F.A. Day Middle School
Home of the Day Dragons
August 28, 2023
(To translate this newsletter, click on the word "translate" at the top of the screen and select your preferred language.)
"The beginning is the most important part of the work." - Plato
A Note from the Principal . . . .
I know with the team placement postings on Friday, the reality of the new school year ahead is ever present with your children and the preparation for it has gently begun to push aside carefree summer outings, replacing them with plans and shopping for the first day of school.
Your children are beginning to ponder their "first day outfits" and reconnections with friends while you are discussing options for transportation and orchestrating the all consuming juggle and rhythm of fall routines. Unfortunately we can also no longer ignore the Back to School commercials that we have managed to put out of our mind for the past month as you take your first glance at the school supply list.
At Day the leadership team has been planning all summer for a successful beginning to the school year, and there are so many exciting details to share. My job this time of year, however, is to support you as you oversee your child's transition back to school. To do that I try to share the flood of information at the rate you need ... and can tolerate. You can literally get lost in the details that accompany the start to a new school year.
We all seem to understand the importance of getting beginnings right, and if we forget, we have all of those cliches and platitudes to remind us- "get off on the right foot, "you never get a chance to make another first impression." It can lead to unnecessary pressure and angst when the truth is, the first day of school should be about the joy of connections and new adventures.
So here is how we can get through this next two weeks together with both efficiency and joy.
1. Weekly newsletters ( sent out very Sunday night with details about the week ahead)
2. The Back to School Virtual Family Information Session tomorrow night (information on how to join below)
3. The PTO Families Connect Event on Tuesday at 6 p.m. (Information below)
4. Messaging on Twitter (@JMannNPS)
Finally, let's help our children and each other by reminding ourselves that despite the meticulous planning and sharing of information, there may be some bumps in the road, and it is ok. The bumps are not as important as the fact that we are in this together, and our children know that we are all here to support them. We got this!!
Let the new year begin!
Summer Hours
Regular school office hours begin this week. Regular Office Hours are:
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Linked below is an important list of common questions that families often ask about our school. Included is information about the first day of school as well as information about who to call with specific questions. This is a great reference guide that will support your family throughout the school year.
Monday, August 28, 2023: Day Family Virtual Information and Q&A Session at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023: Day Families Connect “Cookies and Lemonade: 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023: First Day for Teachers
Friday, September 1, 2023: No School
Monday, September 4, 2023 - No School Labor Day Holiday
Tuesday, September 5, 2023: First Day of School for Students
Thursday, September 21, 2023: Student Picture Day
Thursday, September 21, 2023: Parent Cell Phone Info Session: "Away for the Day at Day" at 6:30 p.m .
Monday, September 25, 2023: No School - Yom Kippur
Thursday, September 28, 2023: Early Release Day
Thursday, October 5, 2023: Back to School Night
Day Families Back to School Virtual Information Session
Please join us on Monday, August 28th from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. for an information and Q&A session about the beginning of the new school year.
For those who cannot make it, we will record the session and send it out to families after the event.
See the link below:
Topic: Day Families Back to School Information Session
Time: Aug 28, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2129 4482
Passcode: 759353
Summer Families Connect Event
Please join the Day PTO and Day families, new and returning for some cookies and lemonade on our back lawn to celebrate our reconnection to our school community and the launch of a new school year in our Annual Families Connect Social.
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p-.m.
Where: Behind Day Middle School
Ms. Mann will be giving school tours to families new to Newton before this event from 4:00 -5:00 p.m. If you are new to Newton, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Fisher for more information. fisherd@newton.k12.ma.us
How do I access my child's teams?
You can access your child’s team and advisory (‘homeroom”) teacher by following the steps below:
1. log into the ASPEN portal
2. Click on the “Family” top tab
3. Click on your child’s name
When you log into ASPEN you will see your child's team and homeroom advisory teacher and room number and counselor
It is important that your child brings this information to the first day of school.
Unfortunately teams cannot be changed at this late date as changing one child's team may in fact impact the placement of another student. Please emphasize to your child that a new year brings opportunities to meet new peers, and that they are afforded opportunities to see friends at lunch and during multi-team classes. If you have concerns about supporting your child in the transition to a new year, please reach out to a member of our leadership or counseling teams (see contact information below)
You can use the "Day Teams 2023-2024" list linked below to determine all of your child's teachers on the team once teams are posted this Friday.
Below is contact information for the Day counselors and members of our leadership team. Every student is assigned the same counselor for the duration of their three years at Day. Each grade has an assigned Assistant Principal who will also follow the students through middle school.
6th Grade:
Students with last name beginning with: A-L: Betty Bernier: bernierbe@newton.k12.ma.us
Students with last names beginning with M-Z: Meghan Burke: burkem@newton.k12.ma.us
7th Grade:
Students with last name beginning with A - L:: Molly Bryant: bryantm@newton.k12.ma.us
Students with last name beginning with M- Z: Jim Thompson: thompsonj@newton.k12.ma.us
8th Grade:
Students with last name beginning with A -K: Natalie Saintil: saintiln@newton.k12.ma.us
Students with last names beginning with L-Z: Max Xu: xum@newton.k12.ma.us
Deborah Romeo - Assistant Principal for Grade 8, and Grade 6: romeod@newton.k12.ma.us
Brendan Healy - Assistant Principal for Grade 7 and Grade 6: healyb@newton.k12.ma.us
Jackie Mann- Principal: mannj@newton.k12.ma.us
Mike Thurm - Assistant Principal for Student Services: thurmm@newton.k12.ma.us
Jennifer Murphy: Assistant Department Head for Student Services: murphyj@newton.k12.ma.us
Bus registration for the 2023-24 school year is NOW CLOSED. It will reopen again in mid-September.
Bus passes are required for students to ride a bus. There is flexibility the first few weeks of school while bus assignments are finalized. No child will be left without a way to get home.
Day Staff will be available to support students in locating their correct bus at the end of the school day.
There is nothing more important to your child's transition to a new school year than attending school every day on time. Being late to school or missing days of school disrupts students' routines and negatively impacts the development of strong executive functioning skills.
Newton Public Schools has updated and clarified the K-12 student attendance and absence procedures to ensure alignment across levels and compliance with school committee and state guidance. To read about the details click here: Student Attendance and Absence Procedures.
Day, and the other middle schools will now be utilizing a Googleform for parents (instead of the absence phone line) for you to report when students will be absent. The link to the Google Form will be included in next week's newsletter. This form will be available at the bottom of all of the weekly newsletters as well as on the Day MS website. (Protip: Bookmark this link so you can access it easily.)
The student attendance and absence procedures document linked above includes clarification on absences that are considered excused and unexcused.
The following are examples of absences that are considered as unexcused.
Family Vacation - Students out of school for a family vacation e.g., Disney trips, family events, including weddings, international travel, etc.
Private School/College Visit - Student visiting a private school/college or other non-NPS school program during regular school hours.
Traveling - Family travel for non-vacation reasons e.g., parent sabbatical, ski school. Students who leave Newton for extended periods will be withdrawn and should re-enroll when they return.
Other Examples - Student stays home from school to not attend a field trip or participate in a planned curricular event.
Breakfast will NOT be served on the first day as we will be using the cafeteria to welcome 6th grade students.
6th Grade Students:
Report to the cafeteria on the first floor. They will find a table with their homeroom advisory teacher's name and sit down. Teachers will greet students there.
7th Grade Students
Will report to their homeroom advisory classes. The room numbers for the classes will be posted in ASPEN this Friday, August 25th. Staff will be available to guide students.
8th Grade Students
Will report to their homeroom advisory classes. The room numbers for the classes will be posted in ASPEN this Friday, August 25th. Staff will be available to guide students.
New Students Without Team and Homeroom Advisory Assignments
Students new to Day who do not have a homeroom advisory assignment should report to the main office. Enter through the 21 Minot Place entrance.
This school year I will be hosting a morning coffee accompanied by a walkthrough our school so caregivers can see our building in action.
These events will be scheduled every other month on Friday mornings from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Save the dates below:
September 15, 2023
November 17, 2023
January 12, 2024
March 15, 2024
May 17, 2024
"Suggested" School Supply List
Linked below is a list of "suggested supplies" complied by grade. It is a general supply list to help your child get the year started but does not include more specific items that might be required for each class.
Please note that this is only a "suggested" supply list. We will offer supplies to any child who does not have access to their own. Also, children DO NOT need all of these supplies on the first day of school. Typically they should bring:
- A pen or pencil
- A combination lock
- One notebook
- One folder
- An independent reading book
Teachers will review them any additional supplies they might need to support their learning each year.
As you shop for your child's back to school supplies, please consider making a donation to the Newton Neighbors, Inc. School Supply Drive for neighborhood families in need.
2023 School Supplies List
Wishlist for Newton Neighbors School Supply Drive. These items are just suggested styles all colors/brands of sturdy backpacks and lunch boxes are much appreciated. Arrival by July 28th is preferred. Send questions to newtonneighborshelping@gmail.com. Newton Neighbors (NN) is a community-based, volunteer-led, mutual-aid network launched in March 2020. Our mission is to facilitate community connection, mutual aid, and access to resources and support for all people who live, work, pray, play and/or learn in Newton, MA and other local communities
Every student in grades 6-10 in the Newton Public Schools is issued a Chromebook as part of the 1:1 Technology Program. Students in grades 11-12 have the option of bringing their own device or using an NPS issued device. The Chromebook is for use both in school and at home.
Entering 6th graders are provided with a Chromebook they will use for the length of time they are in middle school. Entering 9th graders are provided with a Chromebook they will use for the length of time they are in high school. Devices are kept by the student over the summer.
Chromebooks are issued in September. To issue your student a Chromebook, and for those who have not yet completed the form, please do the following:
Sign the Chromebook Loan Agreement - please read and agree to the Chromebook Loan Agreement available in our Aspen Portal. Printable and translated copies are also available. We will not issue devices to students in grades 6 and 9 until the loan agreement is signed. Please also review with your child.
Consider Opting-In to the NPS Chromebook Repair Fund - Families are responsible for the cost of damages to Chromebook devices. We encourage you to sign up for our Optional Chromebook Repair Fund. For $25 per year, all accidental damage to the device, including screen cracks, liquid spills, damages from dropping, etc. will be covered. Sign-up and payment for the Chromebook Repair Fund is done through the MySchoolBucks Portal.
In addition, we encourage you to examine some of the resources on Online Safety and Digital Citizenship posted on our website, and engage your children in conversations on these topics on a regular basis.
More information about the 1:1 Device program can be found on the NPS 1:1 Technology Overview Page.
Required Summer Reading Assignments
Linked below is the summer reading assignment for ALL incoming students at Day Middle School.
Newton Public Schools MS Librarians Recommended Summer Reading Lists
Linked below is a comprehensive list of novels recommended by the NPS Middle School Librarians for summer reading in every genre.
I will be sharing more information about the "Away for the Day" program at a Caregiver Information Session on our new Cell Phone Program. See the meeting invitation and information below:
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual (See the link below)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 2751 5550
Passcode: 981395
We hope you will consider joining the Day PTO. This is a wonderful way to get involved in supporting your child at the middle level. There are volunteer opportunities from being a Team Parent to sponsoring Teacher Appreciation Events to chaperoning the Fall Fest Dances.
Please reach out to the Day PTO a the contact information below.
The Fall 2023 Musical will be Mean Girls.
A note from Ms. McGettrick, Day Drama Teacher, about some new policies around the fall musical. See below.
We are going to make certain audition materials for Mean Girls jr. accessible all summer, and interested families of incoming students who don't yet know Schoology will be able to get access through a Google Drive share - I've done this before through a Google Form on my website, and it's been successful for helping new families get oriented.
NEW - For the musical - We are going to formally audition only the 7th and 8th graders for principal roles and ensemble roles.
We want to maximize opportunities, but also minimize stress and pressure, as new students get acclimated to the program.
To that end - Sixth graders will have a separate two-day audition process to provide an orientation to what rehearsals and performances are like, and we will provide a more holistic approach to the audition process - for example, more small group singing in the audition, than solo singing, etc. I see this as an incredibly positive teaching opportunity as they get adjusted to middle school, in general, but seeing if Day Drama is a good fit for what they'd like to do after school.
After School Sports and Clubs
Day Middle School offers diverse opportunities in sports, clubs and drama.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Afterschool Enrichment Directors by email.
Andy Comings comingsa@newton.k12.ma.us
Mark Murphy murphym@newton.k12.ma.us
After school programs typically end at 4:00 p.m. A late bus is available to students at 4:10 p.m. (Sports games end after 4:00 p.m an individual transportation must be arranged. Practices all end by 4:00 p.m.)
Below is an overview of those offerings and information on how to register your child:
We offer both interscholastic sports (teams competing against other schools), and intramural sports (more recreational sports where Day students compete against each other).
Fall Interscholastic Sports:
Soccer (Boys’ and Girls’ Teams, 7th and 8th ONLY, this is a tryout sport)
Cross Country - Open to All Day Students
Flag Football - Open to All Day Students
Fall Intramural Offerings: (pending staffing of positions)
Our hope is to offer the following this fall depending on staffing:
Ultimate Frisbee
How do I sign up my child?
The first step to registering your child is to log into Family ID using the information linked below in the Welcome Letter.
F.A. Day Sports and Intramural Welcome Registration Letter
The Family ID Portal opens TODAY, Friday, August 25th.
Most sports will begin the week of September 11, 2023. We will share dates and locations of the coaches’ information sessions in this newsletter as well as with students in our weekly morning announcements.
Clubs at Day typically begin on a rolling basis at Day the week of September 18, 2023. Information about clubs and the upcoming tryouts for the fall musical are linked in the letter below.
As many of you know, the Newton Public Schools faced significant budget challenges this year. In order to arrive at a balanced budget, fees were raised for many services and activities. Below is a link to all of the fees that will be in place for the 2023-24 school year.
Fees for the 2023-24 School Year
The Newton Public Schools provides financial assistance so that all students can utilize bus transportation and participate in school activities, regardless of financial need. To facilitate this financial support, families need to apply for district-wide financial assistance EACH YEAR.
The application for the 2023-2024 district-wide financial assistance waiver is now available in Aspen. We encourage you to apply now so that your waiver is in place for registrations that may take place in the summer (bus, fall athletic fees, etc.) Visit the fee waiver information and instructions webpage to apply via the Aspen portal.
Principal Contact Information:
Email: mannj@newton.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.newton.k12.ma.us/day
Location: F. A. Day Middle School, Minot Place, Newtonville, MA, USA
Phone: 617-559-9100
Twitter: @JMannNPS