan to bring a blanket or towel to sit on with your scholar while we eat lunch together since there are limited picnic tables. We are looking forward to seeing you!
3rd Grade
In third grade, we are starting a new reading module focusing on where our food comes from. We will be reading lots of non-fiction texts on different foods so that we can learn more about how food gets from the farm to our table.
In writing, we are choosing our favorite season to write a poem about. We will be practicing writing about our 5 senses and using details to be more specific.
In math, we are continuing to practice our understanding of multiplication and fractions. Right now, our main focus is equivalent fractions and how to place them on a number line.
We look forward to all the exciting events that come with the end of the school year and hope you have a great summer break!
4th Grade
ELA: Fourth grade will be concluding Module 9: Global Guardians and beginning Module 10: Communication Nation. Students will have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of texts to build knowledge about various forms of communication. For writing, we will focus on Expository Essays. Students will have to identify a discovery someone has made that is featured in a museum then write about that discovery in depth. Students will focus on the following questions to guide their essays: How was it used? What is it? When did it exist? What did it do? Why is it in a museum?
Grade 4 Math: We will be wrapping up Unit 7 (fractions, decimals, and multi-digit multiplication) and beginning our final unit of Bridges. In Unit 8, students will design and build scaled 3D model playgrounds that incorporate simple machines. They will conduct research to help them make decisions about the equipment and its safety. This unit focuses on mass, liquid volume, area, and perimeter.
Advanced Math: This month in advanced math, we will begin our last big unit on division and decimals. The students will relate back to their work in previous units involving different strategies to break up whole numbers and decimal amounts. We will be dividing with dividends as small as hundredths and as large as thousands! To ensure lifelong success, we will be interpreting division through real-world problems and making decisions about how to handle the remainders in that context. Try offering your own word problems to your students as they come up naturally and watch as they solve in creative ways!
5th Grade
We are preparing for the end of the school year! We wanted to make you aware of what these last few weeks will look like for our 5th grade students!
- We have our final 2 days of Math MCAP testing on May 9th and 13th. Please ensure your students are well rested and arriving to school on time!
- Permission Slips and Parent Volunteer Certificates are due on Friday May 10th.
- There will be no school on May 14th and May 27th .
- There will be aN ASYNCHRONOUS half-day on May 17th
- Spring Concert @ Logan on May 21st beginning at 5:45 PM
- Washington DC Field Trip May 22nd, Students must arrive to school at 7:15 to ensure they make the 7:30 departure time. We will be returning to school around 5:00 PM.
- Field Day will be May 31st.
Stay tuned for more information about 5th Grade Picnic (6/11) and Farewell (6/12).
Lastly, we are working hard with our students to end the year strong, please talk with your students about how their continued effort in class is necessary to be successful in this last quarter of elementary school!