Welcome To Park Hill!
New Student Information 2024-2025
We are Park HIll!
Best Advice for New Students
School is so much better when students feel as if they belong. We recommend all students to find a club, activity, or sport to become involved in while at PHHS.
Friday, August 16th from 8:15 am – 11:45 am.
This event gives incoming freshmen and new students to Park Hill High School a(n)
- opportunity to learn about clubs and activities to see what connects with their interests,
- chance to visit each of their classes and meet their teachers prior to day 1,
- chance to navigate the hallways at PHHS and get to know the layout of the school,
- opportunity to experience a pep assembly as a PHHS Trojan.
Bring a copy of your class schedule or just a picture of your schedule on your phone.
Bus transportation will be provided for this event. You will receive bus information a few days prior to the event.
Enter through the lower gym doors as the day will begin in the auditorium.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mr. Geoffrey Talboy: talboyg@parkhill.k12.mo.us
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Building is open to explore schedule and navigate school
- Sunday, August 18
- All new students and freshmen 6-8 pm
Important Phone Numbers
Attendance: 816-359-4111
School Fax: 816-359-4119
Counseling: 816-359-6484
Counseling Fax: 816-359-5007
Health Room: 816-359-4114
Administrator Assignments
Dr. Brad Kincheloe - 5563 - kincheloeb@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Dr. Deborah Miller - 5894 - millerd@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Elisha Smith - 6346 - smithel@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Touria Pratt - 6621 - prattt@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Geoff Talboy - 5530 - talboyg@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Tom Garth - 6649 - gartht@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Counseling Department
Counseling Office Administrative Assistants:
Jessica Bogina- 6066- boginaj@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Susan Mikuls – 6766 – mikulss@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Wendy Bermond – 6660 – bermondw@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Kasey Doolittle- 5928- doolittlek@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Darcy Lucas (A-Ce) - 5666 - lucasd@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Jamie Lisi (Ch-Gi) - 6656 - lisij@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Amy Morais (Gj-K) - 6406 - moraisa@parkhill.k12.mo.us
David Mesh (L-O) - 6588 - meshd@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Janie Smith (P-Sn) - 6401 - smithj@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Janna Cash (So-Z) - 6691 - cashj@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Social Workers:
Torre Tipton (A-K) - 5884 - tiptont@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Kat Kraai (L-Z) - 6811- kraaik@parkhill.k12.mo.us
How do I meet with my counselor or social worker?
Lunch Accounts
- Please access www.schoolcafe.com to create an account
On this account you can:
- Put money on the account
- Monitor Student consumption and set limits on spending
- Sign up for Free or Reduced Lunches
Worried about Lunch?
Mitchell Bunnell
Office is Located in the 500s Hallway
Please go to the building office or create a Help Desk Ticket from your portal if you need help.
District Technology Help Line: 359-5000
*Insurance Cost 50.00. If free or reduced then there is no fee
Pay on your Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Free Hotspots may be available
Click Here for more Information about Hotspots and Insurance
- Available to Juniors and Seniors
- 30.00 per year charged to IC account (only 1 pass per student)
- Parking Pass Request Form
- Documents you will need to pick up your permit sticker to place on lower corner of passenger side windshield:
- Current Driver's License
- Current Proof of Insurance
- Vehicle Registration (Showing License Plate Number and name and address to whom the car is registered)
Administrative Assistant
Lorrie Kopp
Bell Schedule 2024-2025
Trojan Tutoring
Email Amy Morais to sign up: Moraisa@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Tuesday- until 4:00
Wednesday- until 4:00
Thursday- until 4:00
Late Bus will depart PHHS @ 4:30 pm.
Activity Passes
Student Activity Pass: $25
Adult Activity Pass: $45
sporting events throughout the school year.
A student ID is required for all Park Hill High School students.
The Activity Pass must be shown at the gate.
To pay with Credit or Debit card from your Infinite Campus account, place this pass in your cart to purchase.
- Go to fees
- Choose Optional Payments
- Add to Cart
- Select Payment Method
- Submit for payment
To pay with cash or check, you may pay our school bookkeeper directly.