Welcome Back Keystone Central CTC
Let's Get Rolling, 2024 - 2025!
Upcoming Events and Important Dates:
August 28th: Students first day of school
Meet Our New Staff
Culinary Arts Instructor
Emergency Protective Services Instructor
Important Student Opportunity
Commonwealth Charitable Management and Coterra Energy Funding for Student Tools and Equipment
This letter is to invite you to apply for an award through the Commonwealth Charitable Management. This program provides money to the Keystone Central Career and Technology Center to assist eligible CTC students to purchase tools-of-the-trade as determined by the program instructors. In the past, purchases have included logging boots, toolboxes with supplies, cosmetology kits, welding helmets and many more items.
Students, in grades 9 through 12, are eligible based on their full-time enrollment in an approved Keystone Central Career and Technology Center program for the 2024-2025 school year. Non-completion of the program will require the recipient’s parent/guardian to return all items purchased with scholarship funds or to reimburse the KC CTC.
Coterra Energy has designated funding for Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Education students. The program benefits students from families with an adjusted gross income up to $108,400, plus $19,000 for each dependent that is listed on the family federal 1040 tax return.
Please apply at apply.eitcnow.org by September 5, 2024. If you have any questions or cannot furnish income documentation, please contact applicant@commonwealthcharitable.org for assistance from an Administrator.