Visual Materials Pizza & PD 21-22
Timely, after school sessions for professional learning
What IS Pizza & PD?
Each session will be conducted in a more casual fashion, where through collaborative structures, participants will receive not only ideas and resources that can be used the next day (in most cases), but all of this will happen while participants enjoy their own personal pan pizza.
Since these sessions are designed to be responsive, if you find we are not offering a topic you feel would be beneficial, please reach out. You can also submit survey responses which will help us in identifying topics that would be helpful. (Educator Check-in Survey)
Pizza & PD Professional Learning Opportunities
Series Overview & Essential Information
Essential Details
For all events, please bring a fully charged laptop or chrome book.
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - Google Slides (Basics)
Thursday, December 16, 2021 - Power Point - it's not just for presentations - Interactive Presentations (Basics)
Thursday, January 20, 2022 - Google Slides - it's not just for presentations (intermediate)
Tuesday, March 17, 2022 - Google Interactive Activities (Basics)
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - Google Slides - It's not just for presentations - Interactive Activities (intermediate)
Thursday, April 21, 2022 - Power Point Interactive Activities (Basics)
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (registration starts at 4:00 pm) Be sure to arrive a little early so we can get you registered, screened, and you can get settled in and ready to learn
Location: *
The Madison - Champaign ESC
2200 S US Highway 68
Urbana, Ohio, 43078
*In the event that we must change the modality of a session, from face-to-face to virtual, we will notify anyone who is registered; we will also update the registration and website to reflect this change.
Costs/Registration Fees
$35.00 Per Session for Partner Districts
$50.00 Per Session for Non-partner Districts
*This includes your personal pizza, drink, and cookie
Payment methods include cash, check, purchase order or credit card
(there is a 3% surcharge on all credit card payments)
Payment can be mailed, emailed, or faxed to:
Mail to : Madison-Champaign ESC
Attn: Heather Burris
2200 S. U.S. Highway 68
Urbana, OH 43078
Email: Heather Burris at heather.burris@mccesc.org
Fax: 937-652-2221
For Credit Card Payments: PLEASE use the following link to pay online with your Credit / Debit Card:
Registration Deadline(s):
We Are Here to Help
Feel free to download the pdf of our flier -- the attachment is directly below.
Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center
We Work to Serve!
Department of Teaching & Learning. Follow us on Instagram! @tandlmccesc
Feel free to use our hashtags:
#MCCESCTeachingandLearning #M_C_ESC
Email: tandlsupport@mccesc.org
Website: mccesc.org
Location: 2200 S US 68 Urbana, Ohio, 43078
Phone: 937 - 484 - 1557
Facebook: facebook.com/madison.champaign.esc
Twitter: @M_C_ESC