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St Cecilia's News
September 2021
Welcome back to school!
We hope that you have had a lovely summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming all of the children to school over the coming days.
This news item contains information about the arrangements for returning to school this term. It also includes information about COVID-19 procedures.
As we enter a new phase of the pandemic for schools we have been advised that:
- parents do not need to wear a mask on the school grounds, however wearing a mask is optional, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask please do so
- staggered start and end times are no longer required
- lunches and playtimes can return to their usual schedule
- ECAs and sporting events can resume
- music lessons can include singing
You can find more guidance regarding returning to school and COVID-19 in the leaflet below which you can download to your own device.
(Please note that our field and Clarkes Avenue gates are no longer in use at the start and end of the school day, please see below for details of which gate to use for each year group.)
Best wishes for the school year ahead, I look forward to seeing you over the days ahead,
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
Start Date
Our youngest pupils coming in to Nursery and Reception Classes have a staggered start over the first few days, we have sent dates to their parents before the summer holiday.
Years 1-6 all return to school on Thursday 2nd September.
Arriving at school
The school gates open at 8.40am.
Children in Nursery and Reception will use the Early Years gate near the Nursery building. The gate may open before 8.40am, if so please wait with your child until school staff open the classroom doors.
Children in Years 1-6 will use the double entrance gates at the front of the school when arriving at school. We will no longer have a staggered start. Parents can walk through the playground if they wish and exit through the automated gate, otherwise we're happy for you to "drop and go." Don't forget to say your goodbyes, hugs and kisses before you arrive at the gate so that you do not block the entrance!
Collecting your child at the end of the day
EYFS and Key Stage 1
- The school day ends at 3pm for Nursery, Reception, Years 1&2.
- Parents for these classes line up at the classroom doors to collect their children. Year 2 St Joan of Arc class will dismiss through Year 2 St.Thomas More, parents wait in the playground.
- Nursery and Reception parents enter and exit via the Early Years gate.
- For Years 1&2 please enter via the double gates and exit via the automated gate in the front playground.
Key Stage 2
- The school day ends at 3.10pm for Years 3-6.
- They are dismissed from the front playground, teachers will have a regular space from where they will dismiss their class.
- Parents enter the front playground area at the end of the day once the gate is open.
- Please wait near your child's regular departure space so that they can see you easily.
- Please enter via the double gates and exit via the automated gate - we have a one way system in operation to ease congestion at the gates.
Pupil safety at the end of the school day
Please help us to keep all the children safe at the end of the day:
- Scooters cannot be ridden on the school site, your child must always walk with their scooter.
- Once your child has been dismissed to you by the class teacher, please hold on to them, we are next to a busy road.
- Please make your way out of the playground once you have collected your child.
- Only take your own child home and as you exit through our gates make it clear which child is with you.
- Please do not allow your child to run ahead with others or allow others to exit with you.
- A member of staff is at the gate as an extra level of security to prevent lone children from exiting on to the road, you need to work with us to prevent this from happening.
COVID-19 Measures
Whilst some aspects of our health protection measures will be discontinued in this phase of the pandemic we will continue with some.
The school will feel different for your child as COVID-19 measures are relaxed:
Bubbles and staggered start and finish times are no longer in place.
Children can again have breaktimes and lunch together and take part in practical lessons and sports with other classes and year groups
Face coverings are no longer required for staff or visitors
- Extra-curricular activities (ECAs) can be provided.
We will continue with regular handwashing, cleaning regimes, and will keep spaces well ventilated
If your child is identified as a close contact of a member of staff or pupil they will not need to self-isolate
We will have plans in place on what to do if anyone at school tests positive for COVID-19, or if additional measures are needed to be reintroduced for a limited period. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
What should I do if my child has COVID-19 symptoms?
It’s important that if your child has any of the main COVID-19 symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste), they should not attend school and should stay at home. You should arrange for them to get a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and email the school office the test results at office@stcecilias.school. Your child should not attend school while you are waiting for test results, even if they are feeling better.
Events this September
Autumn Term begins for children in Years 1-6
There are staggered start times for children in Early Years - check your email.
Tuesday 7 September
9am. Years 1&2 Year Ahead Meeting - Hall and online
Thursday 9 September
9am. Years 5&6 Year Ahead Meeting - Hall and online
2pm. Welcome Mass for new parents - Field
Friday 10 September
9am. Years 3&4 Year Ahead Meeting - Hall and online
Monday 13 September
National Coding Week activities in class
Year 6 Bikeability Week
Extra Curricular Activities begin
Thursday 23 September
9am. Royal Marsden Hospital Coffee Morning for Parents - Hall
Friday 24 September
European Languages Day (Volunteers needed!)
Monday 27 September
Bounceback Wellbeing Day
Thursday 30 September
We get new playground markings - thank you parents and the PTA!
The calendar for the Autumn term and term dates for the year are attached below.
Check our school calendar online for more information. We will keep in touch with you on Class Dojo if any dates change.
Fund Raising through Sainsbury's and Argos
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Email: office@stcecilias.school
Website: www.stcecilias.school
Phone: 020 8337 4566