Bobcat Strong Tracker
August 15th, 2024
Having trouble reading this email? Just click anywhere on the content below or visit our website at www.santaritaschool.org and go to the bottom of the website to find this newsletter!
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
Saturday, August 24th: Bobcat Chase
Friday, August 30th: Minimum Day 12:15 Dismissal
Monday, September 2nd: No School/Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd: First full day of Kindergarten
Monday, September 9th: First full day of TK
PLEASE make sure to complete this packet so we have your most up to date information and so teachers and students can start this year BOBCAT STRONG! https://form.jotform.com/241260293620145
LASD 2024-2025 Calendar
Reporting Attendance: Santa Rita Student Attendance
Santa Rita Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org/santaritaes
Santa Rita’s New Lost and Found
Thank you to Rushil Ramachandran for disassembling, removing paint, constructing new modules, and repainting our lost and found unit. I’m so proud of our former students for taking the time to give back to our school. This new unit looks amazing!
Hello Wonderful Bobcat Community,
Dear Santa Rita Families,
What a lovely first week! Santa Rita students did a fantastic job starting this new school year. As I visited classrooms this week, I was impressed with the engagement and excitement I saw from students. It was nice to see so many returning students and families. Again, I’d like to welcome our new families to Santa Rita. We are happy you’re here!
A big thank you to our custodians Mr. Alfredo and Mr. Alex for getting our campus so clean and ready for students and staff. I appreciate our front office team, Ms. Anna, Ms. Maggie and Ms. Cathy for preparing everything for students, families, and staff. Please join me in a round of applause for our teachers! They have worked tirelessly to get their rooms and lessons ready.
I would also like to thank our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) board for all their help getting the year started. The community picnic was a lovely event. It was so great to see our students and families connecting. This summer, our New Families Team has been hosting New Family playdates on campus and in the community. They have been well attended and a great way for new families to connect.
Please mark your calendars for all the fun events coming in September.
It’s a great day to be a Bobcat!
Denise Khalid
New Social/Emotional Learning Curriculum
I am pleased to announce that we are continuing with our District Social-Emotional Program, Character Strong. We are excited to continue implementing this program with our students and invite you to join us in promoting healthy social and emotional well-being here at our school. We will begin the year with our Kindness Kick-Off for the first two weeks and then focus on Respect for the month of September.
Walking and Biking to School Reminders
Did you know that a third of Los Altos students access school by walking or biking? We would love to see this number increase. Studies indicate that students who walk or bike to school have improved concentration for the entire first half of the day.
If you are not able to walk or bike the whole way to Santa Rita, please consider parking a block or two away from the school and walking the rest of the way in. This reduces traffic delays, vehicle emissions, and erratic driving behavior next to the school where children are walking. It is safer to have more adult pedestrians around school than more cars.
If you would like more information about Safe Routes to Santa Rita, please check out the Safe Routes to School website. There, you will find the Safe Routes to School maps and other resources on riding rules, safety tips, and transit services.
Remember! Students who ride bikes must wear helmets, have lights on their bikes in the dark, and bring a high-quality bike/scooter lock. Also, according to state law, users of Class 3 e-bikes must be 18 years or older, and users of e-scooters are not permitted to ride on sidewalks. Basic pedal-powered bikes and scooters allow for more appropriate speeds and better safety outcomes.
Makerspace Volunteers Needed at Lunch
We would like to open our Makers’ Space to students during lunchtime (12:00-1:00). Please email Denise Khalid (dkhalid@lasdschools.org) if you are interested. Thank you!
After School Activities!
Check out the after school activities offered at Santa Rita! Find more details and registration links on the Santa Rita website!
LASD Looking for Yard Supervisors
Join our LASD team! As we return back to school this year, we have yard supervision opportunities at most of our elementary schools.
Yard supervisors (1 hour per day, Monday-Friday-we are open to those interested in a few days a week also)
We are a wonderful place to work and working on our campuses is a great way to get to know the staff and students. Do you have a family member, college student, etc. at home who would like to get out for a few hours each day? It truly takes a village and we would love to have you become a part of our LASD team.
Click here to access our Noon Duty Application or the application
LASD Universal Meals Program
No-Cost Meals for All Students
California has become the first state to pass a universal free school meals program for all public school students. Free Breakfast and lunch will be offered at all schools, and all meals will comply with federal nutrition regulations. LASD is committed to serving the best food for our students through our vendor, Revolution Foods.
More Than Meals! Benefits for Your Student and School Completing a school meals form is crucial to school funding.
For every student who applies and qualifies for free or reduced-price meals, the school receives more than $150 and additional money from state and federal grants. This financial support translates into increased funding for afterschool programs, technology, counseling services, and equipment for school kitchens, ensuring a better learning environment for your child.
Families who qualify for free or reduced-cost may also be eligible for free or reduced-cost internet, free or reduced-cost summer camps, after-school child care, summer discount cards, and more! Your application helps your child and many others. Please use this website to access the application. (https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new)
To translate this website, please click on the 3 lines in the top right corner.
If you need help filling out the application, you can email Abel Velazquez, our Family Engagement Facilitator at avelazquez@lasdschools.org, who can also sit down with you and help you fill out the application.
Our students are back on campus, ready to meet new friends and teachers! Let's get them off to a strong start. You are invited to partner with the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) to help the Los Altos School District (LASD) deliver a high-quality, well-rounded learning experience to every TK-8 student this school year. LAEF fills the gap in school funding from federal, state, and local sources and is the only way for parents to fund LASD teaching staff at Santa Rita.
Here’s the Goal: Our school district is counting on us to raise $2.9 million to fund Wellness, Innovation, Library, and Arts & Humanities this school year. Donations to LAEF from parents like you will benefit your student and every student in our seven elementary schools and two junior high schools. Find out exactly what your donation to LAEF will fund this school year.
Let’s Get Started. Your generosity will make a difference! Find out all the ways you can Donate or Pledge to LAEF today. Parents are encouraged to give $1,400 or $140/month per student this school year. We are grateful for gifts of any amount. Corporate matches are appreciated. Both parents can apply.
Check out LASD Superintendent Sandra McGonagle’s Back to School video to learn how LASD, LAEF, and your school’s PTA work together to support our schools.
WANTED - Volunteers to teach art - No experience necessary
Interested in teaching art as a volunteer in the district? Come join us to learn more about our program. We'll have treats and you'll get to do a fun mini-art lesson too!
Art Docent Informational Coffee
Thursday, August 22nd from 10-11:30am
iLearn Studio @ Los Altos School District
201 Covington Road, Los Altos
RSVP by August 20th to anns97@gmail.com
Contact the Los Altos Art Docent office for more information: (650) 947-1195
Living Classroom- Volunteers Needed
Living Classroom is seeking volunteers to teach our fun nature-based lessons and help care for our school gardens. No experience necessary as we teach you everything you need to know. Please join us from 10-11:30am on Monday 8/19 at the LASD iLearn Studio to learn more about volunteering. Questions? Please email Living Classroom at livingclassroom@lasdschools.org or call (650) 947-1103. Check us out at LivingClassroomLASD.org!\
Living Classroom Informational Coffee
10-11:30am Monday 8/19
Los Altos School District iLearn Studio
201 Covington Road, Los Altos CA 94024
CENG Online Coding Classes- Registration Open Now!
Registration for our Fall online coding classes is now open at cengclass.org. Classes will begin in early September. We offer the following classes:
- Wednesdays: Scratch, JavaScript, and Python
- Saturdays: Scratch, JavaScript, Python, and Minecraft
All classes are held from 4:15 - 5:45 pm Pacific Time. Please register for only one class at a time and let your child complete all levels in one language before moving on to the next.
If you have any questions, please contact us at cengclass@gmail.com. Please support our mission and donate now.
Announcing the MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series for 2024-25
The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is thrilled to unveil our speaker line-up for the 2024-25 school year! Local and nationally recognized experts will lead parents in conversations about wide-ranging topics, including navigating the evolving cultural landscape around sex, parenting in our high-achievement environment, exploring the difficulties of parenting boys in contemporary society, learning about a case study in racism at a local high school, and making informed decisions about higher education.
Annual Street Resurfacing Project
This is a notification to let you know that paving is tentatively scheduled on Mercedes Avenue from Paso Robles going north to end of street for Tuesday, August 20th, which might impact some traffic. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Art Williams, E.I.T.
Assistant Civil Engineer
Public Works Dept.
City of Los Altos
1 N. San Antonio Road | Los Altos, CA | 94022
Ph: (650) 947-2717 | Fx: (650) 947-2732
Santa Rita School
Email: dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!