Weekly Happenings
May 13-17
Crooked Creek Elementary School
Email: kparquet@msdwt.k12.in.us
Website: https://cc.msdwt.k12.in.us/
Location: 2150 Kessler Blvd. W. Drive
Phone: 317.259.5478
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCESMSDWT/
Twitter: @CrookedCreek_
May 15-Kindergarten to Skateland
May 15-5th grade to Kings Island
May 15-2nd grade walking tour of the Fire Station
May 16-Unified Sports Day-Selected Students
May 16-Mobile Dentist
May 17-Kindergarten Spring Sing
May 17-4th grade to JA BizTown
May 17-Freaky Friday-Sunglasses Day $1
May 22-CC Field Day
May 23-5th grade Celebration-9:00-10:30
May 23-Family Picnic, bring money to buy snacks and support 4th grade
May 23-Last day of school for students!!!Have a safe and wonderful summer!!
Family Panorama Survey-April 22-May 17
Please take a few minutes to fill this out. We would like all our families to share their opinions!
Crooked Creek wants to hear from you. Share your thoughts. This will help us make improvements and become the best school we can be. Thanks for taking some time to fill this out.
Family Picnic-May 23
From Nurse Shannon-Medicine pick up!!
All medication needs to be picked up in the front office by the end of the school year. If your child has an emergency medication (like an inhaler or Epi-Pen) it is preferred that you pick it up on the last day of school.
All medication that is not picked up by 3:00 on May 23 will be disposed of. Thank you!
Shannon Gardner RN, BSN
Crooked Creek Elementary School
2150 Kessler Blvd W. Drive | Indianapolis, IN 46228
T: 317-259-5478 ext 12106
F: 317-259-5453
Mobile Dentist
The School Smiles dentist is returning to our school on May 16 for dental cleanings. If you missed the dentist’s first visit, there is still time to get your student signed up for our upcoming visit! Please visit www.schoolsmiles.com/student-signup to sign-up today! A new form needs completed each school year to remain in the program, but if you have already completed a form for the 2023-24 school year, you do not need to sign-up again. School Smiles accepts Medicaid, private insurance, and offers self-pay rates for those who may be uninsured.
Social Worker
From Mrs. Lambert
Attendance Matters
Thank you to students, parents/caregivers, teachers, and staff for almost reaching the end of the semester. It has been a wonderful school year!
We want to remind you that the last day of school is May 23rd. Students are expected to attend everyday through the end of the semester.
Reminder: Last Student Day of Attendance is Thursday, May 23th
School resumes from Summer Break on August 1.
Please contact Ms. Lambert the School Social Worker or your student’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about attendance.
Attend. Engage. Achieve.
Please sign up for food bags by contacting Ms. Lambert by May 8th. Please indicate whether you can pick-up at Crooked Creek or need them delivered. Bags will be ready on May 16th.
5th grade transition information
Summer Programming Options
Be sure to check out the Summer Programs page on the district website for camps, clinics and other summer opportunities for MSDWT students.