Berthoud Community Library District
May 2024
In This Issue...
- Letter from the CEO
- Hours
- Amateur Photography Challenge
- 5/27: Memorial Day Closure
Family Events:
- Tuesdays: Bouncing Baby Storytime at 10:30AM
- Wednesdays: Terrific Toddler Storytime at 10:30AM
- Fridays: Perky Pre-K Storytime at 10:30AM
- 5/2: Tinker Tots (The Science of Butter!) at 4PM *Registration Required
- 5/6 & 5/20: Musical Moments at 4PM
- 5/25: Kids Yoga at 10:15AM *Registration Required
Teen Events:
- 5/16: Construct & Concoct (Jewelry Making) from 4:15-5PM *Registration Required
- 5/18: Don't Fear the Reader: Horror Book Club at 2PM *Registration Required
Adult Events:
- Mondays: Writer's Group from 10:30-11:45AM
- Saturday Sketch Hour from 11AM-12PM
- 5/2: Foothills Audubon Bird Club Meeting at 6PM
- 5/9: Nutrition Essentials with Emmy Ingham at 6PM *Registration Required
- 5/15: Open Board Game Night from 6-7:30PM
- Cancelled: Food for Thoughts Breakfast will resume in September
- 5/22: Book Club at 1:30PM & 6:30PM
- 5/24: Knit & Crochet Drop-In from 1-3PM
- 5/29: Origami Class with Japan American Society of Colorado at 6PM *Registration Required
- Podcast: New Episode!
- Virtual Storytime with Miss Christy
- Contact Us
CEO Note
We have one official and one unofficial competition for you this month.
The official competition: it’s National Photography Month, and we’re hosting an amateur
photography competition. Participants will need to submit original photographs and an
artist statement, and the winners will be chosen by a panel of library staff. See all the
details further down the newsletter.
The unofficial competition: let’s get on top of the courier transfer list. Our library system
tracks the number of items that move through the courier each month. Looking at the
number of items that you all request from other libraries, Berthoud is consistently in third
place on the list. Let’s make May the month when we request even more books and
movies and take the top spot!
Many, many events are happening in May, so browse the rest of this newsletter for all
the information. Happy learning!
Amie P.
Library CEO
We have extended our Browsing Hours on Wednesday and Thursday!
We are now open for browsing Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 10AM - 6PM. Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10AM - 8PM, and Saturday we are open from 10AM - 4PM. We are no longer closed for lunch on Saturdays (yippee!).
Curbside hours remain constant every day, Monday through Saturday, from 10AM until 5PM. Please email us at or give us a call and let us know what we can gather for you. We'll arrange a time to pick up for contactless delivery.
Berthoud Community Library's Amateur Photography Challenge
Celebrate National Photography Month by participating in Berthoud Community Library’s Amateur Photo Challenge! We invite you to submit your original photography that captures the essence of Berthoud, as you see it.
Submission Guidelines
Who: Berthoud Community Library patrons ages 14 and up
What: Submit 1 to 3 original photographs and an artist statement. The artist statement should be around 250 words and address the following:
- Your interpretation of your photo.
- How your photo(s) relate to the theme of representing Berthoud.
- Your artistic experience so far.
- Note: If you submit a photograph of another person, you must have their permission for it to be publicly displayed online and at the library. If applicable, please indicate you have received permission in the artist statement.
When/where: Submit your works between May 1st - May 31st, 2024 by emailing
Submissions will be judged by a panel of Berthoud Community Library staff. Evaluation will be based on the artistic merit of the photos and their embodiment of the theme. Winners will be notified the first week of June.
Up to 3 winning works will be exhibited in-person at the Berthoud Community Library as well as online. Winners will receive:
- Grand prize: $25 Amazon gift card, Photography 101 Pocket Guide
- First and second runners-up: $25 Amazon gift cards each
Closure Notice
The Library will be closed on May 27th for Memorial Day.
Family Events:
Bouncing Baby Storytime
Join us for Bouncing Baby Storytime on Tuesdays at 10:30AM. This story time is tailored to babies under two. Short books, bounces, songs, finger and foot play rhymes will be fun for babies and their grown-ups alike!
Terrific Toddler Storytime
Join us on Wednesdays at 10:30AM for Terrific Toddler Storytime. Let your toddler move and wiggle at this fast-paced story time with books to grow on, as well as plenty of singing and dancing!
Perky Pre-K Storytime
Join us on Fridays at 10:30AM for Perky Pre-K Storytime. We will be reading and interacting with longer stories in this group, but don’t worry we will still have songs and movement. We will wrap up with a craft.
Tinker Tots
This month, Tinker Tots we will be learning about the science of butter!
This class will be on the 2nd of May at 4PM.
Call 970-532-2757 to register.
Musical Moments
Every other Monday!
Let's play at the library! Musical Moments is especially designed for preschool children. Stop by every other Monday at 4PM to learn, play, and sing at the Berthoud Community Library.
May's Musical Moments dates are the 6th and 20th.
Kids Yoga
Kids ages 7-12 are invited to Yoga with Miss Christy on May 25th at 10:15AM. There will be games and songs!
Call 970-532-2757 to register.
Teen Events:
Construct & Concoct
Construct & Concoct is a craft event for tweens & teens. This month we will be making Jewelry on the 16th from 4:15-5PM.
Registration is required. Call 970-532-2757 to register.
Don't Fear the Reader: Horror Book Club
This month we will focus on a classic horror, Dracula.
Call (970)532-2757 to register.
Adult Events:
Writer's Group
Join us as we free-write, critique, and hone our craft together.
All genres of writing welcome. We meet Mondays from 10:30AM to 11:45AM. *There will be no meeting on Monday the 27th.
Saturday Sketch Hour
Join us for Saturday Sketch Hour each Saturday from 11AM-12PM! This is an hour for artists of any age and skill level to come and practice, and to learn from each other. Paper and pencils will be provided, however, if you have your own sketching supplies feel free to bring them. (Activity is drawing-specific!)
Foothills Audubon Bird Club
May is the Audubon Bird Club's Annual Meeting! A Potpourri of Nature Photographers!
Free and open to the public.
When: May 2nd at 6PM
Nutrition Essentials with Emmy Ingham
Registered Dietician Emmy Ingham will join us to discuss the basics of eating healthfully on May 9th at 6PM.
Registration required. Call (970) 532-2757 to register.
Open Board Game Night
Join us for Open Board Game Night on May 15th from 6-7:30PM. Bring your own game or use one of ours!
Cancelled: Food for Thoughts Breakfast
Our May Food for Thoughts has been cancelled. We will resume in September. Thank you for understanding.
Book Club
Join us for the last Book Club of the season on the 22nd at 1:30PM & 6:30PM to discuss Go as a River, by Shelley Read.
Winter-Spring 2024 Book Club List:
Wednesday 1/24/24: Carnegie's Maid, by Marie Benedict
Wednesday 2/28/24: Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt
Wednesday 3/27/24: Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk, by Kathleen Rooney
Wednesday 4/24/24: The Paris Library, by Janet Skeslian Charles
Wednesday 5/22/24: Go As a River, by Shelley Read
Knit & Crochet Drop-in
Knit & Crochet Drop-in will meet on Friday the 24th of May from 1-3PM.
This is not a class, just a place for fellow crafters to meet and knit/crochet together. This is a drop-in event.
Junko Goodwin from the Japan American Society of Colorado will teach us the basics of origami on May 29th at 6PM.
Registration is required. Call 970-532-2757 to register.
This is Berthoud Podcast
This podcast is not just about library 'stuff', but about the wonderful community we live in. Straight from our CEO, Amie!
We're here for you, to support you, to inform you, and to care for you the best way we know how.
New Episode:
Season 5 - Episode 4: Education's Big Picture: with Rhonda Solis, Colorado State Board of Education
Virtual Storytime Vault with Miss Christy
View all of Miss Christy's virtual story times from the past years. Watch the ones you missed or re-watch your favorites over and over again.
Stay Up to Date
Please keep checking our website, our Facebook page, and/or our Instagram page throughout the month to see the events we are hosting and any updates we may have!
Click here to visit our website.